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EverForge BadJacky
Make world crazy again!

Daily Solution Paris

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd



Liguria, Italy

Arslan Ramay arslanramay
Full Stack Developer, Senior Backend Engineer, Shopify Apps Developer.

@BeautyTribeTech Dubai, UAE

false hioop
hello world


Deeka Wong huangdijia

@addcnos @hyperf @friendsofhyperf HongKong

Chad ccaglak
programming hobbiest home painter

Toronto, Canada

L# LSharp
Senior Software Architect

return float.Infinity;


Ipoteka bank OTP group Tashkent

Denis Anokhin denisano

@xlogicsoft Saint-Petersburg, Russia

Luke Watts lukewatts
Senior Software Developer (Laravel/React) Author of Mastering Sass by PacktPub

Clare, Ireland

Taras Shabatyn tshabatyn Phuket, Thailand

Follow The White Rabbit paulmixxx
Backend Software Engineer

Rosfines Russia, Moscow

Afonso Rafael aptsharp
Programming is the art of putting a drop of certainty in an ocean of possibilities 🎨

@Avanade São Paulo - Brasil

Thiago Przyczynski thiagoprz
Brazilian Backend Engineer @GetLinkfire

@GetLinkfire Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul - Brasil

Andrei AndreiMaroz

@SpiralScout Wrocław

Sun Zheng-Jie ralphsun73221
Studying JS and PHP for design and PM roles. Feeling confident being able to implement my own designs.


Fery Wardiyanto feryardiant
Doing my best at @creasico

@creasico Batang, Indonesia

Iván Legrán ivanlegranbizarro
Semi-filólogo hispánico, técnico auxiliar en asistencia a personas con dependencia social y programador backend.

El Prat de Llobregat (BCN)

saedn nsrwork
PHP/JS Developer

Varna, Bulgaria

Leonid Meleshin leon0399
Breathing with new ideas. Perfecting my child: @senseshift. e/acc


Mikkel Friis dotmbf
i can haz code?


Alexander Gelzer AGelzer
Mathematician work @ecommerce-werkstatt

eCommerce Werkstatt GmbH Germany, Bad Salzuflen

Thiago Vieira - JAWeb ThiagoJaweb
Analista de sistemas


Arash Narimani arashdeveloper1380
Just Programming iran,tabriz

Willian Ferreira dos santos willianferreirax
Desenvolvedor Full Stack e Bacharel em Sistemas de Informação

São Paulo, SP - Brasil

Miguel Rodríguez mrp500
Learning web development.


Danu Iachimovschi danuiachimovschi
PHP | GO | TS (Laravel & Symfony)

Remote Chisinau Moldova

HexDev Davy-G
software developer from Georgia(country). also a student attending Georgian-American university

NULL Tbilisi

Добродеев Валера Dobrodeev
Backend PHP developer

DataSpark Киев

Alexis madrzejewski
Sysadmin / Web Hosting / PHP / Symfony / Linux

@o2switchfr France