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Turquoise Sound TurquoiseSound
Wisdom Tech: Organizational Behavior, Computational Policy, AI Public Goods, MAS/IDM Governance: Ethics, Decision Making, Economic Modelling

Institute of Wise Innovation

Andres Moreno Vasquez andriusmv
GIS weirdo | architecture & urban planning | ArcGIS Pro monkey | global development person | drone pilot | JavaScript & Python for ArcGIS

@EL-BID Washington, DC

James sauls saulsjam
Former community college math instructor interested in a career change to data science
Aleksey Morozov alekseymor
Developing Data Diligently
Kelly Hopkins kellyhopkins

Launchpad Analytics | Rebel Data Labs Philadelphia, PA

Irving Vargas irvingvargas
MSc in Public Policy candidate and lawyer. Using data to make better decisions.

Puebla, México

Katelyn Mei Mooniem
Ph.D. student in Information Science | University of Washington | Research in AI ethics, Human-AI interaction | @middlebury'22: Psychology and Mathematics

Seattle, WA

Kane Norman kanenorman
AI & Machine Learning Engineering

Boston, MA

Samad Nowruzian nowruzian
Interested in Public Policy, Education Policy, Quantitative Methods and Data Analysis

Allame Tabatabaei University Tehran

Zhiyuan Jerry Lin ItsMrLin
Research Scientist at Meta. CS PhD at Stanford; CS BS at Georgia Tech.
Maria MariaLavrovskaya

London, United Kingdom