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Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Matteus ninetales
Fullstack Developer | Specializing in MERN Stack & Blockchain 🇸🇪 Currently studying @Medieinstitutet 👨🏻‍💻

Helsingborg, Sweden ⇄ Vienna, Austria

Lotta Holmström araneida
Digital/data journalist and AI/machine learning student from Stockholm, Sweden.

Stockholm, Sweden

Peter M. Dahlgren peterdalle
Work with all things data. I like web, R, stats, open science, C#, .NET, Python, Bash.


Martin Juul martin-juul
If you code samples for video segmenting on the fly with ffmpeg, don't hesitate to contact me. :) My transocder is quite shit.


Papercuts viktorsve

Sveriges Television AB Växjö, Sweden

Per Johansson 1313

@doom-fish Stockholm

Emil Lind nflx

Stockholm, Sweden

Daniel Holm danielholm

Gothenburg, Sweden

axel axellse
full stack developer

@pyrretsoftware Sweden

Glowy officially-glowy

Glowy Sweden

Sohel Mia mdsohelmia
Senior Software engineer at Gotipath. Golang, PHP,Laravel,TypeScript,Javascript,Vue,React HTML, CSS. 🇧🇩

@gotipath Dhaka, Bangladesh

Patrik Holmberg patrik-holmberg
Software Engineer @Permobil-Software

Permobil Software Sweden

Pablo Cano mexpacan
Scrum Master | Software Engineer


Tech · Privacy · Design · Open Source
Houssem Jarray Houssem-Jarray
Computer scientist


Mattias Stjernström mattiasstjernstrom
👨‍💻 Python AI/ML Student 🎨 Front End-Enthusiast 🦀 Learning Rust 💻 Tech Nerd 🧑‍🎨 Artist

Teknikhögskolan Norberg, Sweden



Kenneth Frantzen seetee
Edutainer, lecturer in intrinsic web development, promoter of free and open source software and avid podcaster.

@tcstenungsund Gothenburg, Sweden

Sezen Nennae
Frontend Developer


Frank Hampus Weslien honungsburk
Lover of art, code, and all things beautiful.

Upptec Sweden

Emlyn emlynlj

Reading, England

Robin Rawat bimlu

Dehradun, India

Lucas lucas-langa
Wanderer of the internet.


Ikutsu Ikutsu

Lund University Lund, SE

Tero Tiainen tiainet
Tero Tiainen @ Yle

Yle Helsinki

Ray de Groat raydegroat
Recently graduated from a 2 year Linux DevOps Engineering program at an YH (Yrkeshögskla) in Sweden. Now looking for opportunity.

Stockholm Sweden

Lukas Sondell sondelll
Accidental technologist. Running the show at @brauke.


Joel Bäcker GitThisJoel
ML engineer

@ThecaSystems Sweden

William Hallin whallin
Freelancing designer + video producer

Skellefteå, Sweden

Simon Sawert bombsimon
I code and stuff.

@validio-io Stockholm, Sweden

Melker Ulander mawkler
Software engineer and Neovim enjoyer

Omegapoint Sweden