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Burin burinc
Code alchemist blending Clojure, Python, and Lisp magic. Emacs wizard, automation enthusiast, and DevOps adventurer. Chief cheerleader for all things Clojure

Sydney, Australia

Jacob Windle jaketothepast
Polyglot, developer, continual student.

Coder of Things Johnson City, TN

Richard Tjörnhammar richardtjornhammar
PhD in Biological and Biomedical physics

Stockholm, Sweden

chan thy-chan
Keep trying no matter how hard it seems, it will get easier!
Tom Hanika tomhanika
Researcher in the fields of artificial intelligence, data science, order theory, lattice theory, applied algebra, and more ;)

University of Hildesheim Göttingen, Germany

Nik Peric nikolap
Founder, CTO @bont-ai

@bont-ai Winterthur, Switzerland

i have no mouth and i must beatbox
Krisztián Szabó thenonameguy
Founder @schemamap Clojure, Nix, Postgres enthusiast.

@schemamap Budapest, Hungary

Abhinav Sharma abhi18av
Genomics | Data Science | Azure

@biosharp-dotnet Cape Town, South Africa

Juan Ramirez ichramm
C++, Clojure, Linux, HPC, ML.

Prisma (@intception) Montevideo, Uruguay

Kenji Nakamura k2n
CEO, Signifier, Inc.

Signifier, Inc. Tokyo, Japan

João Fernando Apel Miguel joaoapel
Engenheiro Agrícola tentando programar

Cascavel - PR

Erich Ocean erichocean

Xy Group Ltd North Carolina

Kihaya Sugiura kihaya
Reading Wookieepedia during working time frequently.

Tokyo, Japan

Zi JunJie zjjfly

Siemens (China) Suzhou,China

胡雨軒 Петр piotr-yuxuan
Clojure + Kafka + AWS = 🏄
Xceno Xceno
VR Adventurer and recovering fullstack dev. Slinging @clojure parens and wrangling Unreal Engine. Linux enthusiast. Currently learning @ziglang.


vfive fivejjs
ML Engineer, DS and software engineer

Data scientist and engineer Sydney Australia