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Thanks for all library, module, program developer.
HudsonShi HudsonShi
ex-IBMer CHD/SIT/PhD @ U of Alabama Open Source GeoAI AI for Mobility Enthusiast Computational Social Scientist ABM RL

University of Alabama Tuscaloosa, AL

Amit Kairon kairon007
Senior Android Engineer

APK Creations Chandigarh, India

Ágata Oliveira HtaOliva

Recife - PE | Brazil

Saad Idris Simplysaad
Results Driven developer | Solving complex problems | Constantly learning | Curious & resourceful

CentralMarket Abuja

Mohit Prashant mohitprashant
I am an AI researcher with a focus in ML safety and risk. My PhD work is in deriving probabilistic guarantees for RL via learning theory (PAC framework).

Nanyang Technological University Singapore

dark room danny followingthefasciaplane
aspiring political candidate || PGP: 8DFD412C03D66A6E79A30E862E5B92750B0022E3︎

discord: feedbackist

Nassim n4ss1m
Full Stack Web Developer

Piteur Studio Algeria , Blida

Edonyae Edonyae
18yo - Average ArchLinux User Welcome to my new public Github profile :3


Vaibhav Jaiswal VaibhavYT
Hi There ! Full Stack Dev here ;-)
Sai Ruthvik hawkh
ML Engineer @Livestockify

Indian Institute of Technology, Madras Hyderabad

Luiz Erler LuizErler
Backend: C# .Net e .Net Core, ASP.NET MVC, WebAPI, Windows Forms, WCF, WPF. Frontend: WebApps AngularJs e Angular2+, HTML5, Sql Server, Dapper e Entity

São Paulo

Gabriel vinhais
Software Go/PHP/JS | Network | Hardware | Infra Linux | Datacenter

Osasco, Sao Paulo, Brazil

ghouti_yelles_chaouche Ghouti-work
Student in CS engineering

@0xor1day Algeria

Dave Wilde d34dh0r53

Red Hat San Antonio, TX

Yunjie Xiao xiabee
Security Engineer @pingcap

@pingcap Shanghai, China

Jesús Jiménez lozano sins921
por favor alguien que me explique

apichi gadalajara

Gaurav Mali GMali

San Francisco, California

Esoteric Enderman esotericenderman
Ambitious programmer interested in math, game development, and modding.

@EsotericFoundation The End

Md. Shirajul Islam shiraj93

Nabokam Polli College Khulna, Bangladesh

richard YutaiChen
He who has a why to live can bear almost any how

Southern University of Science and Technology Chungking , China