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Dean Ayotte DeanAyotte

University of Glasgow Glasgow

Christina Vandendyck - KBR c-vandendyck-kbr

KBR - Royal Belgian Library Belgium

Magnus Breder Birkenes magbb

National Library of Norway Oslo, Norway

Jon Carlstedt Tønnessen joncto
Digital humanist. Programming historian. Web archaeologist. Working at @NationalLibraryOfNorway with @nlnwa and @DH-LAB-NB. python | SQL | GIS

National Library of Norway Oslo, Norway

Maxim Marshak bormaxi8080
Investigative Journalism | OSINT activities & Investigations | White Hacker | People, Companies & Incidents Data | Python | Ruby | JS | Perl | Bash

Self Employed Nowhere

Martyn Dewar mdeuk
IT Professional
