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JdM judemont
I devote my time to Imagining and Creating the Future of the Humanity 🌐. A Future we all want.

RecyTech Switzerland, The earth

Virak viirak
less is more

viirak Phnom Penh, Cambodia

Fizan Ahmed fiz4n
I know next to nothing about what this is for and yet here I am.


United Nations – Complex Risk Analytics Fund (CRAF’d) ComplexRiskAnalyticsFund
@UN-CRAFd is the first and only multi-partner instrument to finance, connect, and reimagine data to save lives.
Wallacy Pasqualini WallPasq
📊 Data Science | ⚙️ Data Engineering | ☕ Coffee lover | Call me on LinkedIn

@undp Curitiba, Paraná, Brasil

Taylor Jaymes twjaymes
Growth Hacker; Gov't/Ad Tech

tjhk San Francisco, CA

James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@facebook The edge of knowing

Lennart Klein kleinlennart
Data & AI Lead @UN-CRAFd | Research Fellow @SocialChangeLab 👨🏼‍💻📚🌱🌍

United Nations, Executive Office of the Secretary-General (EOSG) New York

Amir Chehih amir-terminal
I'm a Student in computer engineering : in my free time I develop systems and work as freelancer


Esmael Mohammed eusme
Software Engineer , Co-Founder of Qualliaware Software S.C

Qualliaware Software SC Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Gabriel Stefanini Vicente g4brielvs
The true delight is in the finding out rather than in the knowing


I'm using GitHub under protest: Learn why at
LAM Frédéric fredericlam

International Agency for Research on Cancer Lyon

Monika LaDeMonika
Studying Software Engineering

42Vienna Vienna

Özge Özkaya OzgeOzkaya
Data Scientist at UNDP/SDG AI Lab TUWien

@SDG-AI-Lab / UNDP Vienna

Noah Kimtai Noahkimtai
Software Engineer/QA Engineer with a Geomatics Engineering background.

Nairobi, Kenya

Adrian Josele Quional ajgquional
AI Student, Emerging Technology Enthusiast (IoT, robotics, AI, ML, space tech), and Certified Robotics, Coding, and Game Design Educator

University of the Philippines Diliman

Yash Raj Karthikey yashrajcs50
Managing Director, Silverspark Networks Pvt. Ltd.

Indira Gandhi National Open University Bokaro Steel City

Marcel Czaplinski mcz-sz
Platform Engineer

Süddeutsche Zeitung Digitale Medien GmbH Aachen

Kaarina kaarinadev
• International Shapeshifter • Tech-Human Bridgebuilder • Social scientific curiosity combined with cultural sensitivity and tech geeking


Doffou Yapi Roger doffou
Startup 🚀, climate tech innovation 🌍, AI development 🤖, ERP system 💼, tech venture capital 💰.

Skyvision Africa Côte d'Ivoire (Abidjan)

On Ki Wong awongonki

University of Maryland @undp New York

Kieran kierglover
Working in the legal sector driving change through AI and technology.

UK and Cambodia

Moch. Sudharmono moch-sudharmono
Part-time coder, Full-time father


Ana Pirela-Rios ampirelar
MSc in Economics


José Arevalo harevalop

eHabich Digital Consulting Lima, Perú

Saikat Mandal Tanu Saikattanu
GIS Officer at UNICEF. Interested in all things geospatial, particularly the intersection of data science, statistical modeling and spatial data.

@UNICEF @UNDP Dhaka, Bangladesh

gefercan gefercan
Trying to learn, eager to learn.


Gabriel Vaz de Melo gabrielvazdemelo
Data Analyst | Msc. Economics
