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云原生极度发烧友 hurricane1988
Cloud native extreme fever

@qminfo Changchun, China

Zhiwei Huang hex2dec
AI & Cloud Developer

✈️ @ Remote(Wuhan), Beijing, Shanghai

Luke Simmons Skyluker4
I like computers.

The University of Arkansas Fayettville, AR

Alex Benn abenn135
Ex-Google, now working on AKS at Microsoft.

Microsoft New York, USA

Rishi Yadav rishiyadav1923

Student Mathura, Uttar-Pradesh, India

Alessandro Venditti rrredbeard
Professional procrastinator.

@sourcesense Rome, Italy

Tomasz Klosinski TomaszKlosinski
DevOps / SRE 🐧🐋⎈☁️🐍

Zug, Switzerland


Alibaba-cloud Hangzhou

Venkat venkat-oss
Builds Stuff., Electronics and Software.
Eugene Letenkov letenkov
Software Engineer Expert (DevOps)

@letenkov Moscow

Narashiman Krishnamurthy naraforapps
16+ years of Experience as Lead Implementation Consultant | Azure Certified | Azure Administrator | Azure DevOps | SaaS applications | Application Support |

Freelancer United Kingdom



DK dklinux7

cloudbees India

陆云 wushengjianzong

Asia Shanghai

Donald Sebastian Leung DonaldKellett
Cloud Technical Specialist at Enfinity Solutions Limited

Enfinity Solutions Limited Hong Kong

Salvatore Cirone aka-somix

Storm Reply Torino, Italy

David Spenard dspenard

DoiT International West Chester, PA

Gyandev Pandey gyandev
A Result Oriented Dynamic Professional with 12+ years in Software Engineering, 7+ years of Software Development(Java, SpringBoot,PLSQL,Oracle)

3M bengaluru

Kun kom0055
Not today

杭州, 中国

Mounir Ghlaiel mghlaiel
Lingering between the cloud and the edge

Creometry Wakanda

Just Code It! SSBMb3ZlIEh1bnRpbmcvRmluZGluZyB0aGluZ3MgYW5kIHdvdWxkbid0IGJlIHBvc3NpYmxlIHdpdGhvdXQgdGhlIGhlbHAgZnJvbSBhbGwgdGhlIGFtYXppbmcgT1NTIGNvbnRyaWJ1dG9y
Robert Wang robertluwang
More simple and more efficient

Montreal, CA

Heidi Howard heidihoward
Researcher in distributed systems

@Microsoft Cambridge, UK


Kaohsiung City, Taiwan