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Florian Beaumont FlorianBx
💚 Frontend Developer | VueJs, Nuxt, Typescript | 👨🏻‍🎓 42 Alumni

Freelance Paris

David Yeske dyeske
Bio related data goes here.

Atlanta, GA

Phoenix Dev🐦 phoenixdev0117
Sr. Full stack - Ecommerce developer
Patrick Cuppi patrick-cuppi
fullstack developer

São Paulo - Brazil

Saeed Ansari saeedshz1990
DotNet Developer

HamPardazanNOgarayeArda Shiraz

Aubrey Cook aubreyjcook
HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React.js, Vue.js Next.js, Nuxt.js PHP, PostgreSQL, SQL, GraphQL, Node, Typescript, C++, Python. Windows/Linux. ParrotOS, Debian.
Kevin Marville Kvnbbg
💻 Trilingual 🇫🇷 #WebDev Mwen ka pale Kréyòl! 优先自我关爱

@bluesky-social France

Mario Aria marioaria
An aspiring @vuejs and @nuxt developer from Estonia. Always learning.


@drcklinn drcklinn
Just trying to learn new things aside off my profession after a decade of hard working for unhuman beings ... 07093 NJ, United States

Majid Adigozal majidadigozal
Founder of Toosan, knee-deep in Node.js, and a self-proclaimed professional problem solver. Passionate about building products and optimizing code ...

Toosan Istanbul

Adrià Forcada aforcada
Frontend Developer

Barcelona, Catalunya

AlphaWan DIFFfeng
I really want to contribute to the open source community, what can I do about it, masters? My email: [email protected]
21world jelspace
BASIC INCOME is give free money for all , opposite to: forced take VAT tax from all , In prevention from demonetization recession.

BASIC INCOME is free money for all , opposite to VAT tax , for prevent from demonetization

Shihabdin شهاب الدين d3j1x
Co-founder of SMRT MRKT X.


Romain GINHOUX Peti6inge
🙎New GitHub profile 🖥️ JAVA | C# | JS | PHP | Python | Web | SQL
tsebim tsebim
this is Tse bim's GitHub

桂林电子科技大学 中国广西柳州

Mohammad fallahi mohammadfpage
back-end developer .net core

shahab danesh iran

Alexander Le Legendary-Cynosure

42.3601° N, 71.0942° W

Henrique Faria rickmff
Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining your code is a violent psychopath who knows where you live

Freelancer Lisbon

Erick Ortega Erick-Hernandez-Ortega
Fullstack Developer Jr 🍀

@BAP-Corporativo Jalisco, México

Ilya Titov ilyatitovich
Web Developer


Hey, I'm Mohammed, but my friends call me XD. 😄 I'm a front-end developer with 3 years of experience. ✨ I'm also exploring new horizons, like mobile applic
Adrian Torrie adriantorrie
HPC/AI Solution Architect. Likes AI, autonomous vehicles, and finance. Recently focused on development in Python and C++. Might be convinced to learn Go.

Gold Coast, Australia