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Paul Spencer edited this page Jul 8, 2013 · 2 revisions

Things that need doing

Build System

  • properly describe dependencies for building (i.e. mapserver binaries + headers)

API Design

  • need to decide on what objects, properties and methods will be exposed
    • property accessors vs functions
      • the semantics of using properties to change values like map.width should be such that changing them does not change other parameters
      • the semantics of using methods implies internal changes
      • properties that rely on a computation based on other properties (such as cellsize, scaledenom) should be read-only

Code Structure

  • consider the possibility to move some functionality into mapserver.js and have it use the lower level methods on objects exposed through the bindings (might be easier to do some calculations for things like zoomToScale, setExtent)


  • keep it up to date!


  • decide what examples would be good to include


  • can always use more tests!
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