- documentation: digital inventory. created separate accounts.
- documented UX flow to keep users from fragmenting data between devices
- See: #1
- added Banner component to make it obvious what environment we're in
- made polis conversation dynamic based on environment
- updated typeform intake survey: open affiliation, AI context, country.
- made typeform ID configurable
- made redirects smarter based on past progress
- redirects
back to front page when incomplete - allows revisiting
while incomplete - now redirects past intake once completed (clicked or typed)
- redirects
- added support when user arrives through bad UX email flow
- implemented
email flow - documentation: setup of polis convos with
- works fine when in same session
- but if on new device/browser, shares warning
- got flowbite theme JS working for modals
- shows a ReturnModal component to explain what's going on when session state is missing
- added a stub page for help "restoring session"
- implemented
- created simple welcome page
- set up placeholder typeform survey
- creates intake survey page backed by typeform
- generates a random xid that's saved in localstorage indefinitely (unless cleared)
- allow sandbox usage of typeform, to not surpass monthly limit of 10 responses
- allow arbitrary questions in intake survey, editable without programming
- xid is stored in results for joining in data workup phase
- not done
- readme
- intake survey is restarted on each visit. not smart about redirects, or order of visits
- email notification points to main pol.is website