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Basic Python Code Guidelines

Code reuseability and maintenance is about managing complexity. We don’t care how hard machines have to work to understand things as long as time/space tolerances are observed. We want our code to be readable by human beings. Source code complexity is about the ability of other developers to understand your code. Scanning is the process of reading code to understand its consequences. “What is this code doing?” means what side effects does it have, what data does it produce given specific inputs or, maybe most often, what is wrong with it? Complexity causes the reader cognitive load and consequently these questions are hard to answer. Recommendations in this article are intended to make scanning easier and to progressively implement code that can be managed, changed and fixed more easily.

Post hoc Refactoring vs Upfront Design Investment

It is a common sentiment that it’s better to do the code right or not at all. I.e. front-load design effort. In contrast, Agile methods prescribe lower upfront design effort. It’s probably only a slight distoration to suggest that Agile is based on the notion that the code will not be very good anyway.

My view is that every development team should devote at least 30% of scheduled time to refactoring. This does depend on what kind of project you are working on. If it’s a marketing product web site that has a six month lifespan, you are not going to feel a burning desire to invest time into refactoring. But any framework code and long-term product code probably could use some level of refactoring at any given point. Failure to formally schedule refactoring time will lead to steady decline in maintainability of the code base as technical debt rises with no counter pressure.

Side Effects and State Management

The most important improvement you will ever achieve in your code is being clear about changing the state of your data. This affects the ability to reuse code and avoid bugs more than any other factor.

The functional paradigm is useful here. Implement functions without side-effects as far as possible. Give data via parameters to a function and get data back via return values.

Most applications need to have side-effects like sending messages, writing to databases, etc. But strive to understand where to use these operations without polluting your code with artefacts of your web framework or data storage framework. A web view function can and should call data storage apis. Just don’t pass the objects that represent these APIs any more than required to other functions.

Python is not a functional programming language but you can apply functional programming principles to a useful extent. Much of what follows is about state management, the key to readable code, reuse and reducing errors in software. While functional purity is relatively easy to grasp for most developers, designing classes often causes good intentions to crumble. We present a set of guideines below to deal with class design complexity.

In the following, I prescribe various practices, not always with detailed explanations as to why. The preference is for conveying a set of recommendations along with a code review checklist. If you don’t have that already, this provides you with something ready-to-go. If you don’t like some of the recommendations, fork the checklist and modify to suits your needs and opinions.

Likewise, I don’t give too many rules that are already covered by black, flake8, pylint. black is dictatorial by design. flake8 will patiently explain.

What we do not say:

  • Make your functions only x lines of code and no more?

This is poor advice. We want our functions to be only as complex as required but no simpler. Lines of code (LoC) does not equal complexity although LoC is part of any complexity measurement. flake8 completely takes care of this for you. Don’t worry about it. Just do what flake8 says. You can configure it to adjust complexity threshold. Be careful about using that. There are cases where you can skip on an individual file or line basis. Use #noqa judiciously.

  • Break up your classes to make them all small?

Again, no. Don’t just reduce the size of classes because “smaller is better”. Apply the below principles to achieve “as complex as required but no more.” Classes become bloated when they are misused as pure namespaces. Encapsulation and information hiding are decent concepts but they are sometimes conflated with namespacing. It’s more important to think in terms of how variables change over the lifetime of a class instance.

Dead code

Do not use your code base to store code that was once useful or which might be useful “one day”. Ruthlessly root out unused code. There are utilities that can help with this, but you probably can browse your code base and find unused code easily enough.


Use immutable types whenever you can:

  • tuple instead of list: like (1,2,3)
  • frozenset instead of set: frozenset({1,2,3})

Make sure you are not using dicts when you should be using another type, like one of these:

In particular don’t use dicts as enumeration types:

    "READY": 0,
    "IN_PROGRESS": 1,
    "DONE": 2,

Use an Enum for this:

from enum import Enum
class Status(Enum):
    READY = 0
    DONE = 2

You get better type checking, immutability and excellent __repr__ output.

If you have built a mutable type, like a list, turn it into frozenset or tuple if it will be used later without requiring changes. If you are returning that type and don’t need it to change, it is better to return the immutable type. If the user will change it, make them cast it to a mutable type. This will help readers to understand the developer intends to do state changes on that object.

For dataclasses, make sure you use frozen=True.

One day there will be a frozenmap type. But you probably want one of the above anyway. Using immutable types helps readability because the reader knows to scan past usages of immutable instance types searching for state changes.

Modules and Packages

Use modules and packages as namespaces. Import the module name preferably and call a function qualified by the module name. Now the the reader doesn’t have to scroll to the top of the file to find out where the function comes from. If the function is unqualified, it’s from the current module.

Python supports a feature to indicate protected and private names, where you prefix with either a single or double underscore. If you use this feature, you need to be consistent or it gets very confusing.

You generally want to use module namespaces to convey where things are coming from. You might want to hide some complexity by importing into The user of that package will then import those functions or classes without knowing the exact files where the implementation resides. This is not necessarily a good thing. It deprives the reader of the code of useful information.

There are diverging opinions about whether should contain code. On balance, it’s probably better to only have imports and not implementation code. On anything but very small projects, you will probably use a lot for refactoring. It’s better to therefore only have imports.

Be aware that modules and packages are often referred to interchangeably even in the PSL. It matters little. Technically a package is a directory and it has a file called What is important is you have these ways to control access:

  • __all__ in a module governs what is visible outside the module during importing with import *
  • Single underscore _ or double underscore __ in front of a name governs visibility from outside the module under some circumstances
  • What you put in the governs what is visible outside the package

Note that “visible” and “accessible” are two different things. Python is not very rigorous about this. Since Python is a highly permissive language, rather then relying on some enforcement mechanism, make sure you adopt your own standards for importing modules.

More importantly, when you use these features, make sure you understand for whom you are using them: for the user of the module/class? Or for the reader of the module’s code? Making your code intelligible to readers should be your highest priority.


Make functions pure in the functional programming sense, i.e. don’t write functions with side effects when possible. Do not change the state of variables outside the function. But you can read data outside the function, like referencing module variables.

Avoid using closures and nested functions in general unless you have a compelling use case. Lambdas are too useful to avoid and generally can enhance readability if not misused. Don’t assign a lambda expression to a variable; functions already have all the characteristics you need if you think you want that.

Brevity is not the defining criterion for a well-formed function. So, what is?

  • Have a function do one well-defined thing.
  • Have manageable state, as few variables as possible to achieve the single purpose of the function
  • Make the function pure whenever possible
  • Return immutable types whenever possible

You will sometimes update a mutable variable passed as a parameter (list, dict, etc.). The convention in Python is to return None if you update a list or dict passed to your function. So, that function has a side-effect. It’s not pure. It is how some PSL (Python Standard Library) functions work like sorted() vs list.sort().

But if you can, don’t change the passed value. Return a new instance of an immutable type:

from typing import Tuple, Sequence
import random

def remove_odd(data: Sequence[int]) -> Tuple[int]:
    return tuple(_ for _ in data if not _ % 2)

d = [random.randint(0, 100) for _ in range(10)]
even_data = remove_odd(d)

Now even_data is a tuple. This is good. To be clear, if you are changing the passed mutable variable, do not also return it.

Look for hanging indents that occur after for or if expressions. Very often if there are many lines of code under one of these, this block can be a separate function.

Reduce the number of separate variables given to a function or created by a function.

A good quick way to look for complexity is the number of indent changes. If you have many and variable indent changes in a function, you have more complexity. This plus LoC (lines of code) taken together gives an rough idea of complexity.flake8 uses a formal complexity analysis tool but does not provide the sole indicator of complexity. But it is a great place to start. Reporting on complexity metrics in your CI pipeline is a great idea.

Default initialisations

Sticking to typical idioms in Python helps others read your code.

You could do this:

def foo(default_list=None):
    if not default_list:
        default_list = list()

This is better, more idiomatic python:

def foo(default_list=None):
    default_list = default_list or list()

What you should not do:

def foo(default_list=None):
    if not default_list: default_list = list()

It will work, but there is an idomatic way that is more expected.

If you need to change the value you’ll need to use the more verbose conditional form:

# we want an int that is not zero or else None
user_id = int(user_id) if user_id else None

If foo() requires a list:

def foo(default_list: List):

You could call it like this if you think my_list might be None:

foo(my_list or list())

This is a feature of Python not shared with most other languages.

None or list()

will get you an empty list

list() or None

will result in None.

bool(list() or None)

will result in False.

Problems with dict.get()

Often, dicts are used to initialise a request or function call. They come as JSON and the developer makes use of the get() method to either get the provided value or supply a default. This is often done incorrectly.

What is the output of the following?

data = {"price": None}
float(data.get("price", 0))

Many developers will say 0. If the “price” key is not present, the value of this expression is 0.0. All good. But because the call to get() in this case will return None, an exception will be thrown.

The solution is to parse and validate your input. If you wanted to use a dict nevertheless you are probably looking for this:

float(order.get("price") or 0)

A better solution would be to parse the incoming data into a dataclass. Dataclasses are now provided in Python and the PyDantic library provides parsing with validation.


Use comprehensions instead of for loops where possible and appropriate.

This is verbose and hard to scan:

max_len = 0
for line in file:
    if line.strip():
        max_len = len(line) if len(line) > max_len else max_len

Compared to:

max(len(line) for line in file if line.strip())

This is brief and easier to scan. It does not require the use of a temporary variable, max_len, to hold state. It is a common idiom that a reader can rely on to expect no side-effects.

Another example:

filtered_events = list()
for event in events:
    if event.dt >= today and event.dt < tomorrow:
events = filtered_events

Compared to:

events = [e for e in events if e.dt >= today and e.dt < tomorrow]

Prefer the second one because the idiom generally promises no side effects whereas the for loop does not. The same goes for comprehensions. We do not expect side effects in a comprehension (or generator expression). The knowledge that there are no changes in the state of the program on the right side of the assignment is critical to our ability to mentally scan past that code when looking for state changes.

List comprehensions and higher order functions, filter(), map(), reduce(), etc., do nearly the same thing. Use list comprehensions by preference but don’t worry if you prefer the higher order functions.

Functions you probably want to use that are not easily replaced with comprehensions:

Here’s a hard-to-read prime number check function with three return statements that can be found frequently in the web:

def is_prime(x):
    if x >= 2:
        for y in range(2, x):
            if not ( x % y ):
                return False
        return False
    return True

Compared to one that is pythonic, easy to read and more correct:

def is_prime(n: int) -> bool:
    return all(n % i for i in range(2, n))

And, yes, the pythonic version is faster. You can produce side effects inside a comprehension but don’t. Do not use comprehensions to loop through sequences without using the resulting sequence or collection (list, dict, etc.). If you only want the side effects of such an operation, use a for loop.

Gettting a tuple from a comprehesion is not quite consistent with other forms like dict and list comprehensions. You might think the following is a tuple comprehension:

e = (_ for _ in range(10))

But e is now a generator expression. Use this if you want a tuple right away:

e = tuple(_ for _ in range(10))

There are going to be times when you want to return a generator and not a tuple, like when the underlying data is large and requires iteration by the caller.

Use dict.update() instead of for loops to update a dictionary where possible or the merge | and update |= operators (from Python 3.9).


Most python developers know not to use a mutable default value in a function parameter declaration:

def foo(my_list=[]):

While this does not result in catastrophe every time, you always want my_list=None and then make whatever changes are required to the logic in the function body. Also, when initialising in the body, use a callable instead of an empty list ([]):

my_list = list()

Comments and naming

The trend is towards fewer comments based on the assumption that other factors contribute to telling the reader what is going on. Especially eschew obvious comments. If you want to drive someone crazy do this:

# Bad
class Address:
    """This class represents an address."""

Follow the rule that if you have nothing useful to say, say nothing at all.

Assume you are writing your docstrings and comments first and then writing the code that implements what is described. You should name things - variables and functions - so that you can start removing the comments as the code becomes sufficiently readable that the comments do not add useful information. Remove any comment that does not add useful information.

Name variables in a more descriptive way the further they are used from their first use. If you are looping and using an index:

for i, name in enumerate(my_list_of_names):

i is ok for me if it lasts for very few lines, like three. If there are more lines of code, you’d be better off doing something like this:

for name_index, name in enumerate(my_list_of_names):

Type hints are a better form of documentation. The convention for a function docstring is something like:

def splice_name(first, last):
    """Return a str representing fullname."""
    return f"{first} {last}"

But now you can write:

def splice_name(first, last) -> str:
    """Combine first and last with space inbetween."""
    return f"{first} {last}"

Add more type annotations as necessary. Add a docstring unless it is immediately obvious what the function does. But don’t bother identifying the return value type in the docstring if you already use a type hint for this purpose.

Now look what happens in iPython if I press return using ? after the function name:

In [29]: splice_name?
Signature: splice_name(first, last) -> str
Docstring: Combine first and last with space inbetween.
File:      ~/prj/<ipython-input-28-b0b71e899c5a>
Type:      function

Likewise if you type help(splice_name). This is amazingly useful.

Profiling code

Profiling code should not become a heavy source of technical debt. If a significant amount of code is just for profiling, this needs to be removed before production deployment. It’s ok to leave in some code for timings, but it should be minimal. If you are leaving in too much profiling code, there is some fundamental design problem.

Don’t reinvent

Don’t create utilities for things the PSL (Python Standard Library) already provides. Especially things in collections, itertools, functools. Developers have a tendency to start building small utilities especially for namespaces that already exist in the PSL. The PSL versions are better than yours.

Unit tests and Linters

Unit testing is a required part of modern software development. It exposes problems in areas that you think you have not changed, regressions. It tests your intent versus what the software actually does. It makes it vastly easier to check your work. Unit testing is indispensible.

But unit tests are hard work. Whereas running a linter is trivial. It would be really strange to expend significant time on unit tests (which you should do) and then not run a linter.

When you write mostly pure functions, it’s easier - much easier - to write unit tests.

When you refactor functions to satisfy complexity thresholds, you are making writing unit tests easier.

Also, you should very probably be using Hypothesis.