revert license and add commercial usage param
revert license and add commercial usage param
add key history and update the workflow
add key history and update the workflow
add heatmap step and Q&A
add heatmap step and Q&A
update multiqc screenshots
update multiqc screenshots
Update the numbers in the intro slides
Update the numbers in the intro slides
reset last commit and rename the WF
reset last commit and rename the WF
Force push
Merge branch 'main' into cellcylce-wf-test
Merge branch 'main' into cellcylce-wf-test
add redirect from the topic trascriptomics
add redirect from the topic trascriptomics
remove myself from authors. Added as a tester in the tutorial.
remove myself from authors. Added as a tester in the tutorial.
update workflow with authors and license
update workflow with authors and license
Add workflow test and history for SC cell cycle regression tutorial
Add workflow test and history for SC cell cycle regression tutorial
change history link to single-cell lab
change history link to single-cell lab