This project adheres to Semantic Versioning and Keep a Changelog format.
- New database model for schemas
- Added schema version and schema record
- Added tags to schemas
- Added archive table of namespaces
- Added sort by stars
- Added validation schemas
- Added user delete method
- Added project history and restoring projects
- Introduced new sample ordering with linked list #133
- Efficiency improvements of project update function
- Test restructuring
- Fixed forking schema
- Improved forking efficiency #129
- Added uploading project from dict
- Added get_config, get_smaples, get_subsamples methods to project module #128
- Fixed error handling in views API #130
- Added no_fail to views API
- Fixed POP update
- Improved error handling in views API
- Added stats method to Namespace module
- Updated docs
- Added coverage
- Fixed Unique Constraint in the Views
- Fixed update project pop method
- Fixed bug in duplicating samples
- Fixed bug in Stars annotation
- SQL efficiency improvements
- Added sort by date in stared projects
- Added
to project table and annotation model #107 - Added
feature #73 - Switched to pydantic2 #105
- Updated requirements (psycopg2 -> psycopg3) #102
- Added sample module that contains functionality for updating, adding, and deleting samples in the project separately #111
- Added user and favorite tables with functionality #104
- Updated the sample update method when updating the whole project. Following this change, samples are updated without changing the ID in the database
- Added date filter to project annotation
- Updated requirements
- Added namespaces info method that returns list of namespaces with
- Fixed bugs in updating dates and descriptions
- Fixed error in updating date in overwriting function
- Fixed errors in updating projects, that caused Unique Constraint violation error
- Introduced a new database schema (3 tables: projects, samples, subsamples)
- Added new tests
- Fixed the issue of sqlalchemy session already being closed
- Changed the orientation of the raw project dictionary to "records" and updated peppy version to 0.35.6.
- Added description column
- Added sql description search
- Deleted unused files
- Added validation of question mark in name and tag
- Fixed description and name in config file
- Fixed preserving order of columns in database
- Fixed project.update function
- Transitioned to SQLAlchemy ORM.
- Added a pep_schema column to the database.
- Implemented a new testing approach.
- Integrated sorting functionality into the annotations module.
- Temporarily disabled description-based searches to mitigate long processing times and reduce database load.
- Included timezone support in the database.
- Standardized namespace and names to lowercase for case-insensitivity.
- Streamlined the database schema creation process, with tables now created dynamically as needed.
- Fixed bug with peppy const dependencies
- Restructured pepdbagent:
- Renamed
class toPEPDatabaseAgent
- created subclasses (project, annotation, namespace).
- Merged methods that have similar use case.
- Removed unused methods.
- Simplified pepdbagent API
- Renamed
- Restructured database (added columns:
) - Improved logging
- Added new tests
- Improved documentation
- Added more logging information in uploading project methods
- Added
- Fixed error in pepannotation (privacy error)
- Fixed error with namespace user if user is unknown
Added limits and offset to function:
Annotation changed to BaseModel from pydantic
Added privacy information in annotations
Added update feature to
method withoverwrite
argument -
Added mock tests
Deleted unused functions:
Changed method names:
- 🎉 first release!