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Html Customization

Aurora Lahtela edited this page Oct 30, 2022 · 40 revisions

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Html Customization

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The web pages of the plugin can be completely customized.

This means that you can add a links to important pages related to your server, change layout to some extent and more customization than bare config settings allow.

How to get modifiable files

After you have used Plan for a while, the config.yml will have a Customized_files section.

  • Set any file as true
  • reload Plan and the files should be written

Afterwards you can modify the files in /Plan/web/ (Or another folder you set to Customized_files.Path) and Plan will use them!

Currently supported files:

Web developer mode

You can modify the website faster using your IDE.

  • (Install Plan on a local server or network)
  • Set Customized_files.Path to folder you have your IDE open in (For example <absolute path to git repo>/Plan/common/src/main/resources/assets/plan/web if you have git cloned)
  • Set Customized_files.Enable_web_dev_mode to true so that any time you refresh (F5) the page in the browser the customized files are not cached (and update immediately)
  • Reload Plan
    • Plan will place all web files to this folder when reloaded next time.

Note that this allows easier modification of existing files, but if you need to add new files you still need to recompile the plugin.

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