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338 lines (243 loc) · 12.5 KB

File metadata and controls

338 lines (243 loc) · 12.5 KB


Minimalist-ish PHP framework, in a single file, to easily create dynamic websites with clean URLs.

  • Customize the base template (master layout).
  • Define your routes in a config file.
  • Create a sub-template for each route.
  • And voilà!

🚀 Getting started

Sid's talking to you… Dear lazy fellow,
I guess you hate doing boring manipulations…
so check the bin/create-project script, it'll guide your through all the necessary steps 😉
There's also scripts to run your local server and to deploy your project, [more below](#-cherry-on-the-cake).

First steps

  1. Clone this repository.
  2. Create the project base structure.
    1. Copy the content of the skeleton folder to your project_dir.
    2. Copy the minish.php file into project_dir/_private.
    3. Change the baseMetaTitle in project_dir/_private/config/settings.php.
  3. Launch the PHP Development Server from your project_dir.
git clone [email protected]:ppo/php-minish.git ${minish_git_dir}

cp -r ${minish_git_dir}/skeleton ${project_dir}
cp ${minish_git_dir}/minish.php ${project_dir}/_private/
sed -i "" -e "s/Default Minish/${project_meta_title}/g" ${project_dir}/_private/config/settings.php

php -S localhost:8000

Next steps

  1. Configure your routes in _private/config/routes.php, for example foo-bar:
return [
  "home" => ...,
  "foo-bar" => [                 # Route name in dash-case! Not cleaned!
    "path" => "/foo/bar",        # URL path with leading and no trailing slashes. Cleaned anyway.
    "title" => "Foo Bar",        # Title for the HTML meta title, and to generate links in templates.
    // "template" => "foo-bar",  # Default is `route-name` anyway => file: `_private/templates/foo-bar.php`.
  1. Create the related templates in _private/templates/, for example foo-bar.php:
<h1><?php echo $_routeConfig["title"]; ?></h1>
<p>Foo Bar lorem ipsum ipsum dolor sit amet.</p>
<p><a href="<?php echo $_routes["home"]["path"]; ?>">Back to home</a></p>
  1. Customize the look in static/main.css.

🎓 You can find more details about how this framework works here below.


  1. Edit .htaccess and replace with your domain.
  2. Copy the content of your project_dir folder on your server. If you're lazy, check the following chapter 😉
sed -i "" -e "s/example\.com/${project_domain}/g" ${project_dir}/.htaccess

rsync -au --delete --progress --exclude-from="$__DIR__/.deployignore" "$project_dir/" "${DEPLOY_DST%/}/"

🍒 Cherry on the cake

In the bin folder, there's a script:

  • create-project to guide you through the process of creating a new project.

In the bin folder of your project (coming from skeleton/bin), there are 3 scripts:

  • server to run your local PHP Development Server.
    • If you use dnsmasq, replace localhost with something like yourproject.test.
  • generate-sitemap.php to generate a sitemap.xml file.
  • deploy to rsync your project with your server.
    • You can specify the destination in .env. (.gitignore'd in that folder)
    • .deployignore allows you to configure which files to exclude from rsync.
    • All command-line arguments are passed to rsync, so you deploy --dry-run.
sed -i "" -e "s/localhost/$project_slug.test/g" $project_dir/bin/server

mv $project_dir/bin/.env.example $project_dir/bin/.env
sed -i "" -e "s/^DEPLOY_DST=.*$/DEPLOY_DST=$project_rsync_dst/g" $project_dir/bin/.env

🎓 Learning phpMinish

Basically, the framework is a single file: minish.php.

The minimal project folder looks like this.
(The skeleton folder has that minimal structure.)

├── _private/             # Folder: all the files of the app.
│   ├── config/           # Folder: all the configuration files.
│   │   ├── routes.php    # Configuration of the routes/URLs.
│   │   └── settings.php  # Application settings.
│   ├── templates/        # Folder: all the templates.
│   │   ├── _base.php     # Base template (rendered by the view, having a `main block`).
│   │   └── home.php      # Template for the home page (loaded in the `main block`).
│   ├── .htaccess         # Apache config denying access to this folder.
│   └── minish.php        # The framework!
├── static/               # Folder: all the static files (images, css, js).
│   └── main.css          # Site styles.
├── .htaccess             # Apache config for clean URLs and other stuff.
└── index.php             # The default handler launching the app.

Check also the demo folder for a working example with all the different cases and options.
You can test it with: php -S localhost:8000 -t demo.


The framework provides 2 classes:

  • App: The main component, handling the request and executing the view.
  • View: The view, receiving context data and rendering templates.


The App is the main component that boostraps the application.
It detects the current path, find the current route, and execute its view.

This class is automatically instantiated and called at the end of the minish.php file so that you only need to require this file in the index.php.

  1. Initialization (__constructor())
    1. Load settings
    2. Register the autoloader
    3. Load routes
    4. Initialize the request path
  2. Execution (__invoke())
    1. Initialize the route
    2. Get the view
    3. Get view data
    4. Execute the view (passing app & data)
View data

The App passes the following data to the view when executing it.
The forced values are prefixed with _ to avoid name collisions with the initial data (from the config).

  • The initial data, using their own names.
  • _metaTitle: The HTML meta title, that is formatted using the settings.metaTitleFormatter.
  • _requestPath: The URL/request path.
  • _routeName: The name of the current route. It can be used to highlight the current page in the navigation.
  • _routeConfig: The config of the current route. It can be used to display information like the title.
  • _routes: The routes config, without their view and template attributes. It can be used to get the path based on the route name (DRY).


The View component handles templates and may do some processing before.

In its basic form, it receives context data and renders templates.
In between, it can also act as a controller and perform more actions.

  1. Basic instantiation (__constructor())
  2. Execution (__invoke())
    1. Initialization (receiving app & data)
    2. Render the view
    3. Initialize template data
    4. Render the base template
Template blocks

In the templates, you can simply include other template files.


The App handles the following configuration files, that must be located under _private/config:

  • routes: Definition of routes.
  • data: Initial data for the view/templates.
  • settings: Settings for the application.


Definition of routes.
File: _private/config/routes.php

Each route must have the following structure:

  • The index key is the "route-name", /!\ It must be in dash-case.
  • path: URL path associated with this route. Default: "/$routeName".
  • title: Title of the page, used in the HTML meta title or to generate navigation links. If the value is falsy, it tries to generate a value using settings.routeTitleFormatter($routeName).
    • If empty, it is always generated.
    • If false, it will be generated only in the routes passed to the view, not in the HTML meta title.
  • view: The view to render the content. It can be defined as follows:
    • As a class name: "FooBarView" (default autoload: Foo-Bar & View+s => _private/views/foo-bar.php).
    • As a callable: [$obj, 'method'], "Class::method", or function($app, $data=null) { echo 'content'; }.
  • template: If not view, the default View is used with this template name (from _private/templates/{$name}.php).
    • If not defined, use the route-name as template name if that file exists.
return [
    "minimal-one" => [],  # path: `/minimal-one`
                          # title: `Minimal One`
                          # template: `minimal-one`
    "route-name" => [
      "path" => "/path/for/this-route",
      "title" => "My Route",
    "other-route" => [
      "path" => "/other-route",  # Default: `/{$routeName}` so could been omitted.
      "title" => "Other Route",
      "template" => "my-other-router",  # Default is `other-route`, so must be defined.
    "custom-view" => [
      "path" => "/custom-view",
      "title" => "My Custom View",
      "view" => "CustomView",  # Autoloaded from `_private/views/custom.php`.


Initial data for the view/templates. It can content basically anything you want.
File: _private/config/data.php

return [
  "foo" => "bar",
  "myArray" => ["a" => 1, "b" => 2],
  "isTrue" => true,
  "logoUrl" => "/static/images/logo.png",
  "now" => time(),


Settings for the application.
File: _private/config/settings.php

They can be accessed from the View using $this->_private->getSetting("name").

The following settings are available:

  • autoloader: A callable that will be passed to spl_autoload_register.
    • As a string referencing a static method: "App::autoloader".
    • A lambda function: function($class) { include "{$class}.php"; }
  • baseMetaTitle: The base part of the HTML meta title that is used in settings.metaTitleFormatter($viewTitle).
  • baseTemplateName: The name of the base template. Default: "_base".
  • baseUrl: The base URL of the site. Example: "".
  • metaTitleFormatter: Used to format the HTML meta title based on baseTitle and viewTitle. It can be defined as:
    • As a string that will be formatted with sprintf. Default method with: "%2$s | %1$s".
    • As a callable.
  • routeTitleFormatter: A callable to generate the route title based on the route name.
    • Default: ucwords(trim(str_replace("-", " ", $routeName)))

Full structure

├── _private/                   # Folder: all the files of your app.
│   ├── config/                 # Folder: all configuration files.
│   │   ├── data.php            # Initial data for the view.
│   │   ├── routes.php          # Configuration of the routes/URLs.
│   │   └── settings.php        # Application settings.
│   ├── templates/              # Folder: all the templates.
│   │   ├── _/                  # Folder: all include/blocks files.
│   │   │   ├── foo.php         # Special block for "foo-bar".
│   │   │   ├── header.php      # Page header.
│   │   │   └── nav.php         # Main navigation.
│   │   ├── _base.php           # Base template, "inherited" by all pages.
│   │   ├── foo-bar.php         # Template for the home page.
│   │   └── home.php            # Template for the home page.
│   ├── views/                  # Folder: the custom Views (autoloaded).
│   │   └── foo-bar.php         # Custom FooBarView.
│   ├── .htaccess               # Apache config denying access to this folder.
│   └── minish.php              # The framework!
├── static/                     # Folder: all your static files (images, css, js).
│   └── main.css                # Site styles.
├── .htaccess                   # Apache config for clean URLs and other stuff.
└── index.php                   # The default handler launching the app.


  • Route parameters (e.g. /blog/{author}/{slug}), back and forth.
  • Allow tree structure for routes.
  • Tool to generate a sitemap.xml.
  • 🤔(false good idea?) Integration with Twig
  • 🤔(probably not) Or…
    • Simple {{ var }} substitution?
    • Template helpers (echo, ternary operator print, route handling, anchors).

📜 License

Licensed under the MIT License.