node.js streams allow use to handle large data efficiently. streams pass data in chunks so it can be processed as it come, instead of loading complete data in memory then processing it. Node.JS has first class support for streams.
NOTE:- every stream class is inherited from Events class.
- express request and response object are also streams object, readable and writable streams respectively.
- readable streams
- writeable streams
- duplex stream
- transform stream
Creating a custom readable stream in Node.js involves calling Readable Class from the stream module and implementing the _read method. The _read method is responsible for producing data to be read from the stream.
node has several builtin streams of all kind.
+ import { Readable } from "stream";
+ const customReadStream = new Readable({
+ read: function() {
+ this.push("1");
+ this.push("2");
+ this.push("3");
+ this.push("4");
+ this.push(null); // sending null will end the stream.
+ },
+ });
+ customReadStream.on("data", (chunk) => {
+ console.log({ chunk: chunk.toString() });
+ });
+ customReadStream.on('end',() =>{
+ console.log("end")
+ })
Creating a custom writable stream in Node.js involves calling the Writable class from the stream module and implementing the write method. The write method is responsible for processing and handling incoming data.
+ import { Writable } from "stream";
+ const customWritableStream = new Writable({
+ write(chunk, encoding, callback) {
+ console.log({ chunk: chunk.toString(), encoding });
+ callback();
+ // Call the callback to signal that processing is complete. pass error if something went wrong.
+ },
+ });
+ customWritableStream.write("1",(er) =>{
// handle error here
+ customWritableStream.write("2");
+ customWritableStream.write("3");
+ customWritableStream.write("4");
Creating a custom transform stream in Node.js involves calling the Transform class from the stream module and implementing the transform method. The transform method is responsible for modifying or transforming the incoming data.
+ import { Transform } from "stream";
+ const upperCase = new Transform({
+ transform(chunk, encoding, callback) {
+ let upperCase = chunk.toString().toUpperCase();
+ callback(null,upperCase)
+ },
+ })
+ upperCase.write('hello')
+ upperCase.write('world')
+ upperCase.on('data',(chunk) =>{
+ console.log({data: chunk.toString()})
+ })
Fun Fact:- transform is duplex stream.
Creating a custom duplex stream involves extending the Duplex class from the stream module and implementing both the _read and _write methods. The _read method is responsible for producing data to be read, and the _write method is responsible for processing incoming data.
+ class Throttle extends Duplex {
+ delay: number;
+ constructor(ms: number) {
+ super();
+ this.delay = ms;
+ }
+ _read(size: number): void {
+ }
+ _write(chunk: any, encoding: BufferEncoding, callback: (error?: Error | null | undefined) => void): void {
+ this.push(chunk);
+ setTimeout(() => {
+ callback(null);
+ }, this.delay);
+ }
+ }
above is a duplex stream that throttle the read's by calling the callback(that single for work complete) after specified delay in _write method.
helpful tip -> use pipe method when transfer data from read stream to write stream/transfer stream/duplex stream.
readStream.pipe(write/transfer/duplex Stream/)
example of pipe is below
below are some helpful streams
- createReadStream from fs module to read file content from disk.
- createWriteStream from fs module to write data into file.