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PubNub SDK for Roku Devices (BrightScript)


client = PubNub({
    subscribeKey: "demo",
    publishKey: "demo",
    uuid: "roku-client",
}, messagePort)

Full list of parameters which can be used for client configuration listed below:

Name Type Required Description
subscribeKey roString Yes Reference on key which is used to fetch data/state from PubNub service.
This key can be obtained on PubNub's administration portal after free registration
publishKey roString Yes Reference on key which is used to push data/state to PubNub service.
This key can be obtained on PubNub's administration portal after free registration
authKey roString No Reference on key which is used along with every request to PubNub service to identify client user.
uuid roString No Reference on unique client identifier used to identify concrete client user from another which currently use PubNub services.
origin roString No Reference on host name or IP address which should be used by client to get access to PubNub services.
secure Boolean No Whether client should use secured connection to PubNub service or not.
Default: true
subscribeMaximumIdleTime Integer No Reference on maximum number of seconds which client should wait for events from live feed.
Default: 310 seconds
nonSubscribeRequestTimeout Integer No Reference on number of seconds which is used by client during non-subscription operations to check whether response potentially failed with 'timeout' or not.
Default: 10 seconds
presenceHeartbeatValue Integer No Number of seconds which is used by server to track whether client still subscribed on remote data objects live feed or not.
presenceHeartbeatInterval Integer No Number of seconds which is used by client to issue heartbeat requests to PubNub service.
notifyHeartbeatFailure Boolean No Whether client's state observer should be notified about heartbeat request processing failure or not.
Default: true
notifyHeartbeatSuccess Boolean No Whether client's state observer should be notified about heartbeat request processing success or not.
Default: false
keepTimeTokenOnListChange Boolean No Whether client should keep previous time token when subscribe on new set of remote data objects live feeds.
Default: true
restoreSubscription Boolean No Whether client should restore subscription on remote data objects live feed after network connection restoring or not.
Default: true
catchUpOnSubscriptionRestore Boolean No client should try to catch up for events which occurred on previously subscribed remote data objects feed while client was off-line.
Default: true
requestMessageCountThreshold Boolean No Number of maximum expected messages from PubNub service in single response.
Default: 0


All API expect subscribe/unsubscribe accept callback functions as second function parameter.

client.<api-function>({<parameters>}, <callback>, <context>)

Data pulling API require callbacks and data modification API allow to pass invalid or completelly ignore it and pass only list of parameters.
Because callback functions will be called outside of scope where they has been called it maybe required to do something in response on modified/fetched data - for this purpose context should be used. context is optional parameter and can be ignored, but if it has been passed then additional parameter should be added to callback function declaration:

publishCallback = function(status as Object, context as Object)
end function


To properly integrate PubNub client into your application it should be called from run-loop. After client has been created and configured it need to start handling roUrlEvent events and trigger internal timers - to make it happen client provide function handleMessage which should be called by application.
Here is how client can be integrated:

' Prepare shared message port.
' Message port should be used for both application / user events handling and PubNub client
' 'run-loop'
messagePort = createObject("roMessagePort")

' Create and configure PubNub client instance.
client = PubNub({
    subscribeKey: "demo-36",
    publishKey: "demo-36",
    uuid: "roku-client",
}, messagePort)

while true
    message = wait(250, messagePort)
    pubnubCanHandle = client.handleMessage(message)
    if type(message) = "roUrlEvent" AND pubnubCanHandle = false then
        ' Application request handling code. If client's 'handleMessage' function return
        ' 'false' - it mean what client doesn't recognize request and probably it has been sent
        ' by application and should be handled by it.
    end if

    if message = "roSGScreenEvent" AND message.isScreenClosed() = true then
        exit while
    end if

    ' Handle any other user interactions.
end while

NOTE: Don't use zero timeout for wait because PubNub client won't be able to maintain internal timers and trigger requests timeout events.
NOTE: If it will be required to create another PubNub client and invalidate previous one you need to call:




Subscription API use 'event listeners' to provide information about received events / messages or client subscription state change. Listeners is regular associative arrays with fields (status, presence and message) which represent desired events which should be handled by observer.
Here is an example of event listener which will be used later:

objectEventListener = {
    status: function(client as Object, status as Object)
        ?"Status change:", status
        ' Check example application for possible state variations.
        if status.error = true AND status.operation = PNOperationType().PNSubscribeOperation then
            if status.automaticallyRetry = true then
                ' It is possible to cancel automatic retry
                ' if required using client's function:
            end if
        end if
    end function
    presence: function(client as Object, presence as Object)
        ?"Received '""' presence event with details:",
    end function
    message: function(client as Object, message as Object)
        ?"Received message on '""': ",
    end function

After observer object has been created it should be registered with corresponding function:


NOTE: When client's state change and messages observation not required anymore, it can be disabled:

' Unregister specific listener.

' Unregister all listeners.  

To perform regular subscription to channel and groups with presence state next subscribe request can be used:

    channels: ["pubnub-channel", "roku-channel"]
    channelGroups: ["pubnub-group", "brightscript-group"]
    withPresence: false
    "state": {"pubnub-channel": {"welcome": "online"}}

Full list of parameters which can be used with this API listed below:

Name Type Required Description
channels roArray No List of channel names on which client should try to subscribe.
channelGroups roArray No List of channel group names on which client should try to subscribe.
withPresence Boolean No Whether presence observation should be enabled for channels and/or groups or not.
state roAssociativeArray No Reference on associative array which stores key-value pairs based on channel / group names and value which should be assigned to them.
filterExpression roString No Expression which defined conditions basing on which published message should be accepted by client.


PubNub client provide two functions which can be used to unsubscribe from channels and/or groups: unsubscribe and unsubscribeAll.
unsubscribeAll is function which with single call unsubscribe client from all channel and groups (including presence channels and groups). Usage example:


unsubscribe allow to unsubscribe from particular channel(s) and / or group(s). Usage example:

    channels: ["pubnub-channel", "roku-channel"]
    channelGroups: ["brightscript-group"]

Full list of parameters which can be used with this API listed below:

Name Type Required Description
channels roArray No List of channel names from which client should try to unsubscribe.
channelGroups roArray No List of channel group names from which client should try to unsubscribe.
withPresence Boolean No Whether client should disable presence observation on specified channel(s) and / or

List of channels / groups

PubNub provide interface which allow to retrieve list of channels and groups on which client subscribed at this moment: channels and channelGroups. Usage example:

channels = client.channels()
channelGroups = client.channelGroups()

Presence observation

PubNub client provide interface which allow to check whether presence observation enabled for particular channel or channel group. In example below shown how to enabled presence observation on channel if not enabled yet:

if client.presenceEnabledForChannel("roku-channel") = false then
    client.subscribe({channels: ["roku-channel-pnpres"]})
end if


publishCallback = function(status as Object)
    if status.error = false then
        ' Handle successful message publish.
        ' Handle message publish error.
        ?"Message publish did fail with error details:",status.errorData
    end if
end function

    channel: "roku-channel"
    message: {hello: "world"}
}, publishCallback)

Full list of parameters which can be used with this API listed below:

Name Type Required Description
channel roString Yes Reference on name of the channel to which message should be published.
message Object No Reference on object (which can be serialized to JSON string) which will be published.
sendByPost Boolean No Specify whether message should be gzip compressed and sent as POST body.
storeInHistory Boolean No Specify whether published message should be stored in channel's storage or not.
replicate Boolean No Specify whether published message should be replicated across data centers or not.
ttl Integer No Specify for how many days message can be stored in channel's storage.
payloads roAssociativeArray No Associative array with configured payloads for each platform for which push notification should be delivered.
metadata roAssociativeArray No Associative array which is used with subscribe API and help it figure out whether message should be received or not.

NOTE: message may not be required only if payloads has been passed. publish function should contain in configuration: message and / or payloads.


historyCallback = function(result = invalid as Dynamic, status = invalid as Dynamic)
    if result <> invalid then
        ' Handle successful history fetch.
        ?"Messages between "+box(" .. "+box(["end"]).toStr()+": "+PNObject(
        ' Handle messages history request error.
        ?"Messages history fetch did fail with error details:",status.errorData
    end if
end function
client.history({channel: "hello-channel"}, historyCallback)

Full list of parameters which can be used with this API listed below:

Name Type Required Description
start roString No Specify timetoken starting from which messages should be received.
end roString No Specify time token starting till which messages should be received.
reverse Boolean No Specify whether messages order should be reversed or not.Default: false
count Integer No Specify how many messages should be returned with single call.Default: 100

NOTE: Timetoken is 17-digit precision unix-timestamp and can't be stored even in roLongInteger component, so string is used for this purpose.
NOTE: Maximum number of messages which can be retrieved with single history API call is 100.

Channel Groups

Adding Channels to Channel Group

channelsAddCallback = function(status as Object)
    if status.error = false then
        ' Handle successful channels addition from group.
        ' Handle channels addition error.
        ?"Channels addition did fail with error details:",status.errorData
    end if
end function

    channels: ["brightscript", "roku"]
    group: "roku-developers-community"
}, channelsAddCallback)

Full list of parameters which can be used with this API listed below:

Name Type Required Description
channels roArray Yes List of channel names which should be added to the 'group'.
group roString Yes Name of the group into which channels should be added.

Removing Channels From Channel Group

channelsRemoveCallback = function(status as Object)
    if status.error = false then
        ' Handle successful channels removal from group.
        ' Handle channels removal error.
        ?"Channels remove did fail with error details:",status.errorData
    end if
end function

    channels: ["brightscript"]
    group: "roku-developers-community"
}, channelsRemoveCallback)

Full list of parameters which can be used with this API listed below:

Name Type Required Description
channels roArray Yes List of channel names which should be removed from 'group'.
group roString Yes Name of the group from which channels should be removed.

Deleting Channel Group

groupRemoveCallback = function(status as Object)
    if status.error = false then
        ' Handle successful channel group removal.
        ' Handle channel group removal error.
        ?"Channel group remove did fail with error details:",status.errorData
    end if
end function

client.deleteGroup({group: "roku-developers-community"}, groupRemoveCallback)

Full list of parameters which can be used with this API listed below:

Name Type Required Description
group roString Yes Name of the group from which all channels should be removed.

Listing Channels In Channel Group

channelsAuditCallback = function(result = invalid as Dynamic, status = invalid as Dynamic)
    if result <> invalid then
        ' Handle successful group's channels fetch.
        ' Handle group's channels request error.
        ?"Group's channels fetch did fail with error details:",status.errorData
    end if
end function

client.listChannels({group: "roku-developers-community"}, channelsAuditCallback)

Full list of parameters which can be used with this API listed below:

Name Type Required Description
group roString Yes Name of the group from which channels should be fetched.


Here now

hereNowCallback = function(result = invalid as Dynamic, status = invalid as Dynamic)
    if result <> invalid then
        ' Handle users' presence information fetch.
        ?"Participants: "+PNObject(
        ' Handle users' presence information request error.
        ?"Users' presence information fetch did fail with error details:",status.errorData
    end if
end function

client.hereNow({channel: "roku-channel"}, hereNowCallback)

Full list of parameters which can be used with this API listed below:

Name Type Required Description
channel roString No Reference on channel for which here now information should be received.
group roString No Reference on channel group name for which here now information should be received.
includeUUIDs Boolean No Whether remote user unique identifiers should be returned or not.
Default: true
includeState Boolean No Whether remote user state should be returned or not.
Default: true

NOTE: channel may not be required only if group has been passed. hereNow function should contain in configuration: channel and / or group.

Where now

whereNowCallback = function(result = invalid as Dynamic, status = invalid as Dynamic)
    if result <> invalid then
        ' Handle user channels presence fetch.
        ' Handle user channels presence request error.
        ?"User channels fetch did fail with error details:",status.errorData
    end if
end function

client.whereNow({uuid: client.configuration().uuid}, whereNowCallback)

Full list of parameters which can be used with this API listed below:

Name Type Required Description
uuid roString No Reference on unique user identifier for which list of channels on which he subscribed should be retrieved.

Set state

setStateCallback = function(status as Object)
    if status.error = false then
        ' Handle successful client's state change.
        ' Handle client's state change error.
        ?"Did fail to change client's state with error details:",status.errorData
    end if
end function

    channel: "roku-channel"
    uuid: client.configuration().uuid
    "state":{welcome:{"to":"Roku channel"}}
}, setStateCallback)

Full list of parameters which can be used with this API listed below:

Name Type Required Description
channel roString No Name of the channel which will store provided state information for 'uuid'.
group roString No Name of channel group which will store provided state information for 'uuid'.
uuid roString Yes Reference on unique user identifier for which state should be bound.
state roAssociativeArray No Reference on dictionary which should be bound to 'uuid' on channel / group.

NOTE: if state will not provided, state for user on specified channel / group will be removed and remote users will be notified about it.
NOTE: channel may not be required only if group has been passed. setState function should contain in configuration: channel and / or group.

Get state

getStateCallback = function(result = invalid as Dynamic, status = invalid as Dynamic)
    if result <> invalid then
        ' Handle client's state for user fetch.
        ?"User state:",
        ' Handle client's state for user request error.
        ?"User state fetch did fail with error details:",status.errorData
    end if
end function

    channel: "roku-channel"
    uuid: client.configuration().uuid
}, getStateCallback)

Full list of parameters which can be used with this API listed below:

Name Type Required Description
channel roString No Name of channel from which state information for 'uuid' will be pulled out.
group roString No Name of channel group from which state information for 'uuid' will be pulled out.
uuid roString Yes Reference on unique user identifier for which state should be retrieved.

NOTE: channel may not be required only if group has been passed. getState function should contain in configuration: channel and / or group.


timeCallback = function(result = invalid as Dynamic, status = invalid as Dynamic)
    if result <> invalid then
        ' Handle time fetch.
        ' Handle time request error.
        ?"User state fetch did fail with error details:",status.errorData
    end if
end function
