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Continuous Integration with Jenkins

Deploy this example with Pulumi Deploy this example with Pulumi

This example deploys a container running the Jenkins continuous integration system onto a running Kubernetes cluster using Pulumi and @pulumi/kubernetes.

Running the App

Follow the steps in Pulumi Installation and Setup and Configuring Pulumi Kubernetes to get setup with Pulumi and Kubernetes.

Note: The code in this repo assumes you are deploying to a cluster that supports the LoadBalancer service type. This includes most cloud providers as well as Docker for Mac Edge w/ Kubernetes.

Install dependencies:

npm install

Create a new stack:

pulumi stack init dev

Create configuration keys for the root username and password for the Jenkins instance we are about to create:

pulumi config set username <your desired username>
pulumi config set password <your desired password> --secret

Setting the minikube values:

Note: MetalLb is required for minikube. You will either need to enable it yourself with: minikube addons enable metallb or set enableMetalLB to true.

pulumi config set isMinikube true #set to false if you are not using minikube
pulumi config set enableMetalLB true

Preview the deployment of the application:

$ pulumi preview
Previewing update (dev):
     Type                                         Name                       Plan
 +   pulumi:pulumi:Stack                          kubernetes-ts-jenkins-dev  create
 +   └─ jenkins:jenkins:Instance                  dev                        create
 +      ├─ kubernetes:core:PersistentVolumeClaim  dev-pvc                    create
 +      ├─ kubernetes:core:Secret                 dev-secret                 create
 +      ├─ kubernetes:core:Service                dev-service                create
 +      └─ kubernetes:apps:Deployment             dev-deploy                 create

    + 6 to create

Perform the deployment:

$ pulumi up --skip-preview
Updating (dev):
     Type                                         Name                       Status
 +   pulumi:pulumi:Stack                          kubernetes-ts-jenkins-dev  created
 +   └─ jenkins:jenkins:Instance                  dev                        created
 +      ├─ kubernetes:core:Secret                 dev-secret                 created
 +      ├─ kubernetes:core:Service                dev-service                created
 +      ├─ kubernetes:core:PersistentVolumeClaim  dev-pvc                    created
 +      └─ kubernetes:apps:Deployment             dev-deploy                 created

    externalIp: ""

    + 6 created

Duration: 1m58s

The deployment is complete! Use pulumi stack output externalIp to see the IP of the Service that we just deployed:

$ pulumi stack output externalIp

The Jenkins instance we just deployed is reachable through port 80 of the external IP address. You can now visit in a Web browser to begin the first-install flow for your new Jenkins instance. You can use the username and password that you saved in your Pulumi config to log in to your new Jenkins instance.

Note: If you are deploying to a cluster that does not support type: "LoadBalancer", and deployed the example using type: "ClusterIP" instead, run kubectl port-forward svc/jenkins 8080:80 to forward the cluster port to the local machine and access the service via localhost:8080.

When you're ready to be done with Jenkins, you can destroy the instance:

$ pulumi destroy
Do you want to perform this destroy? yes
Destroying (dev):
     Type                                         Name                       Status
 -   pulumi:pulumi:Stack                          kubernetes-ts-jenkins-dev  deleted
 -   └─ jenkins:jenkins:Instance                  dev                        deleted
 -      ├─ kubernetes:core:Secret                 dev-secret                 deleted
 -      ├─ kubernetes:core:PersistentVolumeClaim  dev-pvc                    deleted
 -      ├─ kubernetes:core:Service                dev-service                deleted
 -      └─ kubernetes:apps:Deployment             dev-deploy                 deleted

  - externalIp: ""

    - 6 deleted

Duration: 36s