Windows11Style: don't draw progressbar label for vertical progressbars
Windows11Style: don't draw progressbar label for vertical progressbars
tst_QMessageLogger: rename helper main.cpp -> qlogging_helper.cpp
tst_QMessageLogger: rename helper main.cpp -> qlogging_helper.cpp
Examples: include what you use (QElapsedTimer)
Examples: include what you use (QElapsedTimer)
QThread/Unix: fix silly mistake: static was missing after refactoring
QThread/Unix: fix silly mistake: static was missing after refactoring
QGIM: implement itemData/setItemData for gadgets
QGIM: implement itemData/setItemData for gadgets
Use 'file(CONFIGURE' in qt_configure_file for CMake >= 3.18
Use 'file(CONFIGURE' in qt_configure_file for CMake >= 3.18
tst_QMessageLogger: rename helper main.cpp -> qlogging_helper.cpp
tst_QMessageLogger: rename helper main.cpp -> qlogging_helper.cpp
Docs: Replace supported Android NDK r26b with r27c
Docs: Replace supported Android NDK r26b with r27c
docs: Clarify adding a continuation to a QFuture with multiple results
docs: Clarify adding a continuation to a QFuture with multiple results
qnetworkinterface.cpp: Rename "interface" variables to "iface" to fix…
qnetworkinterface.cpp: Rename "interface" variables to "iface" to fix…
Update VulkanMemoryAllocator to 3.2.1
Update VulkanMemoryAllocator to 3.2.1
QObject::disconnect: warn if a wildcard call disconnects from destroyed
QObject::disconnect: warn if a wildcard call disconnects from destroyed
QComboBox: close the container explicitly before destroying it
QComboBox: close the container explicitly before destroying it
Improve underline drawing for fonts in QPainter
Improve underline drawing for fonts in QPainter
Correctly name pragma macro in qgenericunixtheme_p.h
Correctly name pragma macro in qgenericunixtheme_p.h
Windows11Style: don't draw progressbar label for vertical progressbars
Windows11Style: don't draw progressbar label for vertical progressbars
Windows11Style: Don't modify palette for QCommandLinkButton in polish()
Windows11Style: Don't modify palette for QCommandLinkButton in polish()
CMake: Prevent creation of empty InputSupportPrivate module
CMake: Prevent creation of empty InputSupportPrivate module
Windows: Add helper function to initialize COM per thread
Windows: Add helper function to initialize COM per thread
QKdeTheme: de-inline dtor; make ctor explicit
QKdeTheme: de-inline dtor; make ctor explicit
QFactoryLoader: embed the Private class into the front-end
QFactoryLoader: embed the Private class into the front-end
Tests: include what you use (QElapsedTimer)
Tests: include what you use (QElapsedTimer)
Show window without activating if WindowDoesNotAcceptFocus flag is set
Show window without activating if WindowDoesNotAcceptFocus flag is set
QGIM: initialize function pointers when constructing base class
QGIM: initialize function pointers when constructing base class
[vcpkg] Fix the chainloading of the platform specific toolchain files
[vcpkg] Fix the chainloading of the platform specific toolchain files