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- R packages for spatial data analysis on CRAN are described and listed in the Spatial Task View
- R packages for spatio-temporal data analysis on CRAN are described and listed in the Spatio-Temporal Task View
- CRAN packages mentioned in these task views with a development tree on GitHub include ade4, diveMove, geonames, ggmap, googleVis, graticule, Grid2Polygons, gstat, igraph, leafletR, lme4, mapview, moveHMM, mvtsplot, openair, rangeMapper, rasterVis, rmatio, RQGIS, RSAGA, RSurvey, rworldmap, solaR, sp, spacetime, spatstat, sperrorest, stplanr, trajectories, tripEstimation, vardiag, [vegan](,, wildlifeDI and wkb.
A (not exhaustive!) list of R packages (typically) under development on GitHub but not on CRAN are:
- ArcGIS-R bridge, a bridge between ArcGIS and R, developed by ESRI (contains binary code)
- fuzzyMM, a package for fuzzy map matching
- mss, a package with methods and classes that enable doing meaningful spatial statistics
- rgdal2, a package with R proxies to spatial objects living in GDAL
- sfnetworks, R package for analysis of geospatial networks, using sf and tidygraph
- geohash, R support for geohashes
- sinkr, a collection of functions with emphasis on multivariate methods and handling of geographic datasets
Please add to this list by pull request, open an issue, or by sending me an email.