belg 1.5.0 Adds terra support Moves internal data to external files Cleans dependencies belg 1.4.0 Adds na_adjust argument to get_boltzmann() belg 1.3.0 Removes int overflow belg 1.2.0 Makes aggregation method the default belg 1.0.3 Adds support for stars objects belg 1.0.2 Moves raster to Imports belg 1.0.1 Adds compatibility with R 4.0.0 (matrix objects now also inherit from class "array") belg 1.0.0 The "Aggregation-based method for computing absolute Boltzmann entropy of landscape gradient with full thermodynamic consistency" added New datasets added belg 0.2.1 The first vignette added belg 0.2.0 Support for data with missing values added belg 0.1.1 Solaris compilation fixed belg 0.1.0 NA error check added Negative values are shifted Documentation details updated belg 0.0.4 Working rcpp code added belg Added a file to track changes to the package