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84 lines (53 loc) · 2.43 KB

File metadata and controls

84 lines (53 loc) · 2.43 KB


Work in progress

jQuery plugin for a simple two panels multi select with order



  • Bootstrap friendly
  • Add new elements to the options
  • Restrict the addition of new elements by using JavascriptRegExp


  • Options to use own CSS classes


Use it like a regular select, then call $.("#target").multiSelectOrder().

For preselected values, the plugin ignores the "selected" atribute in options. You must use the attribute data-multiSelectOrder-values to pass a list of the values of the selected options. This should be done in order to ignore the order of the options list, while keeping the order of the values For example, the options must be in alphabetical order, but the selected values are not in order.

Submit and you will receive a ordered list of the selected items

Limitation: the select tag must contains the multiple atribute for a correct behaviour

<select id="target" name="patata" multiple data-multiSelectOrder-values="26,25,24">
    <option value="21">One</option>
    <option value="22">Two</option>
    <option value="23">Three</option>
    <option value="24">Four</option>
    <option value="25">Five</option>
    <option value="26">Six</option>
    <option value="27">Seven</option>

    $("#target").multiSelectOrder({extra: false, extraPattern: ''})


noOrder (Boolean): If true, the ordering buttons will not be displayed

default: false

bootstrap (Boolean): If true, bootstrap css classes will be applied. You must include bootstrap by yourself

default: false

extra (Boolean): Include the input for adding new items

default: true

extraOptions (String[]): List of extra options

default: []

extraPattern (String): If defined, the added options will be filtered with a RegExp(extraPattern, 'i')

default: false

extraButton (String): Text or html to be shown in the include button for extra options

default: +

extraPlaceholder (String): Text to be shown in the input of extra options as placeholder

default: ''

i18n: (Json): translations. If used you must supply all the translations

* selectAll: *selectAll*

* selectNone: *selectNone*

* first: *already first*

* last: *already last*

* already: *already exists*

* invalid: *is not valid*