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Search filters

ransome edited this page Jan 17, 2024 · 2 revisions

Search filters empower users to create templates based on search queries, streamlining the process for frequent searches or more complex queries. This eliminates the need to rewrite intricate searches every time users want to find todos.

Since there are no default search filters, users must start from scratch. To create one, they simply enter a query into the search text field. Next, users can choose one of three options to proceed:

  1. Click the arrow-down icon on the left side of the search text field.
  2. Press the Arrow Down key while the focus is in the search text field.
  3. Use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl or Cmd and F.

This action opens a container, allowing users to create a search query as a filter by either clicking on it or pressing the Enter key.

To select a filter, users need to repeat one of the steps (1 to 3) mentioned above and choose the newly created search filter.

Deleting search filters is straightforward; users can use the "-" icon. A prompt ensures that a search filter will not be deleted accidentally.

Suppressing Notifications

A search filter can be utilized to suppress due date notifications. For example, if a todo due tomorrow, associated with a specific project, should not trigger a notification, users can create a search filter that matches this todo: due: == tomorrow && +project. In the list of filters, an icon (strikethrough bell) is available to suppress due notifications for matches of this filter.