- Remove debug printing when parsing CSI sequences
- Support NO_COLOR environment variable
Remove unused code and update dependencies.
Fixes an error check in Ctrl-Arrow code, no difference in behavior. Cleaned up examples.
Fixes a regression in function keys F5 and above.
4.0.0 adds support for horizontal scrolling when working with MouseTerminal
A change is only necessary if you were matching on all variants of the MouseEvent
enum without a wildcard.
In this case, you need to either handle the two new variants, MouseLeft
and MouseRight
, or add a wildcard.
v3 release improves raw
terminal API and enables support of any TTY target.
Changes are only required if you were using IntoRawMode
on generic terminals W: Write
. Now, terminal
is also required to implement AsFd
trait. So replacing generic bounds with W: Write + AsFd
should be sufficient.
Termion 1.0.0 is out! This release is breaking, which is also the reason for the semver bump.
Lot'ta goodies.
- Mouse support: If you enabled mouse mode through the
struct, you can get mouse events (thanks to IGI-111). - TrueColor support: You can now use true color, by the
struct. - A complete revision of the way escapes are handled: Everything is now done through
instead of custom traits. isatty
takes anyT: AsRawFd
and gives you abool
.- Crates.io release: Previously, it was distributed solely through git. This turns out to be very convinient, but quite critical whenever making breaking changes (that is, major semver bumps).
This sample table gives an idea of how to go bu converting to the new major version of Termion.
0.1.0 | 1.0.0 |
use termion::IntoRawMode |
use termion::raw::IntoRawMode |
stdout.color(color::Red); |
write!(stdout, "{}", color::Fg(color::Red)); |
stdout.color_bg(color::Red); |
write!(stdout, "{}", color::Bg(color::Red)); |
stdout.goto(x, y); |
write!(stdout, "{}", cursor::Goto(x, y)); |
color::rgb(r, g, b); |
color::Rgb(r, g, b) (truecolor) |
x.with_mouse() |
MouseTerminal::from(x) |
extern crate termion;
use termion::event::Key;
use termion::input::TermRead;
use termion::raw::IntoRawMode;
use std::io::{Write, stdout, stdin};
fn rainbow<W: Write>(stdout: &mut W, blue: u8) {
write!(stdout, "{}{}", termion::cursor::Goto(1, 1), termion::clear::All).unwrap();
for red in (0..255).step_by(8 as u8) {
for green in (0..255).step_by(4) {
write!(stdout, "{} ", termion::color::Bg(termion::color::Rgb(red, green, blue))).unwrap();
write!(stdout, "\n\r").unwrap();
writeln!(stdout, "{}b = {}", termion::style::Reset, blue).unwrap();
fn main() {
let stdin = stdin();
let mut stdout = stdout().into_raw_mode().unwrap();
writeln!(stdout, "{}{}{}Use the arrow keys to change the blue in the rainbow.",
termion::cursor::Goto(1, 1),
let mut blue = 172u8;
for c in stdin.keys() {
match c.unwrap() {
Key::Up => {
blue = blue.saturating_add(4);
rainbow(&mut stdout, blue);
Key::Down => {
blue = blue.saturating_sub(4);
rainbow(&mut stdout, blue);
Key::Char('q') => break,
_ => {},
write!(stdout, "{}", termion::cursor::Show).unwrap();