A RISC-V server platform includes a RISC-V application processor and may include one or more service processors. These service processors may provide services such as security and power management to software executing on the application processors, and they may themselves implement the RISC-V ISA. The requirements in this section apply solely to harts in the application processors of the SoC.
ID# | Requirement |
The RISC-V application processor harts in the SoC MUST support the RVA23 ISA profile cite:[RVA23]. |
The RISC-V application processor harts in the SoC MUST support the following extensions:
Many of these mandated extensions are optional in the RVA23 ISA profile. This requirement is placed here as a placeholder. These mandates may be moved into a new ISA profile specification. |
The RISC-V application processor harts in the SoC MUST support the Ssctr extension with a CTR depth value of 32. Additional CTR depth values MAY be supported. |
Mandating implementation of CTR depth of 32 provides a common CTR depth
across implementations for purposes of VM migration. |
The RISC-V application processor harts MUST raise an illegal-instruction exception when attempting to execute unimplemented opcodes or access unimplemented CSRs. |
The ISA extensions and associated CSR field widths implemented by any of the RISC-V application processor harts in the SoC MUST be identical. |
The RVA23 profile supports a set of optional extensions. The set of optional extensions implemented by the harts must be identical. Where the extension supports optionality in the form of field widths (e.g., ASIDLEN, VLEN, allowed vstart values, physical address width, debug triggers, cache-block size, etc.), the implementation of these must also be identical. Having an identical ISA on all harts allows system software to migrate tasks among the harts without constraints. |
The RISC-V application processor harts in the SoC MAY support different power and performance characteristics but MUST be otherwise indistinguishable from each other from a software execution viewpoint. |
All harts in the SoC being indistinguishable from a software execution viewpoint allows system software to migrate tasks among the harts without constraints. |
The RISC-V application processor hart MUST support:
The RISC-V application processor hart MUST support:
The RISC-V application processor MUST support at least 6 hardware performance counters defined by the Zihpm extension in addition to the three counters defined by Zicntr extension. |
ID# | Requirement |
The RISC-V SoC MUST comply with the Server SoC specification cite:[ServerSoC]. |
The Server SoC specification is still under construction. This specification should be updated once the specification versioning info is finalized. |
All peripherals that are intended for assignment to a VM or a user space device driver MUST be PCIe devices or be compliant to rules for SoC-integrated PCIe devices (cite:[ServerSoC], Section 2.4). |
ID# | Requirement |
For remote-access and system engineering purposes, a fully 16550-compatible cite:[NS16550] UART MUST be implemented. |
This is a stronger requirement than the Server SoC |
The implemented UART MUST support:
If a USB controller is implemented, it MUST comply with XHCI 1.2 or later cite:[XHCI]. |
Implemented XHCI controllers MUST support:
If a SATA controller is implemented, it MUST comply with AHCI 1.3.1 or later cite:[AHCI]. |
Implemented AHCI controllers MUST support:
A battery-backed RTC or analogous timekeeping mechanism MUST be implemented. |
A Trusted Platform Module (TPM) MUST be implemented and adhere to the TPM 2.0 Library specification cite:[TPM20]. |
MUST include a hardware RNG. |
ID# | Requirement |
The RISC-V SoC MUST comply with the BRS-I recipe described in the Boot and Runtime Service specification cite:[BRS]. |
The Boot and Runtime Services specification is still under construction. This specification should be updated once the specification versioning info is finalized. |
If RAS is supported, the firmware MUST implement the SBI Supervisor Software Events (SSE) extension. |
MUST include configuration infrastructure, supporting relevant HII protocols (cite:[UEFI] Section 2.6.2) |
SHOULD include the ability to boot from disk (block) device, supporting relevant protocols (cite:[UEFI] Section 2.6.2) |
SHOULD include the ability to perform a TFTP-based boot from a network device and to validate a boot image received through a network device, supporting relevant protocols (cite:[UEFI] Section 2.6.2). |
SHOULD support UEFI general purpose network applications, including IPv4, IPv6, DNS, TLS, IPSec and VLAN features, supporting relevant protocols (cite:[UEFI] Section 2.6.2). |
MUST support option ROMs from devices not permanently attached to the platform, including the ability to authenticate these option ROMs (cite:[UEFI] Section 2.6.2). |
SHOULD support 64-bit Intel architecture (aka x64, aka AMD64) UEFI option ROM drivers for improved compatiblity with third-party IHV ecosystem. |
SHOULD support the ability to perform a HTTP-based boot from a network device, including support for HTTPS and DNS, supporting relevant HII protocols (cite:[UEFI] Section 2.6.2). |
MUST support the installation of Load Option Variables (Boot####, or Driver####, or SysPrep####) consistent with cite:[UEFI] Section 2.6.2. |
MUST support the ability to register for notifications when a call to ResetSystem is called, consistent with cite:[UEFI] Section 2.6.2. |
If an IOMMU is present, then it MUST be described using the RIMT ACPI table cite:[RIMT]. |
Security requirements straddle hardware and firmware.
TBD: it is expected the high-level root of trust / boot flow requirements will come from the platform security spec.
ID# | Requirement |
MUST implement UEFI Secure Boot and Driver Signing (cite:[UEFI] Section 32) |
It MUST be possible for a physically present user to disable Secure Boot enforcement, thus allowing unsigned code to be executed. |
It MUST be possible for a physically present user to fully manage the contents of all Secure Boot key stores (PK, KEK, db and dbx). This includes the ability to delete all factory-provided keys, enrolling their own custom keys, and resetting all key stores to their factory state. |
MUST back the UEFI Authenticated Variables implementation with a mechanism that cannot be accessed or tampered by an unauthorized software or hardware agent. |
MUST implement in-band firmare updates as per cite:[BRS]. |
Firmware update payloads MUST be digitally signed. |
Firmware update signatures MUST be validated before being applied. |
It MUST not be possible to bypass secure boot, authentication or digital signature failures. |