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123 lines (84 loc) · 3.95 KB

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123 lines (84 loc) · 3.95 KB


Required by: CoreSettings


Note: This plugin is auto-enabled as part of CoreSettings

Enabling this plugin will make a project's compile task depend on the format and style checker.

Disabling warnings

To disable format warnings and auto-formatting for a block of code, bound it in these special comments:

// format: OFF


// format: ON

This is case-sensitive, but may have zero or more spaces after the :.

To disable style warnings for a block of code, bound it in these special comments:

// scalastyle:off


// scalastyle:on

Note that no spaces can happen after the : in the comment - this is different than with format warnings!

You can also disable style checks on a single line with a postfix comment:

bad_code() // scalastyle:ignore


The plugin is an AutoPlugin which requires SBT version 0.13.5 or later.

To install, add the following to your project/plugins.sbt:

addSbtPlugin("org.allenai.plugins" % "allenai-sbt-style" % VERSION)

Substitute VERSION with the latest version for the plugin on bintray.

The plugin should be auto-enabled for every project, so you don't have to explicitly enable it in build.sbt.



Format the source code. This is the same as scalariformFormat.

> format
[info] Formatting 4 Scala sources {file:/home/michael/hack/github/allenai/common/}testkit(compile) ...
[info] Formatting 8 Scala sources {file:/home/michael/hack/github/allenai/common/}common(compile) ...
[info] Reformatted 5 Scala sources {file:/home/michael/hack/github/allenai/common/}common(compile).

Tip: if you have a clean git index, you can revert scalariform changes with git reset HEAD --hard.


Check the source code's style. This will print out any warnings or errors, as well as a cryptic success message:

> styleCheck
[warn] sbt-plugins/sbt-style/sbt-style-tester/src/main/scala/Main.scala:1: Line is more than 100 characters long
[warn] sbt-plugins/sbt-style/sbt-style-tester/src/main/scala/Main.scala:3:12: var initialized with integer literal; should be initialized from named constant or made val
[success] created: sbt.SettingKey$$anon$4@25d7a745


Check that the source code is formatted. Misformatted source file will be announced with a warning. The response of this task is a sequence of the misformatted files (for chaining of sbt tasks).

> formatCheck
[warn] misformatted: BufferedIteratorUtil.scala
[warn] misformatted: Enum.scala
[warn] misformatted: Interval.scala
[warn] misformatted: Logging.scala
[warn] misformatted: Timing.scala


Check that the source code is formatted. Misformatted source file will be announced with a warning. The exit code will be non-zero.

Pre-commit Hook

You might want a pre-commit hook that makes sure you've correctly formatted your source files. You can do this easily by creating the pre-commit file in your repository's .git/hooks/ directory.


trap 'exit 1' ERR
/usr/local/bin/sbt -Dsbt.log.noformat=true warn compile test:compile formatCheckStrict test:formatCheckStrict

Don't forget to make your pre-commit script executable:

$ chmod +x .git/hooks/pre-commit

Now compile and formatCheckStrict will run before you make a commit, for test and main sources. If you have misformatted files, or files that don't compile, you will need to correct them before comitting.

Code Style Settings for IntelliJ

This jar file contains settings for IntelliJ that conform as closely as possible to the formatting conventions of this plugin. To use them, choose File->Import Settings and select the jar file.