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355 lines (290 loc) · 6.98 KB

File metadata and controls

355 lines (290 loc) · 6.98 KB

== Structure ==

delay() - delay-frame * draw() :draw A exit() - exit * loop() - start-loop * noLoop() - no-loop * popStyle() - pop-style pushStyle() - push-style redraw() - redraw * setup() :setup A size() - Not supported - use :size A

== Data ==

Not directly supported - use Clojure's datatypes :-) @

== Control ==

Not directly supported. Use Clojure's control structures @

== Environment ==

cursor() - cursor, cursor-image * focused - focused * frameCount - frame-count * frameRate() - frame-rate * frameRate - current-frame-rate * height - height * noCursor() - no-cursor * online - NOT SUPPORTED ! screen - screen-width screen-height + width - width *

== Data ==

= Conversion = binary() - binary + boolean() - NOT SUPPORTED ! byte() - - NOT SUPPORTED ! char() - NOT SUPPORTED ! float() - NOT SUPPORTED ! hex() - hex + int() - NOT SUPPORTED ! str() - NOT SUPPORTED ! unbinary() - unbinary + unhex() - unhex +

== Shape ==

PShape - PShape

= 2D Primitives =

arc() - arc * ellipse() - ellipse * line() - line * point() - point * quad() quad * rect() - rect * triangle() - triangle *

= Curves = bezier() - bezier * bezierDetail() - bezier-detail * bezierPoint() - bezier-point * bezierTangent() - bezier-tangent * curve() - curve * curveDetail() - curve-detail * curvePoint() - curve-point * curveTangent() - curve-tangent * curveTightness() - curve-tightness *

= 3D Primitives = box() - box * sphere() - sphere * sphereDetail() - sphere-detail *

= Attributes = ellipseMode() - ellipse-mode * noSmooth() - no-smooth * rectMode() - rect-mode * smooth() - smooth * strokeCap() - stroke-cap * strokeJoin() - stroke-join * strokeWeight() - stroke-weight *

= Vertex = beginShape() - begin-shape * bezierVertex() - bezier-vertex * curveVertex() - curve-vertex * endShape() - end-shape * texture() - texture * textureMode() - texture-mode * vertex() - vertex

= Loading & Displaying = loadShape() - load-shape * shape() - shape * shapeMode() - shape-mode *

== Input ==

= Mouse = mouseButton - mouse-button * mouseClicked() - :mouse-clicked A mouseDragged() - :mouse-dragged A mouseMoved() - :mouse-moved A mousePressed() - :mouse-pressed A mousePressed - mouse-state * mouseReleased() :mouse-released A mouseX - mouse-x * mouseY mouse-y * pmouseX - pmouse-x * pmouseY - pmouse-y *

= Keyboard = key - raw-key * keyCode - key-code * keyPressed() - :key-pressed A keyPressed - key-pressed? * keyReleased() :key-released A keyTyped() :key-typed A

= Files = BufferedReader - Use Java class directly if necessary @ createInput() - create-input * createInputRaw() - create-input-raw * createReader() - NOT SUPPORTED ! loadBytes() - load-bytes * loadStrings() - load-strings * open() - NOT SUPPORTED ! selectFolder() - NOT SUPPORTED ! selectInput() - NOT SUPPORTED !

= Web = link() - NOT SUPPORTED ! param() - NOT SUPPORTED ! status() - NOT SUPPORTED !

= Time & Date = day() - day + hour() - hour + millis() - millis * minute() - minute + month() - month + second() - seconds + year() - year +

== Output ==

= Text Area =

print() - Use Clojure @ println() - Use Clojure @

= Image = save() - save * saveFrame() - save-frame *

= Files =

PrintWriter - Use Java class directly if necessary @ beginRaw() - begin-raw * beginRecord() - begin-record * createOutput() - create-output * createWriter() - NOT SUPPORTED ! endRaw() - end-raw * endRecord() - end-record * saveBytes() - NOT SUPPORTED ! saveStream() - NOT SUPPORTED ! saveStrings() - NOT SUPPORTED ! selectOutput() - NOT SUPPORTED !

== Transform ==

applyMatrix() - apply-matrix * popMatrix() - pop-matrix * printMatrix() - print-matrix * pushMatrix() - push-matrix * resetMatrix() - reset-matrix * rotate() - rotate * rotateX() - rotate-x * rotateY() - rotate-y * rotateZ() - rotate-z * scale() - scale * shearX() - shear-x * shearY() - shear-y * translate() - translate *

== Lights, Camera ==

= Lights = ambientLight() - ambient-light * directionalLight() - directional-light * lightFalloff() - light-falloff * lightSpecular() - light-specular * lights() - lights * noLights() - no-lights * normal() - normal * pointLight() - point-light * spotLight() - spot-light *

= Camera = beginCamera() - begin-camera * camera() - camera * endCamera() - end-camera * frustum() - frustum * ortho() - ortho * perspective() - perspective * printCamera() - print-camera * printProjection() - print-projection *

= Coordinates = modelX() - model-x * modelY() - model-y * modelZ() - model-z * screenX() - screen-x * screenY() - screen-y * screenZ() - screen-z *

= Material Properties = ambient() - ambient, ambient-int, ambient-float * emissive() - emissive, emissive-int, emissive-float * shininess() - shininess * specular() - specular *

== Color ==

= Setting = background() - background, background-int, background-float, background-image * colorMode() - color-mode * fill() - fill, fill-int, fill-float * noFill() - no-fill * noStroke() - no-stroke * stroke() - stroke, stroke-int, stroke-float *

= Creating & Reading = alpha() - alpha * blendColor() - blend-color + blue() - blue * brightness() - brightness * color() - color * green() - green * hue() - hue * lerpColor() - lerp-color * red() - red * saturation() - saturation *

== Image ==

PImage - Use directly from Clojure @ createImage() - create-image *

= Loading & Displaying = image() - image * imageMode() - image-mode * loadImage() - load-image * noTint() - no-tint * requestImage() - request-image * tint() - tint, tint-int, tint-float *

= Pixels = blend() - blend * copy() - copy * filter() - display-filter * get() - get-pixel * loadPixels() - load-pixels * pixels[] - pixels * set() - set-pixel set-image * updatePixels() - update-pixels *

== Rendering ==

PGraphics - Use directly from Clojure @ createGraphics() - create-graphics * hint() - hint

== Typography ==

PFont - Use directly from Clojure @

= Loading & Displaying = createFont() - create-font * loadFont() - load-font * text() - text, text-num, text-char * textFont() - text-font *

= Attributes = textAlign() - text-align * textLeading() - text-leading * textMode() - text-mode * textSize() - text-size * textWidth() - text-width *

= Metrics = textAscent() - text-ascent * textDescent() - text-descent *

== Math ==

PVector - use directly from Clojure @

= Operators =

Use Clojure's Math operators @

= Calculation = abs() - abs, abs-int, abs-float + ceil() - ceil + constrain() - constrain, constrain-int, constrain-float + dist() - dist + exp() - exp + floor() - Use Clojure's equivalent @ lerp() - lerp + log() - log + mag() - mag + map() - map-range + max() - Use Clojure equiv @ min() - Use Clojure equiv @ norm() - norm + pow() - pow + round() - round + sq() - sq + sqrt() - sqrt +

= Trigonometry = acos() - acos + asin() - asin + atan() - atan + atan2() - atan2 + cos() - cos + degrees() - degrees + radians() - radians + sin() - sin + tan() - tan +

= Random = noise() - noise * noiseDetail() - noise-detail * noiseSeed() - noise-seed * random() - random * randomSeed() - random-seed *


HALF_PI (1.57079...) - HALF-PI % PI (3.14159...) - PI % QUARTER_PI (0.78539...) - QUARTER-PI % TWO_PI (6.28318...) - TWO-PI %