🎉 This release contains work from a new contributor! 🎉
Thank you, null@Basvg, for all your work!
- Apply yarn.lock changes (@rosskevin)
- @Basvg
- Kevin Ross (@rosskevin)
- Fix reattach and update #18 (@rosskevin)
- Kevin Ross (@rosskevin)
- Switch docs page away from UMD include to ESM module #16 (@rosskevin)
- Kevin Ross (@rosskevin)
- Update tooling #14 (@rosskevin)
- Github actions workflows for CI #12 (@rosskevin)
- fix import doc (@rosskevin)
- even simpler - greater clarity (@rosskevin)
- simplify, reorg most important first (@rosskevin)
- minimize unnecessary code in examples (@rosskevin)
- switch badges, add license (@rosskevin)
- update workflow name and badge (@rosskevin)
- . (@rosskevin)
- Kevin Ross (@rosskevin)