In this chapter, you will add the show method for the opening object. Note that unregistered visitors are directed to login first.
Enter the command "git checkout -b 06-02-opening_show".
- Enter the command "rails generate controller Openings".
- Enter the command "rm app/helpers/openings_helper.rb".
- Edit the file test/controllers/openings_controller_test.rb. Replace everything between the line "class OpeningsControllerTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest" and the last "end" command with the following:
# BEGIN: definitions
def opening_show_enabled
get opening_path(@op1)
assert_response :success
get opening_path(@op2)
assert_response :success
get opening_path(@op3)
assert_response :success
get opening_path(@op4)
assert_response :success
get opening_path(@op5)
assert_response :success
# END: definitions
test 'unregistered visitor redirected to user login page' do
get opening_path(@op1)
assert_redirected_to new_user_session_path
get opening_path(@op2)
assert_redirected_to new_user_session_path
get opening_path(@op3)
assert_redirected_to new_user_session_path
get opening_path(@op4)
assert_redirected_to new_user_session_path
get opening_path(@op5)
assert_redirected_to new_user_session_path
test 'user can access job openings' do
sign_in @u7, scope: :user
test 'regular admin can access job openings' do
sign_in @a4, scope: :admin
test 'super admin can access job openings' do
sign_in @a1, scope: :admin
- Enter the command "sh". All 4 new controller tests fail because opening_path is undefined.
- Edit the config/routes.rb file. Just before the last "end" statement, add the following line:
# BEGIN: opening section
resources :openings, only: [:show]
# END: opening section
- Enter the command "sh". The tests fail because of missing routes. (The opening objects are not yet provided.)
- In the file test/setup_objects.rb, add the following lines just before the end of the definition of add_user_objects:
@op1 = @u7.openings.create(title: 'Spacecraft Hijacker',
description: 'Hijack American and Soviet spacecraft')
@op2 = @u7.openings.create(title: 'Head of Unione Corse',
description: 'Run a European crime syndicate')
@op3 = @u7.openings.create(title: 'Plastic Surgeon',
description: 'Create fake versions of Blofeld to foil 007')
@op4 = @u11.openings.create(title: 'Deputy',
description: 'Catch that black Trans Am!')
@op5 = @u11.openings.create(title: 'Body Repair Technician',
description: 'Fix those police cars I keep wrecking')
- Enter the command "sh". Now the tests fail because the "show" action is not provided in the opening controller.
- Edit the file app/controllers/openings_controller.rb. Add the line "#" immediately before the line "class OpeningsController < ApplicationController".
- Edit the file app/controllers/openings_controller.rb. Insert the following lines between "class OpeningsController < ApplicationController" and "end":
# BEGIN: before_action section
before_action :may_view_opening, only: [:show]
# END: before_action section
# BEGIN: action section
def show
@opening = Opening.find(params[:id])
@user = User.where("id=#{@opening.user_id}").first
# END: action section
# BEGIN: private section
def may_view_opening
return if user_signed_in? || admin_signed_in?
flash[:alert] = 'You must be logged in to view job openings.'
helper_method :may_view_opening
# END: private section
- Enter the command "sh". 3 tests fail because of a missing template.
- Enter the command "touch app/views/openings/show.html.erb" to provide the template. (You'll add content to it later.)
- Enter the command "sh". All tests should now pass.
- Enter the command "sh". All tests should pass, and there should be no offenses.
- Enter the following commands:
git add .
git commit -m "Added the opening show capability (controller level)"
- Enter the command "rails generate integration_test opening_show".
- Edit the file test/integration/opening_show_test.rb. Replace everything between the line "class OpeningShowTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest" and the last "end" statement with the following:
# rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize
# rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength
def check_opening_pages
visit opening_path(@op1)
assert page.has_css?('title',
text: full_title('Job Opening: Spacecraft Hijacker'),
visible: false)
assert page.has_css?('h1', text: 'Job Opening: Spacecraft Hijacker')
assert_text 'Hijack American and Soviet spacecraft'
assert page.has_link?('Ernst Blofeld', href: user_path(@u7))
visit opening_path(@op2)
assert page.has_css?('title',
text: full_title('Job Opening: Head of Unione Corse'),
visible: false)
assert page.has_css?('h1', text: 'Job Opening: Head of Unione Corse')
assert_text 'Run a European crime syndicate'
assert page.has_link?('Ernst Blofeld', href: user_path(@u7))
visit opening_path(@op3)
assert page.has_css?('title',
text: full_title('Job Opening: Plastic Surgeon'),
visible: false)
assert page.has_css?('h1', text: 'Job Opening: Plastic Surgeon')
assert_text 'Create fake versions of Blofeld to foil 007'
assert page.has_link?('Ernst Blofeld', href: user_path(@u7))
visit opening_path(@op4)
assert page.has_css?('title',
text: full_title('Job Opening: Deputy'),
visible: false)
assert page.has_css?('h1', text: 'Job Opening: Deputy')
assert_text 'Catch that black Trans Am!'
assert page.has_link?('Jackie Gleason', href: user_path(@u11))
visit opening_path(@op5)
assert page.has_css?('title',
text: full_title('Job Opening: Body Repair Technician'),
visible: false)
assert page.has_css?('h1', text: 'Job Opening: Body Repair Technician')
assert_text 'Fix those police cars I keep wrecking'
assert page.has_link?('Jackie Gleason', href: user_path(@u11))
# rubocop:enable Metrics/AbcSize
# rubocop:enable Metrics/MethodLength
def check_redirect(proj)
visit opening_path(proj)
assert_text 'You must be logged in to view job openings.'
assert page.has_css?('title', text: full_title('User Login'), visible: false)
assert page.has_css?('h1', text: 'User Login')
test 'unregistered visitor is redirected to the user login page' do
test 'user sees the expected content on pages' do
login_as(@u1, scope: :user)
test 'regular admin sees the expected content on pages' do
login_as(@a4, scope: :admin)
test 'super admin sees the expected content on pages' do
login_as(@a1, scope: :admin)
- Enter the command "sh". All 3 new integration tests fail.
- Enter the command "alias test1='Command to run failed tests minus the TESTOPTS portion'".
- Enter the command "test1". The same 3 integration tests fail because the opening profile page does not have the expected content.
- Fill in the blank app/views/openings/show.html.erb file with the following code:
<% provide(:title, "Job Opening: #{@opening.title}") %>
<h1>Job Opening: <%= @opening.title %></h1>
Posted by: <%= link_to "#{@user.first_name} #{@user.last_name}", @user %>
Description: <%= @opening.description %>
- Enter the command "test1". All tests should now pass.
- Enter the command "sh". All tests should pass, and there should be no offenses.
- Enter the following commands:
git add .
git commit -m "Added the opening show capability (view level)"
git push origin 06-02-opening_show
- Go to the GitHub repository and click on the "Compare and pull request" button for this branch.
- When you see that your app passes in continuous integration, accept this pull request to merge it with the master branch.
- Enter the following commands:
git checkout master
git pull
- Enter the command "sh".