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235 lines (207 loc) · 8.78 KB

Unit 6

Chapter 2: Opening Show Method

In this chapter, you will add the show method for the opening object. Note that unregistered visitors are directed to login first.

New Branch

Enter the command "git checkout -b 06-02-opening_show".

Part A: Controller Level

Controller Testing

  • Enter the command "rails generate controller Openings".
  • Enter the command "rm app/helpers/openings_helper.rb".
  • Edit the file test/controllers/openings_controller_test.rb. Replace everything between the line "class OpeningsControllerTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest" and the last "end" command with the following:
  # BEGIN: definitions
  def opening_show_enabled
    get opening_path(@op1)
    assert_response :success
    get opening_path(@op2)
    assert_response :success
    get opening_path(@op3)
    assert_response :success
    get opening_path(@op4)
    assert_response :success
    get opening_path(@op5)
    assert_response :success
  # END: definitions

  test 'unregistered visitor redirected to user login page' do
    get opening_path(@op1)
    assert_redirected_to new_user_session_path
    get opening_path(@op2)
    assert_redirected_to new_user_session_path
    get opening_path(@op3)
    assert_redirected_to new_user_session_path
    get opening_path(@op4)
    assert_redirected_to new_user_session_path
    get opening_path(@op5)
    assert_redirected_to new_user_session_path

  test 'user can access job openings' do
    sign_in @u7, scope: :user

  test 'regular admin can access job openings' do
    sign_in @a4, scope: :admin

  test 'super admin can access job openings' do
    sign_in @a1, scope: :admin
  • Enter the command "sh". All 4 new controller tests fail because opening_path is undefined.


  • Edit the config/routes.rb file. Just before the last "end" statement, add the following line:
  # BEGIN: opening section
  resources :openings, only: [:show]
  # END: opening section
  • Enter the command "sh". The tests fail because of missing routes. (The opening objects are not yet provided.)

Test Helper

  • In the file test/setup_objects.rb, add the following lines just before the end of the definition of add_user_objects:
  @op1 = @u7.openings.create(title: 'Spacecraft Hijacker',
                             description: 'Hijack American and Soviet spacecraft')
  @op2 = @u7.openings.create(title: 'Head of Unione Corse',
                             description: 'Run a European crime syndicate')
  @op3 = @u7.openings.create(title: 'Plastic Surgeon',
                             description: 'Create fake versions of Blofeld to foil 007')
  @op4 = @u11.openings.create(title: 'Deputy',
                              description: 'Catch that black Trans Am!')
  @op5 = @u11.openings.create(title: 'Body Repair Technician',
                              description: 'Fix those police cars I keep wrecking')
  • Enter the command "sh". Now the tests fail because the "show" action is not provided in the opening controller.


  • Edit the file app/controllers/openings_controller.rb. Add the line "#" immediately before the line "class OpeningsController < ApplicationController".
  • Edit the file app/controllers/openings_controller.rb. Insert the following lines between "class OpeningsController < ApplicationController" and "end":
  # BEGIN: before_action section
  before_action :may_view_opening, only: [:show]
  # END: before_action section

  # BEGIN: action section
  def show
    @opening = Opening.find(params[:id])
    @user = User.where("id=#{@opening.user_id}").first
  # END: action section


  # BEGIN: private section
  def may_view_opening
    return if user_signed_in? || admin_signed_in?
    flash[:alert] = 'You must be logged in to view job openings.'
  helper_method :may_view_opening
  # END: private section
  • Enter the command "sh". 3 tests fail because of a missing template.
  • Enter the command "touch app/views/openings/show.html.erb" to provide the template. (You'll add content to it later.)
  • Enter the command "sh". All tests should now pass.
  • Enter the command "sh". All tests should pass, and there should be no offenses.
  • Enter the following commands:
git add .
git commit -m "Added the opening show capability (controller level)"

Part B: View Level

Integration Testing

  • Enter the command "rails generate integration_test opening_show".
  • Edit the file test/integration/opening_show_test.rb. Replace everything between the line "class OpeningShowTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest" and the last "end" statement with the following:
  # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize
  # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength
  def check_opening_pages
    visit opening_path(@op1)
    assert page.has_css?('title',
                         text: full_title('Job Opening: Spacecraft Hijacker'),
                         visible: false)
    assert page.has_css?('h1', text: 'Job Opening: Spacecraft Hijacker')
    assert_text 'Hijack American and Soviet spacecraft'
    assert page.has_link?('Ernst Blofeld', href: user_path(@u7))

    visit opening_path(@op2)
    assert page.has_css?('title',
                         text: full_title('Job Opening: Head of Unione Corse'),
                         visible: false)
    assert page.has_css?('h1', text: 'Job Opening: Head of Unione Corse')
    assert_text 'Run a European crime syndicate'
    assert page.has_link?('Ernst Blofeld', href: user_path(@u7))

    visit opening_path(@op3)
    assert page.has_css?('title',
                         text: full_title('Job Opening: Plastic Surgeon'),
                         visible: false)
    assert page.has_css?('h1', text: 'Job Opening: Plastic Surgeon')
    assert_text 'Create fake versions of Blofeld to foil 007'
    assert page.has_link?('Ernst Blofeld', href: user_path(@u7))

    visit opening_path(@op4)
    assert page.has_css?('title',
                         text: full_title('Job Opening: Deputy'),
                         visible: false)
    assert page.has_css?('h1', text: 'Job Opening: Deputy')
    assert_text 'Catch that black Trans Am!'
    assert page.has_link?('Jackie Gleason', href: user_path(@u11))

    visit opening_path(@op5)
    assert page.has_css?('title',
                         text: full_title('Job Opening: Body Repair Technician'),
                         visible: false)
    assert page.has_css?('h1', text: 'Job Opening: Body Repair Technician')
    assert_text 'Fix those police cars I keep wrecking'
    assert page.has_link?('Jackie Gleason', href: user_path(@u11))
  # rubocop:enable Metrics/AbcSize
  # rubocop:enable Metrics/MethodLength

  def check_redirect(proj)
    visit opening_path(proj)
    assert_text 'You must be logged in to view job openings.'
    assert page.has_css?('title', text: full_title('User Login'), visible: false)
    assert page.has_css?('h1', text: 'User Login')

  test 'unregistered visitor is redirected to the user login page' do

  test 'user sees the expected content on pages' do
    login_as(@u1, scope: :user)

  test 'regular admin sees the expected content on pages' do
    login_as(@a4, scope: :admin)

  test 'super admin sees the expected content on pages' do
    login_as(@a1, scope: :admin)
  • Enter the command "sh". All 3 new integration tests fail.
  • Enter the command "alias test1='Command to run failed tests minus the TESTOPTS portion'".
  • Enter the command "test1". The same 3 integration tests fail because the opening profile page does not have the expected content.

Opening Profile Page

  • Fill in the blank app/views/openings/show.html.erb file with the following code:
<% provide(:title, "Job Opening: #{@opening.title}") %>

<h1>Job Opening: <%= @opening.title %></h1>

Posted by: <%= link_to "#{@user.first_name} #{@user.last_name}", @user %>
Description: <%= @opening.description %>
  • Enter the command "test1". All tests should now pass.
  • Enter the command "sh". All tests should pass, and there should be no offenses.

Wrapping Up

  • Enter the following commands:
git add .
git commit -m "Added the opening show capability (view level)"
git push origin 06-02-opening_show
  • Go to the GitHub repository and click on the "Compare and pull request" button for this branch.
  • When you see that your app passes in continuous integration, accept this pull request to merge it with the master branch.
  • Enter the following commands:
git checkout master
git pull
  • Enter the command "sh".