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Merge pull request #2121 from rust-lang/senekor/vwvolksvzkuq
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Manishearth authored Mar 6, 2025
2 parents c407757 + b6819fd commit 4274853
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Showing 16 changed files with 1 addition and 84 deletions.
6 changes: 0 additions & 6 deletions locales/en-US/homepage.ftl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -11,14 +11,8 @@ production-blurb = Hundreds of companies around the world are using Rust in prod
today for fast, low-resource, cross-platform solutions. <strong>From startups to large
corporations, from embedded devices to scalable web services, Rust is a great fit.</strong>
production-testimonial-npm = My biggest compliment to Rust is that it's boring, and this is an amazing compliment.
production-testimonial-npm-attribution = Chris Dickinson, Engineer at npm, Inc
production-testimonial-npm-alt = npm Logo
production-testimonial-yelp = All the documentation, the tooling, the community is great - you have all the tools to succeed in writing Rust code.
production-testimonial-yelp-attribution = Antonio Verardi, Infrastructure Engineer
production-testimonial-yelp-alt = Yelp Logo
## components/panels/language-values.hbs
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6 changes: 0 additions & 6 deletions locales/es/homepage.ftl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -15,12 +15,6 @@ production-blurb =
o <a href="">Cloudflare</a>
usa Rust. <strong>Ya sea en startups o grandes corporaciones,
en dispositivos integrados o servidores web escalables, Rust encaja perfectamente.</strong>
production-testimonial-npm = Mi mayor elogio para Rust es que es aburrido, y este es un excelente cumplido.
production-testimonial-npm-attribution = Chris Dickinson, ingeniero en npm, Inc
production-testimonial-npm-alt = Logo de npm
production-testimonial-yelp = La documentación, las herramientas, la comunidad, todas son geniales. Tienes todo lo necesario para escribir código con éxito.
production-testimonial-yelp-attribution = Antonio Verardi, ingeniero de infraestructura en Yelp
production-testimonial-yelp-alt = Logo de Yelp
## components/panels/language-values.hbs

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5 changes: 0 additions & 5 deletions locales/fa/homepage.ftl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,11 +5,6 @@ homepage-version = نسخه { $number }
## components/panels/production.hbs

production-testimonial-npm-attribution = کریس دیکنسون، مهندس در شرکت npm
production-testimonial-npm-alt = لوگوی npm
production-testimonial-yelp = تمامی مستندات، ابزارها و جامعه عالی هستند - شما تمامی ابزارها، برای دست‌یافتن به نوشتن کدهای Rust را دارید.
production-testimonial-yelp-attribution = آنتونیو وردی ، مهندس زیرساخت
production-testimonial-yelp-alt = لوگوی Yelp

## components/panels/language-values.hbs

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6 changes: 0 additions & 6 deletions locales/fr/homepage.ftl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,12 +8,6 @@ homepage-version = Version { $number }

production-title = Rust en production
production-blurb = Des centaines d'entreprises, dans le monde entier, utilisent aujourd'hui Rust en production, pour des solutions rapides, multiplateformes et économes en ressources. Des logiciels connus et appréciés, comme <a href="">Firefox</a>, <a href="">Dropbox</a>, et <a href="">Cloudflare</a>, utilisent Rust. <strong> De la startup à la multinationale, du système embarqué au service web à haute disponibilité, Rust est une excellente solution.</strong>
production-testimonial-npm = Mon meilleur compliment envers Rust est qu'il est ennuyeux, et c'est un fantastique compliment.
production-testimonial-npm-attribution = Chris Dickinson, Ingénieur chez npm, Inc
production-testimonial-npm-alt = logo npm
production-testimonial-yelp = La documentation, l’outillage et la communauté sont tous géniaux — vous avez tous les outils pour réussir à écrire du code en Rust.
production-testimonial-yelp-attribution = Antonio Verardi, Ingénieur Infrastructure
production-testimonial-yelp-alt = logo Yelp
## components/panels/language-values.hbs

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6 changes: 0 additions & 6 deletions locales/it/homepage.ftl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,12 +8,6 @@ homepage-version = Versione { $number }

production-title = Rust in produzione
production-blurb = Centinaia di aziende nel mondo usano Rust in produzione per soluzioni veloci, cross/platform e che richiedono poche risorse. Software che conosci e che ami: <a href="">Firefox</a>, <a href="">Dropbox</a> e <a href="">Cloudflare</a> usano Rust. <strong>Dalle startup alle grandi aziende, dai device embedded ai servizi di rete scalabili. Rust si adatta a ogni caso d'uso.</strong>
production-testimonial-npm = Il mio principale complimento a Rust e che non riserva sorprese negative, e questo è un magnifico complimento.
production-testimonial-npm-attribution = Chris Dickinson, Engineer presso npm, Inc
production-testimonial-npm-alt = Logo npm
production-testimonial-yelp = Tutta la documentazione, gli strumenti e la community sono eccezionali. C'è tutto l'occorrente per sviluppare in Rust.
production-testimonial-yelp-attribution = Antonio Verardi, Infrastructure Engineer
production-testimonial-yelp-alt = Logo Yelp
## components/panels/language-values.hbs

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6 changes: 0 additions & 6 deletions locales/ja/homepage.ftl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,12 +8,6 @@ homepage-version = バージョン { $number }

production-title = Rustの活用事例
production-blurb = 既に、世界中の数百という企業がRustを採用し、高速で低リソースのクロスプラットフォームソリューションを実現しています。皆さんがご存じで愛用しているソフトウェア、例えば<a href="">Firefox</a>、<a href="">Dropbox</a>や<a href="">Cloudflare</a>も、Rustを採用しています。<strong>スタートアップから大企業、組込み機器からスケーラブルなWebサービスに至るまで、Rustはぴったりです。</strong>
production-testimonial-npm = 私のRustに対する最大の賛辞は退屈だということで、これはすばらしい褒め言葉なんです。
production-testimonial-npm-attribution = Chris Dickinson, Engineer at npm, Inc
production-testimonial-npm-alt = npmロゴ
production-testimonial-yelp = ドキュメンテーション、ツール群、コミュニティそのすべてが秀逸です。Rustコードを書く上で必要な道具はすべて揃っています。
production-testimonial-yelp-attribution = Antonio Verardi, Infrastructure Engineer
production-testimonial-yelp-alt = Yelpロゴ
## components/panels/language-values.hbs

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5 changes: 0 additions & 5 deletions locales/ko/homepage.ftl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,11 +6,6 @@ homepage-version = 버전 { $number }
## components/panels/production.hbs

production-title = Rust를 사용하는 제품
production-testimonial-npm = 제가 Rust에게 보내는 최고의 찬사는 지루하다는 것입니다. 이것은 엄청난 칭찬이죠.
production-testimonial-npm-attribution = Chris Dickinson, npm Inc.의 엔지니어
production-testimonial-npm-alt = npm 로고
production-testimonial-yelp-attribution = Antonio Verardi, 인프라 엔지니어
production-testimonial-yelp-alt = Yelp 로고
## components/panels/language-values.hbs

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6 changes: 0 additions & 6 deletions locales/pl/homepage.ftl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -15,12 +15,6 @@ production-blurb =
czy <a href="">Cloudflare</a>,
korzystają z Rusta. <strong>Od startupów po wielkie
korporacje, od systemów wbudowanych po serwisy webowe, Rust pasuje wszędzie.</strong>
production-testimonial-npm = Moim największym komplementem dla Rusta to to, że jest nudny. A to wspaniały komplement.
production-testimonial-npm-attribution = Chris Dickinson, Inżynier w npm, Inc
production-testimonial-npm-alt = Logo npm
production-testimonial-yelp = Dokumentacja, narzędzia i społeczność są wspaniałe - masz wszelkie dostępne środki, aby osiągnąć sukces w pisaniu kodu w Rust.
production-testimonial-yelp-attribution = Antonio Verardi, Inżynier Infrastruktury
production-testimonial-yelp-alt = Logo Yelp
## components/panels/language-values.hbs

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6 changes: 0 additions & 6 deletions locales/pt-BR/homepage.ftl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,12 +8,6 @@ homepage-version = Versão { $number }

production-title = Rust em produção
production-blurb = Centenas de empresas ao redor do mundo já estão usando Rust em produção para criar solução multiplataforma rápidas e eficientes. Software que você conhece e ama, como <a href="">Firefox</a>, <a href="">Dropbox</a>, e <a href="">Cloudflare</a> usam Rust. <strong>De startups a grandes corporações, de sistemas embarcados a serviços web escaláveis, Rust é uma ótima escolha.</strong>
production-testimonial-npm = Meu maior elogio à Rust é que ela é entediante, e isso é um elogio incrível.
production-testimonial-npm-attribution = Chris Dickinson, Engenheiro na npm, Inc
production-testimonial-npm-alt = Logo da npm
production-testimonial-yelp = Toda a documentação, ferramentas e comunidade são ótimas - você possui todas as ferramentas para escrever código Rust com sucesso.
production-testimonial-yelp-attribution = Antonio Verardi, Engenheiro de Infraestrutura
production-testimonial-yelp-alt = Logo da Yelp
## components/panels/language-values.hbs

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6 changes: 0 additions & 6 deletions locales/ru/homepage.ftl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,12 +8,6 @@ homepage-version = Версия { $number }

production-title = Промышленное использование Rust
production-blurb = Сотни компаний по всему миру используют Rust в реальных проектах для быстрых кросс-платформенных решений с ограниченными ресурсами. Такие проекты, как <a href="">Firefox</a>, <a href="">Dropbox</a> и <a href="">Cloudflare</a>, используют Rust. <strong>Rust отлично подходит как для стартапов, так и для больших компаний, как для встраиваемых устройств, так и для масштабируемых web-сервисов.</strong>
production-testimonial-npm = Мой самый большой комплимент Rust &mdash; то, что он скучный, и это потрясающий комплимент.
production-testimonial-npm-attribution = Chris Dickinson, инженер npm, Inc
production-testimonial-npm-alt = Логотип npm
production-testimonial-yelp = Вся документация, инструментарий и сообщество замечательны - у вас есть всё, чтобы преуспеть в написании кода на Rust.
production-testimonial-yelp-attribution = Antonio Verardi, инженер по инфраструктуре
production-testimonial-yelp-alt = Логотип Yelp
## components/panels/language-values.hbs

Expand Down
6 changes: 0 additions & 6 deletions locales/tr/homepage.ftl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -13,12 +13,6 @@ production-blurb =
ve <a href="">Cloudflare</a>
gibi bildiğiniz ve sevdiğiniz yazılımlar Rust kullanıyor. <strong> Girişimlerden tutun büyük şirketlere,
gömülü cihazlardan tutun ölçeklenebilir web servislerine, hepsi için Rust, çok uygundur.</strong>
production-testimonial-npm = Rust için en büyük iltifatım Rust'ın çok sıkıcı olduğu yönündeydi ve bu, mükemmel bir iltifat.
production-testimonial-npm-attribution = Chris Dickinson, npm, Inc'te mühendis
production-testimonial-npm-alt = npm Logosu
production-testimonial-yelp = Bütün belgelendirme, araçlar ve topluluk harika. Rust kodu yazmakta başarıya ulaşmanız için bütün araçlara sahipsiniz.
production-testimonial-yelp-attribution = Antonio Verardi, Altyapı Mühendisi
production-testimonial-yelp-alt = Yelp Logosu
## components/panels/language-values.hbs

Expand Down
8 changes: 1 addition & 7 deletions locales/xx-AU/homepage.ftl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -13,12 +13,6 @@ production-blurb = <strong>˙ʇᴉɟ ʇɐǝɹƃ ɐ sᴉ ʇsnɹ 'sǝɔᴉʌɹǝs
ʍouʞ noʎ ǝɹɐʍʇɟoS ˙suoᴉʇnlos ɯɹoɟʇɐld-ssoɹɔ 'ǝɔɹnosǝɹ-ʍol 'ʇsɐɟ ɹoɟ ʎɐpoʇ
uoᴉʇɔnpoɹd uᴉ ʇsnɹ ƃuᴉsn ǝɹɐ plɹoʍ ǝɥʇ punoɹɐ sǝᴉuɐdɯoɔ ɟo spǝɹpunH
production-learn-more = ǝɹoW uɹɐǝ˥
production-testimonial-npm = ˙ʇuǝɯᴉldɯoɔ ƃuᴉzɐɯɐ uɐ sᴉ sᴉɥʇ puɐ 'ƃuᴉɹoq s,ʇᴉ ʇɐɥʇ sᴉ ʇsnɹ oʇ ʇuǝɯᴉldɯoɔ ʇsǝƃƃᴉq ʎW
production-testimonial-npm-attribution = ɔuI 'ɯdu ʇɐ ɹǝǝuᴉƃuƎ 'uosuᴉʞɔᴉp sᴉɹɥƆ
production-testimonial-npm-alt = oƃo˥ ɯdu
production-testimonial-yelp = ˙ǝpoɔ ʇsnɹ ƃuᴉʇᴉɹʍ uᴉ pǝǝɔɔns oʇ slooʇ ǝɥʇ llɐ ǝʌɐɥ noʎ - ʇɐǝɹƃ sᴉ ʎʇᴉunɯɯoɔ ǝɥʇ 'ƃuᴉlooʇ ǝɥʇ 'uoᴉʇɐʇuǝɯnɔop ǝɥʇ ll∀
production-testimonial-yelp-attribution = ɹǝǝuᴉƃuƎ ǝɹnʇɔnɹʇsɐɹɟuI 'ᴉpɹɐɹǝΛ oᴉuoʇu∀
production-testimonial-yelp-alt = oƃo˥ dlǝ⅄
language-values-why-rust = ¿ʇsnɹ ʎɥM
language-values-performance = ǝɔuɐɯɹoɟɹǝԀ
language-values-performance-blurb = ˙sǝƃɐnƃuɐl ɹǝɥʇo ɥʇᴉʍ ǝʇɐɹƃǝʇuᴉ ʎlᴉsɐǝ puɐ 'sǝɔᴉʌǝp pǝppǝqɯǝ
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -67,4 +61,4 @@ get-involved-watch-rust-link = soǝpᴉΛ ǝɥʇ ɥɔʇɐM
get-involved-contribute = ǝpoɔ ǝʇnqᴉɹʇuoƆ
get-involved-contribute-blurb = ¡ɹǝʇʇǝq uǝʌǝ ǝɔuǝᴉɹǝdxǝ ʇsnɹ ǝɥʇ ǝʞɐɯ sn dlǝɥ ǝɯoƆ ˙slɐuoᴉssǝɟoɹd pǝuosɐǝs puɐ sɹǝɯoɔʍǝu
ɯoɹɟ 'sɹǝsn uoᴉʇɔnpoɹd puɐ sʇsᴉʎqqoɥ ɯoɹɟ uoᴉʇnqᴉɹʇuoɔ ǝɯoɔlǝʍ ǝʍ puɐ 'ʇɹoɟɟǝ ʎʇᴉunɯɯoɔ ɐ ʎlnɹʇ sᴉ ʇsnɹ
get-involved-contribute-link = ǝpᴉnפ uoᴉʇnqᴉɹʇuoƆ pɐǝɹ
get-involved-contribute-link = ǝpᴉnפ uoᴉʇnqᴉɹʇuoƆ pɐǝɹ
6 changes: 0 additions & 6 deletions locales/zh-CN/homepage.ftl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,12 +12,6 @@ production-blurb =
<a href="">Dropbox</a>
和 <a href="">Cloudflare</a>
都在使用 Rust。<strong>从初创公司到大型企业,从嵌入式设备到可扩展的 Web 服务,Rust 都完全合适。</strong>
production-testimonial-npm = 对 Rust 最大的赞美,就是它让我太无聊了。这太令人惊叹了!
production-testimonial-npm-attribution = Chris Dickinson,来自 npm 公司的工程师
production-testimonial-npm-alt = npm 标志
production-testimonial-yelp = 文档、工具和社区都相当棒,足以帮助您顺利完成 Rust 项目!
production-testimonial-yelp-attribution = Antonio Verardi,基础设施工程师
production-testimonial-yelp-alt = Yelp 标志
## components/panels/language-values.hbs

Expand Down
6 changes: 0 additions & 6 deletions locales/zh-TW/homepage.ftl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -11,12 +11,6 @@ production-blurb =
現今全世界上百家公司企業為了尋求快速、節約資源而且能跨平台的解決辦法,都已在正式環境中使用 Rust。許多耳熟能詳且受歡迎的軟體,諸如 <a href="">Firefox</a>、<a href="">Dropbox</a>
以及 <a href="">Cloudflare</a>
都在使用 Rust。<strong>從新創公司到大型企業;從嵌入式裝置到可擴展的網路服務,Rust 完全適合。</strong>
production-testimonial-npm = 我對 Rust 最大的讚賞是它太無聊了,但這其實是令人讚嘆的表揚。
production-testimonial-npm-attribution = Chris Dickinson, 來自 npm, Inc 的工程師
production-testimonial-npm-alt = npm 標誌
production-testimonial-yelp = 所有的技術文件、工具到社群都十分齊全,足以協助您成功編寫 Rust 程式專案。
production-testimonial-yelp-attribution = Antonio Verardi, 系統架構師
production-testimonial-yelp-alt = Yelp 標誌
## components/panels/language-values.hbs

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1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion static/images/user-logos/npm.svg

This file was deleted.

Binary file removed static/images/user-logos/yelp.png
Binary file not shown.

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