diff --git a/locales/de/community.ftl b/locales/de/community.ftl index 78e9f957..73062de0 100644 --- a/locales/de/community.ftl +++ b/locales/de/community.ftl @@ -11,13 +11,8 @@ community-events-header = Veranstaltungen community-meetup-header = Finde ein Treffen order eine Konferenz in deiner Nähe community-meetup = Es gibt mehr als 90 Treffen und einige Konferenzen in über 35 Ländern. Rust User Groups sind regelmäßige Treffen und ein guter Weg, andere Rust-Interessierte kennen zu lernen. Typischerweise sind diese Treffen informell und für alle offen. community-calendar = Kalender ansehen -community-conference-lineup = Zum Programm für 2020 community-event-run-header = Stelle dein eigenes Event auf die Beine -community-event-register = Trage dein Event ein community-rustfest-alt = Rustfest Teilnehmer -community-rustbridge-header = RustBridge -community-rustbridge-paris-alt = RustBridge Paris -community-rustbridge-berlin-alt = RustBridge Berlin community-irr-header = Rusts Reichweite vergrößern community-irr-button = Besuche die Webseite community-standards-header = Community-Richtlinien diff --git a/locales/en-US/community.ftl b/locales/en-US/community.ftl index bf9883ad..feba34b4 100644 --- a/locales/en-US/community.ftl +++ b/locales/en-US/community.ftl @@ -36,7 +36,6 @@ community-events-header = Events community-meetup-header = Find a local meetup or conference community-meetup = There are more than 90 Meetups and several conferences worldwide in over 35 countries. Rustaceans meet periodically in Rust User Groups. They are a great introduction to the community and a great way to learn and socialize with other people with a similar interest. Meetings are usually informal and open to everyone. community-calendar = View Calendar -community-conference-lineup = Check out the 2020 Conference Lineup community-event-run-header = Run your own event community-event-run = @@ -49,20 +48,8 @@ community-event-run = Registering your event helps us to keep track of our community efforts and allows us to connect you to speakers or other members in your area.
-community-events-repo = Check out the events team repo -community-event-register = Register your event community-rustfest-alt = Rustfest participants -community-rustbridge-header = Rustbridge -community-rustbridge = RustBridge is a workshop focused on getting underrepresented people with a background in another programming language to learn Rust and join the community. -community-rustbridge-button = Check out the Rustbridge repo - -community-rustbridge-rustconf-alt = RustBridge at RustConf -community-rustbridge-paris-alt = RustBridge Paris -community-rustbridge-berlin-alt = RustBridge Berlin -community-rustbridge-rbr-alt = RustBridge at Rust Belt Rust - - community-irr-header = Increasing Rust’s Reach community-irr = Increasing Rust’s Reach is a program that matches Rust team members from all parts of the project with individuals who are underrepresented in Rust’s community and the tech industry for a partnership of three (3) months, from mid-May to mid-August. Each partnership agrees to a commitment of 3–5 hours per week working on a Rust Project. community-irr-button = Visit Website diff --git a/locales/en-US/teams.ftl b/locales/en-US/teams.ftl index 8fa2a8cb..ed1f20ad 100644 --- a/locales/en-US/teams.ftl +++ b/locales/en-US/teams.ftl @@ -20,9 +20,6 @@ governance-team-community-events-description = Supporting and organizing communi governance-team-community-localization-name = Localization team governance-team-community-localization-description = Working on localization of compiler, documentation and websites -governance-team-community-rustbridge-name = RustBridge team -governance-team-community-rustbridge-description = Helping to bring underrepresented groups into Rust - governance-team-community-survey-name = Survey team governance-team-community-survey-description = Running, analysing, and presenting the community survey diff --git a/locales/es/community.ftl b/locales/es/community.ftl index 45b5daec..2d0e2ccd 100644 --- a/locales/es/community.ftl +++ b/locales/es/community.ftl @@ -35,7 +35,6 @@ community-events-header = Eventos community-meetup-header = Encuentra un meetup o una conferencia local community-meetup = Hay más de 90 Meetups y numerosas conferencias repartidas en más de 35 países. Los Rustáceos se reúnen periódicamente en los Grupos de Usuarios de Rust. Esos grupos son un modo perfecto de introducirte en la comunidad y una gran forma de socializar con otras personas con intereses similares. Las reuniones son generalmente informales y abiertas a todo el mundo. community-calendar = Ver el calendario -community-conference-lineup = Consultar el programa de conferencias de 2020 community-event-run-header = Organizar tu propio evento community-event-run =@@ -46,16 +45,7 @@ community-event-run = Registrar tu evento nos ayuda a identificar los esfuerzos de nuestra comunidad y nos permite ponerte en contacto con expertos u otros miembros en tu zona.
-community-events-repo = Consultar el repositorio del equipo de Eventos -community-event-register = Registra tu evento community-rustfest-alt = Participantes de Rustfest -community-rustbridge-header = Rustbridge -community-rustbridge = RustBridge es un taller que pone el foco en atraer a grupos de gente poco representados con experiencia en otros lenguajes de programación para que aprendan Rust y se unan a su comunidad. -community-rustbridge-button = Consulta el repositorio de RustBridge -community-rustbridge-rustconf-alt = RustBridge en la Rustconf -community-rustbridge-paris-alt = RustBridge París -community-rustbridge-berlin-alt = RustBridge Berlín -community-rustbridge-rbr-alt = RustBridge en Rust Belt Rust community-irr-header = Increasing Rust's Reach community-irr = Increasing Rust's Reach (Aumentando el alcance de Rust) es un programa que une a miembros de todas las áreas del equipo de Rust con individuos que están poco representados en la comunidad Rust y la industria tecnológica, para una colaboración de tres (3) meses, desde mediados de Mayo hasta mediados de Agosto. Cada miembro asociado se compromete a trabajar en un proyecto de Rust de 3 a 5 horas por semana. community-irr-button = Visita la web diff --git a/locales/es/teams.ftl b/locales/es/teams.ftl index 445fafe0..53fb7d1e 100644 --- a/locales/es/teams.ftl +++ b/locales/es/teams.ftl @@ -37,8 +37,6 @@ governance-team-wg-gamedev-name = Grupo de trabajo de desarrollo de juegos governance-team-wg-gamedev-description = Concentrados en hacer de Rust la elección por defecto para desarrollo de videojuegos governance-team-wg-llvm-name = LLVM governance-team-wg-llvm-description = Colaborar con el desarrollo de LLVM para representar a Rust -governance-team-community-rustbridge-name = Equipo de RustBridge -governance-team-community-rustbridge-description = Una iniciativa educacional inclusiva con el objetivo de atraer a minorías infrarrepresentadas a Rust. governance-team-wg-grammar-name = Gramática governance-team-wg-grammar-description = Especificar la gramática formal y oficial de Rust y validar las implementaciones ya existentes. governance-team-lang-name = Equipo del lenguaje @@ -104,7 +102,6 @@ governance-team-wg-mir-opt-description = Crear optimizaciones en la MIR y refact governance-team-rust-by-example-name = Equipo de Rust by Example governance-team-rust-by-example-description = mantenimiento y actualización de Rust by Example governance-team-community-name = Equipo de comunidad -governance-team-community-description = Coordinación y soporte a eventos, creación de contenido, dirigir el programa RustBridge y llevar a cabo la encuesta. governance-team-wg-rustup-name = Grupo de trabajo de rustup governance-team-wg-rustup-description = Diseño e implementación de Rustup governance-team-wg-rustfmt-name = Grupo de trabajo de rustfmt diff --git a/locales/fa/community.ftl b/locales/fa/community.ftl index 0263dcc3..c589837d 100644 --- a/locales/fa/community.ftl +++ b/locales/fa/community.ftl @@ -13,10 +13,6 @@ community-teams-learn = در مورد تیم ها بیشتر بدانید community-events-header = رویدادها community-calendar = مشاهده تقویم community-event-run-header = رویداد خود را برگزار کنید -community-event-register = رویداد خود را ثبت کنید community-rustfest-alt = شرکت کنندگان Rustfest -community-rustbridge-rustconf-alt = RustBridge در RustConf -community-rustbridge-paris-alt = RustBridge پاریس -community-rustbridge-berlin-alt = RustBridge برلین community-irr-button = از وب سایت بازدید کنید community-standards-header = استانداردهای جامعه diff --git a/locales/fr/community.ftl b/locales/fr/community.ftl index 5b85a2ee..4dd96293 100644 --- a/locales/fr/community.ftl +++ b/locales/fr/community.ftl @@ -22,7 +22,6 @@ community-events-header = Événements community-meetup-header = Trouver une rencontre locale ou une conférence community-meetup = Il y a plus de 90 rencontres et plusieurs conférences de part le monde sur plus de 35 pays. Les Rustacés se rencontrent périodiquement dans les groupes d’utilisateurs Rust. Ce sont d'excellents moyens d'entrer dans la communauté et un excellent moyen d'apprendre et de socialiser avec des gens avec un intérêt commun. Les rencontres sont généralement informelles et ouvertes à tous. community-calendar = Voir le calendrier -community-conference-lineup = Consulter le programme des conférences 2020 community-event-run-header = Organisez votre propre évènement community-event-run =@@ -32,16 +31,7 @@ community-event-run =
Enregistrer votre évènement nous aide à garder la trace des efforts de notre communauté et nous permet de vous mettre en contact avec des présentateurs et d'autres membres autour de vous.
-community-events-repo = Consulter le dépôt de l’équipe événement -community-event-register = Enregistrez votre événement community-rustfest-alt = Participants à la Rustfest -community-rustbridge-header = Rustbridge -community-rustbridge = RustBridge est un atelier de travail visant à permettre aux personnes sous-représentées, avec une expérience dans d'autres langages de programmation, d'apprendre le Rust et de rejoindre la communauté. -community-rustbridge-button = Consulter le dépôt de Rustbridge -community-rustbridge-rustconf-alt = RustBridge à la RustConf -community-rustbridge-paris-alt = RustBridge Paris -community-rustbridge-berlin-alt = RustBridge Berlin -community-rustbridge-rbr-alt = RustBridge à la Rust Belt community-irr-header = Faire Connaître Rust community-irr = Increasing Rust’s Reach (Étendre la portée de Rust) est un programme qui associe les membres des équipes Rust de toutes les parties du projet avec des individus qui sont sous-représentés dans la communauté Rust et l'industrie des technologies pour un partenariat de trois (3) mois, de mi-Mai à mi-Août. Chaque partenariat s'engage pour 3 à 5 heures par semaine sur un projet Rust. community-irr-button = Visiter le site Web diff --git a/locales/fr/teams.ftl b/locales/fr/teams.ftl index 8e0eae1d..d9d7afec 100644 --- a/locales/fr/teams.ftl +++ b/locales/fr/teams.ftl @@ -37,8 +37,6 @@ governance-team-wg-gamedev-name = Développement de jeux governance-team-wg-gamedev-description = Faire de Rust le choix par défaut pour le développement de jeux. governance-team-wg-llvm-name = LLVM governance-team-wg-llvm-description = Travailler avec le projet LLVM afin que Rust y soit représenté -governance-team-community-rustbridge-name = Équipe RustBridge -governance-team-community-rustbridge-description = Faciliter l'accès des groupes sous-représentés ou minoritaires à Rust governance-team-wg-grammar-name = Grammaire governance-team-wg-grammar-description = Décider de la grammaire formelle de Rust et la vérifier vis à vis des implémentations existantes governance-team-lang-name = Langage @@ -103,7 +101,6 @@ governance-team-wg-mir-opt-description = Écrire des optimisations pour MIR et r governance-team-rust-by-example-name = Rust by Exemple governance-team-rust-by-example-description = Maintenir et mettre à jour le livre officiel Rust, "Rust by Exemple" governance-team-community-name = Communauté -governance-team-community-description = Supporter et coordonner des évènements, la création de contenus, le programme RustBridge, et mener des sondages au sein de la communauté governance-team-wg-rustup-name = Rustup governance-team-wg-rustup-description = Concevoir et implémenter Rustup governance-team-wg-rustfmt-name = Rustfmt diff --git a/locales/it/community.ftl b/locales/it/community.ftl index c42c32d0..5fab9f1c 100644 --- a/locales/it/community.ftl +++ b/locales/it/community.ftl @@ -22,7 +22,6 @@ community-events-header = Eventi community-meetup-header = Cerca una conferenza o un meetup locale community-meetup = Ci sono oltre 90 Meetup e numerose conferenze sparse in 35 paesi di tutto il mondo. I "Rustacean" si incontrano periodicamente negli Rust User Group. I Rust User Group sono un modo perfetto per presentarsi alla community ed ancora meglio se si vuole imparare o anche solo socializzare con persone che condividono i propri interessi. Gli incontri sono solitamente eventi informali e aperti a tutti. community-calendar = Vai al Calendario -community-conference-lineup = Guarda dove si terranno le conferenze nel 2020 community-event-run-header = Organizza il tuo evento community-event-run =@@ -32,16 +31,7 @@ community-event-run =
Registrando il tuo evento ci aiuterai a tenere traccia delle iniziative dell'intera community, permettendoci di metterti in contatto con speaker o altri membri nella tua zona.
-community-events-repo = Guarda il repository degli eventi del team -community-event-register = Registra il tuo evento community-rustfest-alt = Partecipanti al RustFest -community-rustbridge-header = Rustbridge -community-rustbridge = Il RustBridge è un workshop che ha come scopo quello di avvicinare a Rust persone con esperienza in altri linguaggi ma appartenenti a gruppi sociali sottorappresentati e di avvicinarle alla community. -community-rustbridge-button = Vai al repo Rustbridge -community-rustbridge-rustconf-alt = RustBridge al RustConf -community-rustbridge-paris-alt = Parigi RustBridge -community-rustbridge-berlin-alt = Berlino RustBridge -community-rustbridge-rbr-alt = RustBridge al Rust Belt Rust community-irr-header = Increasing Rust's Reach community-irr = "Increasing Rust's Reach" è un programma volto a far incontrare componenti del team Rust impegnati in varie parti del progetto, con membri sottorappresentati nella community di Rust e aziende del settore, per una partnership di tre (3) mesi, da metà maggio a metà agosto. L'accordo di partnership è rappresentato da circa 3-5 ore settimanali allocate su un progetto Rust. community-irr-button = Visita il sito diff --git a/locales/it/teams.ftl b/locales/it/teams.ftl index 60c30b27..29440320 100644 --- a/locales/it/teams.ftl +++ b/locales/it/teams.ftl @@ -37,8 +37,6 @@ governance-team-wg-gamedev-name = Gruppo di lavoro sviluppo videogiochi governance-team-wg-gamedev-description = Al lavoro per far diventare Rust la scelta di default per lo sviluppo di videogiochi governance-team-wg-llvm-name = LLVM governance-team-wg-llvm-description = Lavorare con l' upstream LLVM per rappresentare Rust nel suo processo di sviluppo. -governance-team-community-rustbridge-name = Team RustBridge -governance-team-community-rustbridge-description = Un'iniziativa educativa e inclusiva focalizzata sul coinvolgimento dei gruppi sottorappresentati in Rust. governance-team-wg-grammar-name = Grammar governance-team-wg-grammar-description = Lavorare alla formale grammatica ufficiale per Rust e validarla sulle implementazioni esistenti. governance-team-lang-name = Team linguaggio @@ -104,7 +102,6 @@ governance-team-wg-mir-opt-description = Ottimizzazione MIR e refactor del codic governance-team-rust-by-example-name = Team Rust by Example governance-team-rust-by-example-description = Mantenere e aggiornare Rust by Example governance-team-community-name = Team community -governance-team-community-description = Coordinazione e supporto agli eventi, creazione dei contenuti, gestione del programma RustBridge e sondaggi. governance-team-wg-rustup-name = Gruppo di lavoro Rustup governance-team-wg-rustup-description = design e implementazione di Rustup governance-team-wg-rustfmt-name = Gruppo di lavoro Rustfmt diff --git a/locales/ja/community.ftl b/locales/ja/community.ftl index 5c5e5b65..7ae86baa 100644 --- a/locales/ja/community.ftl +++ b/locales/ja/community.ftl @@ -22,7 +22,6 @@ community-events-header = イベント community-meetup-header = 近くのミートアップやカンファレンスを探す community-meetup = 世界35カ国以上で、90以上のミートアップや様々なカンファレンスが開催されており、RustaceansはRustユーザグループに定期的に集まります。それらはコミュニティへの導入として優れていて、関心の近い人々と学び交流することができる素晴らしい機会です。ミーティングは堅苦しいものではなく、誰にでも開かれています。 community-calendar = カレンダーを見る -community-conference-lineup = 2020年のカンファレンス一覧を確認する community-event-run-header = イベントを開催する community-event-run =@@ -31,16 +30,7 @@ community-event-run =
-community-events-repo = イベントチームのリポジトリを確認する -community-event-register = イベントを登録する community-rustfest-alt = Rustfest参加者 -community-rustbridge-header = Rustbridge -community-rustbridge = RustBridgeは、他の言語をバックグラウンドとして持つRustに馴染みのない人々を対象とした、Rustを学びコミュニティに参加して頂くためのワークショップです。 -community-rustbridge-button = Rustbridgeのリポジトリを確認する -community-rustbridge-rustconf-alt = RustBridge at RustConf -community-rustbridge-paris-alt = RustBridge Paris -community-rustbridge-berlin-alt = RustBridge Berlin -community-rustbridge-rbr-alt = RustBridge at Rust Belt Rust community-irr-header = Increasing Rust’s Reach community-irr = Increasing Rust’s Reachは5月中旬から8月中旬までの3ヶ月間のパートナーシップで、Rustプロジェクトのあらゆるチームメンバーと、Rustコミュニティやテクノロジー業界であまり知られていない個人を繋ぐことを目的としたプログラムです。それぞれのパートナーシップは、Rustプロジェクトに週に3~5時間取り組むことに合意しています。 community-irr-button = ウェブサイトにアクセスする diff --git a/locales/ja/teams.ftl b/locales/ja/teams.ftl index 82e48ec9..969e79b5 100644 --- a/locales/ja/teams.ftl +++ b/locales/ja/teams.ftl @@ -37,8 +37,6 @@ governance-team-wg-gamedev-name = ゲーム開発ワーキンググループ governance-team-wg-gamedev-description = Rustをゲーム開発のデフォルトの選択肢にすることに焦点を置いています。 governance-team-wg-llvm-name = LLVMワーキンググループ governance-team-wg-llvm-description = 開発中のRustの言語表現のために上流のLLVMを調整します -governance-team-community-rustbridge-name = RustBridgeチーム -governance-team-community-rustbridge-description = あまり馴染みのない人々をRustに呼び込むことに焦点を絞った、包括的な教育イニシアティブ。 governance-team-wg-grammar-name = グラマーワーキンググループ governance-team-wg-grammar-description = Rustの正式な文法を練り上げ、既存の実装と比較して検証します。 governance-team-lang-name = 言語チーム @@ -104,7 +102,6 @@ governance-team-wg-mir-opt-description = MIRの最適化機能の実装と、さ governance-team-rust-by-example-name = Rust by Exampleチーム governance-team-rust-by-example-description = Rust By Exampleの管理と更新を行います governance-team-community-name = コミュニティチーム -governance-team-community-description = イベントの調整やサポート、コンテンツの作成、RustBridgeプログラムの実行、調査の実施を行います。 governance-team-wg-rustup-name = Rustupワーキンググループ governance-team-wg-rustup-description = Rustupの設計と実装を行います governance-team-wg-rustfmt-name = Rustfmtワーキンググループ diff --git a/locales/ko/community.ftl b/locales/ko/community.ftl index 4178e606..d4e2f080 100644 --- a/locales/ko/community.ftl +++ b/locales/ko/community.ftl @@ -14,12 +14,7 @@ community-chat = Rust 개발, 일반적인 잡담은 여러 채팅 플랫폼에 community-teams-learn = 팀 더 알아보기 community-events-header = 행사 community-calendar = 일정표 보기 -community-conference-lineup = 2020 컴퍼런스 라인업 살펴보기 -community-event-register = 행사 등록하기 community-rustfest-alt = Rustfest 참가자 -community-rustbridge-header = Rustbridge -community-rustbridge-rustconf-alt = RustConf의 RustBridge -community-rustbridge-rbr-alt = Rust Belt Rust의 RustBridge community-irr-button = 웹 사이트 방문하기 community-standards-header = 커뮤니티 표준 community-mod-button = 중재 팀에 문의하기 diff --git a/locales/ko/teams.ftl b/locales/ko/teams.ftl index def52baa..2efbbc3a 100644 --- a/locales/ko/teams.ftl +++ b/locales/ko/teams.ftl @@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ governance-team-compiler-name = 컴파일러 팀 governance-team-core-name = 코어 팀 governance-team-mods-discord-name = 디스코드 중재자 governance-team-wg-llvm-name = LLVM 작업 그룹 -governance-team-community-rustbridge-name = RustBridge 팀 governance-team-wg-grammar-name = 문법 작업 그룹 governance-team-lang-name = 언어 팀 governance-team-docs-rs-name = Docs.rs 팀 diff --git a/locales/pl/community.ftl b/locales/pl/community.ftl index eabea489..11fe5955 100644 --- a/locales/pl/community.ftl +++ b/locales/pl/community.ftl @@ -30,7 +30,6 @@ community-events-header = Wydarzenia community-meetup-header = Znajdź lokalne spotkanie lub konferencję community-meetup = Na tą chwilę na całym świecie organizowanych jest ponad 90 spotkań oraz kilka większych konferencji, mających miejsce w ponad 35 różnych krajach. Rustianie spotykają się ze sobą regularnie w ramach Grup Użytkowników Rusta. Grupy te są znakomitym sposobem na wdrożenie się w społeczność oraz świetną okazją do nauki oraz spędzania czasu z ludźmi o podobnych zainteresowaniach. Spotkania są zwykle nieformalne i otwarte dla wszystkich. community-calendar = Zobacz kalendarz -community-conference-lineup = Zobacz Listę Konferencji na rok 2020 community-event-run-header = Zorganizuj własne wydarzenie community-event-run =@@ -43,16 +42,7 @@ community-event-run = na rzecz rozwoju społeczności, oraz pozwoli nam połączyć Cię z innymi Rustianami w Twojej okolicy.
-community-events-repo = Sprawdź repozytorium Zespołu ds. Wydarzeń -community-event-register = Zajerestruj swoje wydarzenie community-rustfest-alt = Uczestnicy Rustfest -community-rustbridge-header = Rustbridge -community-rustbridge = RustBridge to warsztaty mające na celu pomoc osobom z niedostatecznie reprezentowanych grup, nauczenie ich Rusta oraz ułatwienie im dołączenia do społeczności. -community-rustbridge-button = Sprawdź repozytorium Rustbridge -community-rustbridge-rustconf-alt = RustBridge na RustConf -community-rustbridge-paris-alt = RustBridge Paryż -community-rustbridge-berlin-alt = RustBridge Berlin -community-rustbridge-rbr-alt = RustBridge na Rust Belt Rust community-irr-header = Zwiększanie Zasięgu Rusta community-irr = Zwiększanie Zasięgu Rusta to program, który paruje członków rozmaitych zespołów projektu Rust z osobami, które są niedostatecznie reprezentowane w ramach społeczności Rusta i szerzej w ramach przemysłu informatycznego. W ramach programu zawiązywana jest tymczasowa współpraca między osobami na czas trzech (3) miesięcy, od maja do sierpnia. Oczekiwany czas poświęcony na współpracę to od 3 do 5 godzin tygodniowo spędzone na pracy nad projektami w Ruście. community-irr-button = Odwiedź Witrynę diff --git a/locales/pl/teams.ftl b/locales/pl/teams.ftl index 89ea2a40..949dfa58 100644 --- a/locales/pl/teams.ftl +++ b/locales/pl/teams.ftl @@ -37,8 +37,6 @@ governance-team-wg-gamedev-name = Grupa robocza ds. tworzenia gier governance-team-wg-gamedev-description = Praca nad stworzeniem Rusta oczywistym wyborem dla osób programujących gry komputerowe. governance-team-wg-llvm-name = Grupa robocza ds. LLVM governance-team-wg-llvm-description = Praca z LLVM na poziomie ich repozytoriów, tak aby Rust był uwzględniony w procesie rozwoju tej architektury -governance-team-community-rustbridge-name = Zespół ds. RustBridge -governance-team-community-rustbridge-description = Pomoc w zaprzyjaźnianiu niedostatecznie reprezentowanych grup z Rustem governance-team-wg-grammar-name = Grupa robocza ds. gramatyki języka governance-team-wg-grammar-description = Wypracowywanie oficjalnej, formalnej gramatyki dla Rusta i sprawdzanie zgodności z istniejącymi implementacjami governance-team-lang-name = Zespół ds. języka diff --git a/locales/pt-BR/community.ftl b/locales/pt-BR/community.ftl index 5b9abdb6..7e5c46e0 100644 --- a/locales/pt-BR/community.ftl +++ b/locales/pt-BR/community.ftl @@ -35,7 +35,6 @@ community-meetup = Existem mais de 90 encontros locais e conferências diversas em mais de 35 países. Rustaceans se encontram periodicamente em Encontros de Grupos Usuários. Essa é uma ótima introdução a comunidade, e um ótimo jeito de aprender e socializar com outras pessoas de interesses similares. Encontros locais geralmente são informais e aberto a todas as pessoas. community-calendar = Vejo o Calendário -community-conference-lineup = Confira as apresentações da conferência de 2020 community-event-run-header = Faça seu próprio evento community-event-run =@@ -44,16 +43,7 @@ community-event-run =
Registrar seu evento nos ajuda a rastrear os esforços da nossa comunidade e nos permite lhe conectar com palestrantes ou outros membros da sua região.
-community-events-repo = Confira o repositório da Equipe de Eventos -community-event-register = Registre o seu evento community-rustfest-alt = Participantes do Rustfest -community-rustbridge-header = Rustbridge -community-rustbridge = RustBridge é uma oficina focada em ajudar pessoas pouco representadas na área de tecnologia com experiência em outras linguagens a aprender Rust e se juntar a comunidade. -community-rustbridge-button = Confira o repositório do Rustbridge -community-rustbridge-rustconf-alt = RustBridge na RustConf -community-rustbridge-paris-alt = RustBridge Paris -community-rustbridge-berlin-alt = RustBridge Berlim -community-rustbridge-rbr-alt = RustBridge na Rust Belt Rust community-irr-header = Increasing Rust’s Reach community-irr = Increasing Rust’s Reach é um programa onde membros de todas as partes do projeto são apresentados a membros poucos representados na comunidade Rust e na indústria de tecnologia, para uma parceria de três (3) meses, do meio de Maio até o meio de Agosto. Cada parceria se compromete a trabalhar de 3-5 horas por semana em um projeto Rust. community-irr-button = Visite o website diff --git a/locales/pt-BR/teams.ftl b/locales/pt-BR/teams.ftl index f213b394..5a62575e 100644 --- a/locales/pt-BR/teams.ftl +++ b/locales/pt-BR/teams.ftl @@ -37,8 +37,6 @@ governance-team-wg-gamedev-name = Grupo de trabalho de Desenvolvimento de Jogos governance-team-wg-gamedev-description = Focado em tornar Rust a opção padrão para desenvolvimento de jogos. governance-team-wg-llvm-name = LLVM governance-team-wg-llvm-description = Trabalhando com o equipe oficial do LLVM para representar o Rust em seu desenvolvimento -governance-team-community-rustbridge-name = Time RustBridge -governance-team-community-rustbridge-description = Uma iniciativa educacional inclusiva focada em trazer grupos sub-representados para o Rust. governance-team-wg-grammar-name = Gramática governance-team-wg-grammar-description = Desenvolvendo a gramática formal e oficial para o Rust e a validando com as implementações existentes. governance-team-lang-name = Time da linguagem @@ -104,7 +102,6 @@ governance-team-wg-mir-opt-description = Escreva otimizações MIR (Mid-level governance-team-rust-by-example-name = Equipe do Rust por Exemplos governance-team-rust-by-example-description = mantendo e atualizando o livro Rust por Exemplos governance-team-community-name = Time de Comunidade -governance-team-community-description = Coordenação e apoio a eventos, criação de conteúdos, organização do programa RustBridge, e conduzindo a pesquisa. governance-team-wg-rustup-name = Grupo de trabalho de Rustup governance-team-wg-rustup-description = design e implementação do Rustup governance-team-wg-rustfmt-name = Grupo de trabalho Rustfmt diff --git a/locales/ru/community.ftl b/locales/ru/community.ftl index 51f60a06..0be8edd8 100644 --- a/locales/ru/community.ftl +++ b/locales/ru/community.ftl @@ -22,7 +22,6 @@ community-events-header = Мероприятия community-meetup-header = Найти встречу или конференцию community-meetup = Более чем в 35 странах проводится более 90 митапов и несколько конференций. Rustaceans периодически встречаются в Rust User Group. Они являются отличным местом для входа в сообщество и отличным способом учиться и общаться с другими людьми со схожими интересами. Встречи обычно неформальные и открыты для всех. community-calendar = Посмотреть календарь -community-conference-lineup = Программа конференций на 2020 год community-event-run-header = Запустите своё мероприятие community-event-run =@@ -33,16 +32,7 @@ community-event-run = Регистрация вашего мероприятия помогает нам отслеживать наши усилия в сообществе и позволяет нам связать вас со спикерами или другими участниками в вашем регионе.
-community-events-repo = Посмотрите репозиторий Events Team -community-event-register = Зарегистрировать событие community-rustfest-alt = Участники Rustfest -community-rustbridge-header = Rustbridge -community-rustbridge = RustBridge - это семинар для изучения Rust и входа в сообщество, ориентированный на недопредставленных людей со знаниями в других языках программирования. -community-rustbridge-button = Посмотрите репозиторий Rustbridge -community-rustbridge-rustconf-alt = RustBridge на RustConf -community-rustbridge-paris-alt = RustBridge Paris -community-rustbridge-berlin-alt = RustBridge Berlin -community-rustbridge-rbr-alt = RustBridge на Rust Belt Rust community-irr-header = Увеличение доступности Rust community-irr = Увеличение доступности Rust - это программа, в которой участники всех команд в течении трёх (3) месяцев, с середины мая, по середину августа, работают в партнёрстве с лицами, недопредставленными в Rust сообществе и технической индустрии. Каждый партнёр соглашается уделять 3-5 часов в неделю для работы над Rust. community-irr-button = Посетить сайт diff --git a/locales/ru/teams.ftl b/locales/ru/teams.ftl index 3d6440d7..c32855ec 100644 --- a/locales/ru/teams.ftl +++ b/locales/ru/teams.ftl @@ -37,8 +37,6 @@ governance-team-wg-gamedev-name = Game development working group governance-team-wg-gamedev-description = Сосредотачивает внимание на том, чтобы сделать Rust выбором по умолчанию для разработки игр. governance-team-wg-llvm-name = LLVM governance-team-wg-llvm-description = Работа с LLVM для предоставления Rust -governance-team-community-rustbridge-name = RustBridge team -governance-team-community-rustbridge-description = Инклюзивная образовательная инициатива, направленная на привлечение недостаточно представленных групп в Rust. governance-team-wg-grammar-name = Грамматика governance-team-wg-grammar-description = Работают над официальной, формальной грамматикой для Rust и проверяют существующие реализации на её соответствие. governance-team-lang-name = Language team @@ -104,7 +102,6 @@ governance-team-wg-mir-opt-description = Написание оптимизаци governance-team-rust-by-example-name = Команда Rust by Example governance-team-rust-by-example-description = Поддержка и обновление Rust By Example governance-team-community-name = Community team -governance-team-community-description = Координация и поддержка мероприятий, создание контента, запуск RustBridge и проведение опросов. governance-team-wg-rustup-name = Rustup working group governance-team-wg-rustup-description = Дизайн и реализация Rustup governance-team-wg-rustfmt-name = Rustfmt working group diff --git a/locales/tr/community.ftl b/locales/tr/community.ftl index 0a5011a9..6d25753f 100644 --- a/locales/tr/community.ftl +++ b/locales/tr/community.ftl @@ -19,7 +19,6 @@ community-events-header = Etkinlikler community-meetup-header = Yerel bir buluşma veya konferans bulun community-meetup = Dünya üzerinde 35'ten fazla ülkede çeşitli konferanslar ve 90'ın üzerinde buluşma düzenleniyor. Rustaceanlar, Rust Kullanıcı Grupları'nda belirli aralıklarla buluşuyor. Bu buluşmalar, benzer ilgi alanlarına sahip insanlarla buluşmak için harika bir yöntem olmakla birlikte Rust topluluğuna girmek için de mükemmel bir yöntem. Buluşmalar çoğunlukla samimi bir ortamda gerçekleşmekle birlikte herkese açıktır. community-calendar = Takvimi Göster -community-conference-lineup = 2020 Konferans Programına Göz Atın community-event-run-header = Kendi etkinliğinizi düzenleyin community-event-run =@@ -29,16 +28,7 @@ community-event-run =
Etkinliğinizi kaydetmeniz topluluğun emeğini takip etmemizi ve siz konuşmacıları bölgenizdeki diğer üyelerle buluşturmamızı sağlar.
-community-events-repo = Etkinlik ekibinin deposuna göz atın -community-event-register = Etkinliğinizi kaydedin community-rustfest-alt = Rustfest katılımcıları -community-rustbridge-header = Rustbridge -community-rustbridge = RustBridge, Rust öğrenmek ve topluluğa katılmak için başka bir dille uğraşmış tanınmayan insanları Rust'a katmak için odaklanmış bir atölyedir. -community-rustbridge-button = { ENGLISH("Rustbridge") } deposuna göz atın -community-rustbridge-rustconf-alt = RustConf'ta RustBridge -community-rustbridge-paris-alt = RustBridge Paris -community-rustbridge-berlin-alt = RustBridge Berlin -community-rustbridge-rbr-alt = Rust Belt Rust'ta RustBridge community-irr-header = Increasing Rust's Reach community-irr = Increasing Rust's Reach, mayıs ayının ortasından ağustos ayının ortasına kadar üç (3) aylık bir ortaklık için Rust toplumunda ve teknoloji endüstrisinde yeterince temsil edilmeyen bireylerle projenin tüm bölümlerinden Rust ekibi üyelerini eşleştiren bir programdır. Her bir ortaklık, bir Rust projesinde çalışmak üzere haftada 3-5 saatlik bir taahhüt vermeyi kabul eder. community-irr-button = İnternet Sitesini Ziyaret Edin diff --git a/locales/tr/teams.ftl b/locales/tr/teams.ftl index 497182b8..9ab71173 100644 --- a/locales/tr/teams.ftl +++ b/locales/tr/teams.ftl @@ -34,8 +34,6 @@ governance-team-wg-gamedev-name = Oyun geliştirme çalışma grubu governance-team-wg-gamedev-description = Rust'ı oyun geliştirme alanında ilk tercih yapmaya odaklanır. governance-team-wg-llvm-name = LLVM governance-team-wg-llvm-description = Rust'ın gelişimini yansıtmak için LLVM kaynağıyla çalışır -governance-team-community-rustbridge-name = RustBridge ekibi -governance-team-community-rustbridge-description = Yeteri kadar temsil edilmeyen grupları Rust'a getirmeye odaklanan kapsamlı eğitici bir girişimdir. governance-team-wg-grammar-name = Dil Bilgisi governance-team-wg-grammar-description = Rust'ın resmi dil kurallarını belirler ve bu dil kurallarını var olan Rust uygulaması ile doğrular. governance-team-lang-name = Dil ekibi @@ -96,7 +94,6 @@ governance-team-wg-mir-opt-description = Orta seviye ara temsilci(OSAT) optimiza governance-team-rust-by-example-name = Örneklerle Rust ekibi governance-team-rust-by-example-description = Örneklerle Rust'ı günceller ve sürdürür governance-team-community-name = Topluluk ekibi -governance-team-community-description = Etkinliklerin koordinasyonu ve desteklenmesi, içerik üretilmesi, RustBridge programının ve anketlerin yürütülmesi üzerine çalışır. governance-team-wg-rustup-name = Rustup çalışma grubu governance-team-wg-rustup-description = Rustup'ın tasarısı ve uygulaması governance-team-wg-rustfmt-name = Rustfmt çalışma grubu diff --git a/locales/xx-AU/teams.ftl b/locales/xx-AU/teams.ftl index 7d59e9e7..30fc0009 100644 --- a/locales/xx-AU/teams.ftl +++ b/locales/xx-AU/teams.ftl @@ -40,8 +40,6 @@ governance-team-infra-name = ɯɐǝʇ ǝɹnʇɔnɹʇsɐɹɟuI governance-team-infra-description = sɔᴉɹʇǝɯ 'sʇoq 'sǝsɐǝlǝɹ 'IƆ :ɟlǝsʇᴉ ʇɔǝɾoɹd ʇsnɹ ǝɥʇ ƃuᴉʇɹoddns ǝɹnʇɔnɹʇsɐɹɟuᴉ governance-team-wg-debugging-name = dnoɹƃ ƃuᴉʞɹoʍ ƃuᴉƃƃnqǝp governance-team-wg-debugging-description = suoᴉʇɐpunoɟ puɐ slooʇ ƃuᴉƃƃnqǝp -governance-team-community-rustbridge-name = ɯɐǝʇ ǝƃpᴉɹqʇsnɹ -governance-team-community-rustbridge-description = ˙ʇsnɹ oʇuᴉ sdnoɹƃ pǝʇuǝsǝɹdǝɹɹǝpun ƃuᴉƃuᴉɹq uo pǝsnɔoɟ ǝʌᴉʇɐᴉʇᴉuᴉ lɐuoᴉʇɐɔnpǝ ǝʌᴉsnlɔuᴉ u∀ governance-team-libs-name = ɯɐǝʇ ʎɹɐɹqᴉ˥ governance-team-libs-description = ʇɹoddns ɯǝʇsʎsoɔǝ puɐ 'suoᴉʇuǝʌuoɔ 'sǝʇɐɹɔ ƃuɐl-ʇsnɹ 'ʎɹɐɹqᴉl pɹɐpuɐʇs ʇsnɹ ǝɥʇ governance-team-wg-grammar-name = ɹɐɯɯɐɹפ diff --git a/locales/zh-CN/community.ftl b/locales/zh-CN/community.ftl index ff22c813..b95eefff 100644 --- a/locales/zh-CN/community.ftl +++ b/locales/zh-CN/community.ftl @@ -22,7 +22,6 @@ community-events-header = 活动 community-meetup-header = 参与线下聚会或会议 community-meetup = 我们有超过 90 个聚会和几个世界级的会议,遍布 35 个国家。Rust 爱好者会在 Rust 用户论坛定期举办聚会。它们是您进入 Rust 社区的最佳入口,也是一个和相同爱好者进行学习和交流的绝佳途径。聚会对每个人来说都会带来丰富和开放的信息。 community-calendar = 查看日程 -community-conference-lineup = 查看 2020 会议阵容 community-event-run-header = 举办您的活动 community-event-run =@@ -33,16 +32,7 @@ community-event-run = 注册您的活动有助于我们持续跟踪社区的影响力, 并能让我们为您与当地的演讲者和其他成员建立联系。
-community-events-repo = 访问活动团队的 GitHub -community-event-register = 注册活动 community-rustfest-alt = Rustfest 参会者 -community-rustbridge-header = Rustbridge -community-rustbridge = RustBridge 是一个专注于让具有不同编程语言背景的人学习 Rust 并加入社区的研讨会。 -community-rustbridge-button = 访问 Rustbridge 的 GitHub -community-rustbridge-rustconf-alt = RustBridge 在 RustConf 大会 -community-rustbridge-paris-alt = RustBridge 巴黎 -community-rustbridge-berlin-alt = RustBridge 柏林 -community-rustbridge-rbr-alt = RustBridge 在 Rust Belt Rust 大会 community-irr-header = Rust 星火计划 community-irr = 「Rust 星火计划」是一项合作计划。在该计划中,来自 Rust 不同项目的团队成员将会联合 Rust 社区中通常不太活跃的个人和技术企业,从 5 月中旬持续到 8 月中旬,进行为期三个月的合作。每个参与者都必须承诺在合作项目上每周投入 3-5 小时。 community-irr-button = 访问网站 diff --git a/locales/zh-CN/teams.ftl b/locales/zh-CN/teams.ftl index a3e6b15a..42fe7fee 100644 --- a/locales/zh-CN/teams.ftl +++ b/locales/zh-CN/teams.ftl @@ -37,8 +37,6 @@ governance-team-wg-gamedev-name = 游戏开发工作组 governance-team-wg-gamedev-description = 专注于让 Rust 成为游戏开发的默认选择。 governance-team-wg-llvm-name = LLVM 工作组 governance-team-wg-llvm-description = 代表 Rust 参与上游 LLVM 的开发工作。 -governance-team-community-rustbridge-name = RustBridge 团队 -governance-team-community-rustbridge-description = 主要目的是将那些不具代表性的小众人群纳入 Rust 的包容性教育计划。 governance-team-wg-grammar-name = 语法工作组 governance-team-wg-grammar-description = 编写 Rust 的官方正式语法,并根据现有的实现进行验证。 governance-team-lang-name = 语言团队 @@ -104,7 +102,6 @@ governance-team-wg-mir-opt-description = 编写 MIR 优化代码,重构 MIR governance-team-rust-by-example-name = 《通过例子学 Rust》团队 governance-team-rust-by-example-description = 维护并更新《通过例子学 Rust》 governance-team-community-name = 社区团队 -governance-team-community-description = 协调并支持活动,运营 RustBridge 项目以及开展调查。 governance-team-wg-rustup-name = Rustup 工作组 governance-team-wg-rustup-description = 设计并实现 Rustup governance-team-wg-rustfmt-name = Rustfmt 工作组 diff --git a/locales/zh-TW/community.ftl b/locales/zh-TW/community.ftl index 975cd07c..a5362b1d 100644 --- a/locales/zh-TW/community.ftl +++ b/locales/zh-TW/community.ftl @@ -22,19 +22,9 @@ community-events-header = 活動 community-meetup-header = 各地聚會或研討會 community-meetup = 在全球超過 35 個國家有超過 90 個聚會與數個研討會。Rust 愛好者們(Rustaceans) 會定期在 Rust 使用者群組聚會。這些活動可以幫助您進入社群、學習還有和同好交流,聚會通常是非正式的開放活動。 community-calendar = 查看行事曆 -community-conference-lineup = 2020 研討會時間表 community-event-run-header = 自己辦活動! community-event-run = 隨著 Rust 的發展,我們樂於幫忙大家推動自己的地區性活動。從學習、實作、駭客、聚會以至研討會,Rust 活動團隊都已準備好為您提供支援。 -community-events-repo = 活動團隊 Repo -community-event-register = 登記您的活動 community-rustfest-alt = Rustfest 參與者 -community-rustbridge-header = Rustbridge -community-rustbridge = RustBridge 是一個專注於促進擁有其他程式語言背景而未被關注的人們來學習 Rust 進而投入社群的工作坊。 -community-rustbridge-button = Rustbridge Repo -community-rustbridge-rustconf-alt = RustConf 的 RustBridge 工作坊 -community-rustbridge-paris-alt = 巴黎 RustBridge 工作坊 -community-rustbridge-berlin-alt = 柏林 RustBridge 工作坊 -community-rustbridge-rbr-alt = Rust Belt Rust 的 RustBridge工作坊 community-irr-header = Rust 推廣計畫 community-irr = 「Rust 推廣計畫」媒合來自 Rust 專案中所有項目的團隊成員,以及 Rust 社群中未被關注的個人、技術企業,進行為期三個月,從五月中到八月中的合作計畫。每個合作夥伴皆承諾在一個 Rust 專案投入每週三到五小時的時間。 community-irr-button = 參觀網站 diff --git a/locales/zh-TW/teams.ftl b/locales/zh-TW/teams.ftl index f3b13dd2..05156adf 100644 --- a/locales/zh-TW/teams.ftl +++ b/locales/zh-TW/teams.ftl @@ -37,8 +37,6 @@ governance-team-wg-gamedev-name = 遊戲開發工作組 governance-team-wg-gamedev-description = 專注於使 Rust 成為遊戲開發的默認選擇 governance-team-wg-llvm-name = LLVM governance-team-wg-llvm-description = 代表 Rust 與 LLVM 團隊合作 -governance-team-community-rustbridge-name = RustBridge 團隊 -governance-team-community-rustbridge-description = 專注於將小眾群體納入 Rust 的包容性教育計畫。 governance-team-wg-grammar-name = 語法 governance-team-wg-grammar-description = 設計 Rust 的官方、正式語法並對既存的實作進行驗證。 governance-team-lang-name = 語言團隊 @@ -104,7 +102,6 @@ governance-team-wg-mir-opt-description = 撰寫基於 MIR 的最佳化程式碼 governance-team-rust-by-example-name = 《透過範例學習 Rust》團隊 governance-team-rust-by-example-description = 維護並更新《透過範例學習 Rust》 governance-team-community-name = 社群團隊 -governance-team-community-description = 協調並支援活動、製作素材、營運 RustBridge 以及執行問卷調查 governance-team-wg-rustup-name = Rustup 工作小組 governance-team-wg-rustup-description = 設計並實作 Rustup governance-team-wg-rustfmt-name = Rustfmt 工作組 diff --git a/static/images/rustbridge-berlin.jpg b/static/images/rustbridge-berlin.jpg deleted file mode 100644 index 3dc23e7b..00000000 Binary files a/static/images/rustbridge-berlin.jpg and /dev/null differ diff --git a/static/images/rustbridge-paris.jpg b/static/images/rustbridge-paris.jpg deleted file mode 100644 index 0936c88a..00000000 Binary files a/static/images/rustbridge-paris.jpg and /dev/null differ diff --git a/static/images/rustbridge-rbr.jpg b/static/images/rustbridge-rbr.jpg deleted file mode 100644 index 080476e3..00000000 Binary files a/static/images/rustbridge-rbr.jpg and /dev/null differ diff --git a/static/images/rustbridge-rustconf.jpg b/static/images/rustbridge-rustconf.jpg deleted file mode 100644 index de7c597a..00000000 Binary files a/static/images/rustbridge-rustconf.jpg and /dev/null differ diff --git a/static/images/rustbridge.jpg b/static/images/rustbridge.jpg deleted file mode 100644 index 405b63b9..00000000 Binary files a/static/images/rustbridge.jpg and /dev/null differ diff --git a/templates/community/index.html.hbs b/templates/community/index.html.hbs index 197f4340..d6be2097 100644 --- a/templates/community/index.html.hbs +++ b/templates/community/index.html.hbs @@ -153,10 +153,6 @@ {{fluent "community-calendar"}} -- {{fluent "community-rustbridge"}} -
- {{fluent "community-rustbridge-button"}} -