Returns users a user is following on Twitter, for a specified amount of levels. Running these functions requires the user to have access to a Twitter API tokens.
Make sure to add your own API keys as variables, as they are imported from my own text file, otherwise the code will not run.
The starting-user is changed by editing the user_id argument in line 81.
Due to API rate limits, the function acquires user_ids. However, the optional function acquires screen_name for each unique user_id acquired in the first function (this can take multiple days).
For reference, retrieving a follower network based on who @realDonaldTrump follows takes roughly 30-45 minutes, and retrieving their screen names takes several hours.
Keep in mind that if you do not run the, the data in relation_array will only contain users' ID- not their screen name.
A dataset is added as example, which contains @realDonalTrump's friends and their screen names.