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135 lines (103 loc) · 4.71 KB

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135 lines (103 loc) · 4.71 KB


This library completely repeats the entire functionality of the library jsonwebtoken, with four important additions:

  1. The token expiration time can be completely managed by Redis.
  2. You can invalidate the token by removing it from Redis.
  3. You can postpone the expiration a token.
  4. There's no callback. All functions returns Promises.


npm install jsonwebtoken-redis

Quick start

const Redis = require('redis');
const redis = new Redis();
const JwtRedis =  require('jsonwebtoken-redis');

const jwtRedis = new JwtRedis(redis, {
  prefix: 'session:' // The prefix used in Redis keys (optional). Defaults to "session:".
  expiresKeyIn: '24 hours' // The default Redis expiration time (optional)
  promiseImpl: Promise // Custom promise library (optional). Defaults to native Promise.

const secret = 'shhhhhh';
const payload = {
  scope: 'user',
  user: '1',

// Sign function call overriding the default Redis expiration time provided above
jwtRedis.sign(payload, secret, {expiresKeyIn: '48 hours'}).bind({}).then((token) => {
  this.token = token;
  // Returns the decoded payload without verifying if the signature is valid
  return jwtRedis.decode(token, secret, {complete: true});
}).then((decoded) => {
  // Returns the decoded payload verifying if the signature is valid
  return jwtRedis.verify(this.token, secret);
}).then((decoded) => {
  // Increases the expiration time by 48 hours
  return jwtRedis.touch(this.token);
}).then(() => {
  // Removes the token from Redis, invalidating it in the next "verify" function calls.
  return jwtRedis.destroy(this.token);

Expiration time managed by Redis

There's a new option expiresKeyIn when you call sign. This option is used to set the expiration time of the key/value created in Redis. Using this option the expiration time is completely managed by Redis, in other words, the key/value is created in Redis through the command expire. The token it self doesn't contain any expiration data.

jwtRedis.sign(payload, secret, {expiresKeyIn: '48 hours'}).then((token) => {


You can continue to use the option expiresIn or the payload attribute exp, but the option expiresKeyIn will be completely ignore. The key/value will be created in Redis with the expiration based on jwt option or payload attriute mentioned previously.

Attention: Implementing this way, you can't postpone the expiration in Redis because the token it self will expire.

Defining the jti claim

The "jti" (JWT ID) claim provides a unique identifier for the JWT. This is used to create the key for the token in Redis. If you don't provide the "jti", a new one will be generated using uuid version 4 (random).

const jwtRedis = new JwtRedis(client, {prefix: 'session:'})
const payload = {jti: 'test'}; // The key for the token in Redis will be "session:test"
const secret = 'shhhhhh';
jwtRedis.sign(payload, secret, {expiresKeyIn: '1 hour'}).then((token) => {
  return jwtRedis.decode(token, secret);
}).then((decoded) => {
  console.log(decoded.jti) // Will print "test"

Touching the token

When you set the jwt expiration time, you can't change it anymore. By using the option expiresKeyIn when you call sign, you have the power to postpone the expiration time.

jwtRedis.sign(payload, secret, {expiresKeyIn: '1 hour'}).then((token) => {
  // Do what you need here
// After 30 minutes...
jwtRedis.touch(token).then(() => {
  // Now the token will be valid for more 1 hour. Without this the token would expire in 30 minutes.

Destroying the token

You can invalidate the token by calling destroy function. This will remove the key/value associated to the token from Redis. All future calls to verify will throw JwtRedis.TokenExpiredError.

jwtRedis.destroy(token).then(() => {
  // The token was removed from Redis


All functions will return a Promise. You can set the Promise implementation by passing the option promiseImpl when you instantiate a new JwtRedis.

const Promise = require('bluebird')
const jwtRedis = new JwtRedis(redis, {
  promiseImpl: Promise,


Create a token

jwtRedis.sign(payload, secretOrPrivateKey [, options])

Verify the token

jwtRedis.verify(token, secretOrPublicKey [, options])

Decode the token

jwt.decode(token [, options])

Postpone the token expiration


Destroy the token
