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bayanpy: Bayan Algorithm for Community Detection

bayanpy is a Python package implementing the Bayan algorithm: a community detection method capable of providing a globally optimal solution to the modularity maximization problem. Bayan can also be used such that it provides an approximation of the maximum modularity with a guarantee of proximity. This algorithm is theoretically grounded by the Integer Programming (IP) formulation of the modularity maximization problem and relies on an exact branch-and-cut scheme for solving the NP-complete optimization problem to global optimality.

For more information, visit the Bayan project website. For a few examples on different ways you can use Bayan see this Google Colab notebook: bayanpy Examples.


To install bayanpy, use pip:

pip install bayanpy


bayanpy has the following dependencies:

  • requests>=2.25.1
  • pandas>=1.3.0
  • networkx>=2.6.3
  • numpy>=1.21.0
  • gurobipy>=9.5
  • joblib>=1.1.0
  • pycombo>=0.1.7

Note that pycombo version 0.1.7 requires Python version =<3.9 and therefore bayanpy has the same python version requirement.

The dependencies above will be automatically installed when you install bayanpy using pip.

Gurobi Installation with Free Academic License

bayanpy requires Gurobi Optimizer. Gurobi is a commercial software, but it can be registered with a free academic license if the user is affiliated with an academic institution. Due to the restrictions of Gurobi, Bayan requires a (free academic) Gurobi license for processing any graph with more than sqrt(2000) ≈ 44 nodes.

Follow these five steps to install Gurobi with a free academic license:

  1. Download and install Python version 3.9 from the official Python website.
  2. Register for an account on the Gurobi registration page to be able to request a free academic license for using Gurobi (if you are affiliated with an academic institution).
  3. Install Gurobi (version >= 9.5, latest version is recommended) into Python (using either conda or pip) using the following commands:
  • Using Conda (recommended for Anaconda users):
conda config --add channels
conda install -c gurobi gurobi
  • Using pip (alternative method):
python -m pip install gurobipy
  1. Request a Named-User Academic License from the Gurobi academic license page after reading and agreeing to Gurobi's End User License Agreement.
  2. Install the license on your computer following the instructions given on the Gurobi license page.

For detailed installation instructions, refer to the Gurobi's Quick Start Guides.


You can use bayanpy as a standalone package. After installing bayanpy, you can use it directly in your Python code as follows:

import networkx as nx
import bayanpy

# Create or load your networkx (undirected) graph 
graph = nx.florentine_families_graph()

# Run the Bayan algorithm
modularity, optimality_gap, community, modeling_time, solve_time = bayanpy.bayan(graph, threshold=0.001, time_allowed=60, resolution=1)

Parameters and acceptable input

  • graph: Input graph should be an undirected networkx graph. If the graph is weighted, it must have edge attribute "weight" to store positive edge weights.
  • threshold: The acceptable optimality gap for the algorithm to terminate. If Bayan finds a solution with a modularity value within the specified threshold of the optimal solution, it stops the search and returns the found solution. For example, setting the threshold to 0.01 means Bayan will stop when it finds a solution within 1% of the maximum modularity for that graph.
  • time_allowed: The maximum allowed execution time in seconds for Bayan to search for a solution after the optimization model is built (formulated). Shortly after this time limit is reached, the algorithm will terminate and returns the best solution found so far, even if the optimality gap threshold is not met.
  • resolution: The resolution parameter (gamma) used in the modularity function.


  • modularity: The modularity value of the returned partition.
  • optimality_gap: The upper bound for the percentage difference between the modularity of the returned partition and the maximum modularity.
  • community: A nested list describing the communities (the partition).
  • modeling_time: The seconds taken for pre-processing the input and formulating the optimization model.
  • solve_time: The seconds taken for solving the optimization model using the Bayan algorithm.


You can find a few examples on Bayan in this Google Colab notebook: bayanpy Examples


If you have any suggestions or encounter any issues with the Bayan project, please feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request on this GitHub repository.


bayanpy is released under the GNU General Public License. For more information, please refer to the LICENSE file in the repository.


If you use bayanpy in any document, please cite the following peer-reviewed article:

Aref, Samin, Mahdi Mostajabdaveh, and Hriday Chheda. "Bayan algorithm: Detecting communities in networks through exact and approximate optimization of modularity." Physical Review E 110, no. 4 (2024): 044315.