We need 1.7.0-beta.0 or later, due to bond0 and BPG route pushing issues.
We need to provide two separate ipxe urls, one for the first boot (what is the installer itself), and then the image that is installed.
This is the image we pass to equinix metal to boot.
NOTE: ipxe_script_url must be not contain extensions and must contain the following kernel args console=ttyS1,115200n8 talos.platform=equinixMetal
We don’t use overlays yet…
I’d love to have a CURL command for this…
- console=ttyS1,115200n8
- talos.platform=equinixMetal
talos_install_image = " factory.talos.dev/installer/25889b382ca7647e59d2a22d4cbb535e30d224f751b7e1d6ac677fb96fa1002d:v1.7.0-beta.0 "
This is the image we request Talos installs to the disk.
NOTE: install image must contain the following kernel args console=ttyS1,115200n8 talos.platform=equinixMetal
We use three system extensions:
- siderolabs/gvisor
- siderolabs/iscsi-tools
- siderolabs/mdadm
I’e love to be able to query an existing ipxe factore for it’s config / kernel args / extensions etc
- console=ttyS1,115200n8
- talos.platform=equinixMetal
- siderolabs/gvisor
- siderolabs/iscsi-tools
- siderolabs/mdadm