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174 lines (146 loc) · 10.9 KB

Version 5 to 6

New features

  • Caching support for OIDC protocol artifacts like Access Tokens, Authorization Codes, Refresh Tokens, but also client and user data. The cache layer stands in front of the database store, so it can improve performance, especially in cases of sudden surge of users trying to authenticate. Implementation is based on Symfony Cache component, so any compatible Symfony cache adapter can be used. Check the module config file for more information on how to set the protocol cache.
  • Key rollover support - you can now define additional (new) private / public key pair which will be published on relevant JWKS endpoint or contained in JWKS property. In this way, you can "announce" new public key which can then be fetched by RPs, and do the switch between "old" and "new" key pair when you find appropriate.
  • OpenID Federation capabilities:
    • Automatic client registration using a Request Object (passing it by value)
    • Federation participation limiting based on Trust Marks
    • Endpoint for issuing configuration entity statement (statement about itself)
    • Fetch endpoint for issuing statements about subordinates (registered clients)
    • Clients can now be configured with new properties:
      • Entity Identifier
      • Supported OpenID Federation Registration Types
      • Federation JWKS
      • Protocol JWKS, JWKS URI and Signed JWKS URI,
      • Registration type (manual, federated_automatic, or other in the future)
      • Is Federated flag (indicates participation in federation context)
      • Timestamps: created_at, updated_at, expires_at
  • Improved AuthProc filter support
    • Support authproc filters that need to redirect and later resume processing
      • consent and preprodwarning are two authprocs that redirect for user interaction and are now supported
    • Uses SSP's ProcessingChain class for closer alignment with SAML IdP configuration.
      • Allows additional configuration of authprocs in the main config.php under key authproc.oidc
  • Authorization endpoint now also supports sending request parameters using HTTP POST method, in addition to GET.
  • Added support for passing authorization request parameters as JWTs, specifically - passing a Request Object by Value:
  • Added support for private_key_jwt client authentication method at token endpoint:

New configuration options

  • (optional) Issuer - you can now override the issuer (OP identifier). If not set, it falls back to current scheme, host and optionally a port (as in all previous module versions).
  • (optional) Protocol caching adapter and its arguments
  • (optional) OpenID Federation related options (needed if federation capabilities are to be used):
    • enabled or disabled federation capabilities
    • valid trust anchors
    • authority hints
    • federation caching adapter and its arguments
    • PKI keys - federation keys used for example to sign federation entity statements
    • federation participation limiting based on Trust Marks for RPs
    • signer algorithm
    • entity statement duration
    • organization name
    • contacts
    • logo URI
    • policy URI
    • homepage URI

Major impact changes

  • PHP version requirement was bumped to v8.2

Medium impact changes

  • Database schema has been updated, so you'll have to run the DB migrations as described in the README file.
  • OIDC protocol endpoints ('authorization_endpoint', 'token_endpoint', 'userinfo_endpoint', 'end_session_endpoint', 'jwks_uri') are now available as new routes which use Symfony routing and container mechanism. This was done as an effort to move to default SimpleSAMLphp way of working with routes and services. New routes are now published by default in "OP Configuration" endpoint, which is now also available as <basepath>/module.php/oidc/.well-known/openid-configuration. If you are publishing that URL as a "well-known" URL ('/.well-known/openid-configuration'), make sure to update your web server configuration to reflect that change (you can refer to README for examples). All old routes (routes served by PHP files in public folder) will stay available in this version, which should allow all RPs to update OP configuration in time. Old routes will be removed in version 7.
  • If you are using Apache web server: you should check the README file which now contains a note on how to configure Apache to preserve Authorization HTTP headers with Bearer token scheme (stripping of this header in Apache is a known 'issue': symfony/symfony#19693). If you don't set this config, you'll now get warnings about this situation in your logs.
  • The new authproc filter processing will look in an additional location for filters, in the main config.php under key authproc.oidc
  • Removed support for plain OAuth2 Implicit flow (response_type token), because of very low usage. Note that the OIDC Implicit flow is still supported (response_type id_token token or id_token).

Low impact changes

  • In an effort to move to SimpleSAMLphp way of working with user interface (UI), the client management UI was updated to extend from the SimpleSAMLphp base template. In addition, we have also introduced some configuration overview pages where you can take a quick view of some of the configuration values for the module. OIDC related pages are now available from the main SimpleSAMLphp menu in Administration area.

  • The OIDC config template file has been moved from config-templates/module_oidc.php to config/module_oidc.php.dist. This is only relevant for new installations, since initially it is needed to copy the template file to default SSP config dir. README has been updated to reflect that change.

Below are also some internal changes that should not have impact for the OIDC OP implementors. However, if you are using this module as a library or extending from it, you will probably encounter breaking changes, since a lot of code has been refactored:

  • Upgraded to v5 of lcobucci/jwt
  • Upgraded to v3 of laminas/laminas-diactoros
  • SimpleSAMLphp version used during development was bumped to v2.3
  • In Authorization Code Flow, a new validation was added which checks for 'openid' value in 'scope' parameter. Up to now, 'openid' value was dynamically added if not present. In Implicit Code Flow this validation was already present.
  • Removed importer from legacy OAuth2 module, as it is very unlikely that someone will upgrade from legacy OAuth2 module to v6 of oidc module. If needed, one can upgrade to earlier versions of oidc module, and then to v6.

Version 4 to 5

Major impact changes

  • PHP version requirement was bumped to v8.1

Medium impact changes

  • Module config options in file 'module_oidc.php' are now using constants for config keys. The values for constants are taken from the previous version of the module, so theoretically you don't have to rewrite your current config file, although it is recommended to do so.

Low impact changes

  • Removed the 'kid' config option which was not utilized in the codebase (from v2 of the module, the 'kid' value is the fingerprint of the certificate).

Below are some internal changes that should not have impact for the OIDC OP implementors. However, if you are using this module as a library or extending from it, you will probably encounter breaking changes, since a lot of code has been refactored:

  • psalm error level set to 1, which needed a fair amount of code adjustments
  • refactored to strict typing whenever possible (psalm can now infer types for >99% of the codebase)
  • refactored to PHP v8.* (up to PHP v8.1) code styling whenever possible, like using constructor property promotion, match expressions...
  • removed dependency on steverhoades/oauth2-openid-connect-server (low maintenance)

Version 3 to 4

  • PHP version requirement was bumped to v8.0 to enable updating important dependant packages like 'league/oauth2-server' which has already moved to PHPv8 between their minor releases.
  • SimpleSAMLphp version used during development was bumped v2.0

Version 2 to 3

  • Module code was refactored to make it compatible with SimpleSAMLphp v2
  • Default key name was changed from oidc_module.pem to oidc_module.key. If you don't set custom key name using option 'privatekey' in module config file, make sure to change the file name of the key from oidc_module.pem to oidc_module.key.
  • Removed config option 'alwaysIssueRefreshToken'
  • Removed config option 'alwaysAddClaimsToIdToken'

Version 1 to 2

There are numerous DB changes that need to be applied. Perform the migration by logging in as an SSP admin to https://server/simplesaml/module.php/oidc/install.php

An SSP admin should now use https://server/simplesaml/module.php/oidc/admin-clients/ to manage clients. The previous /clients/ path is for authorized users.

Review the changes to config-templates/module_oidc.php and apply relevant changes to your configuration. For example claim types are now supported.

In version 1, in authorization code flow, user claims were always included in ID token, instead of only including them if access token was not released, as per specification. Since changing this behavior is a potential breaking change for Relying Parties, in version 2 a config option 'alwaysAddClaimsToIdToken' is introduced to enable OpenID Providers to keep the behavior from version 1 by setting it to 'true'. If 'alwaysAddClaimsToIdToken' is set to 'false', user claims will only be added to ID token if access token was not released. If access token was released, user claims will have to be fetched from 'userinfo' endpoint. Note that this option only applies to authorization code flow since implicit flow was not available in version 1. If you are to use the spec compliant behavior, make sure to warn existing Relying Parties about the change.

Similarly, in version 1, in authorization code flow, refresh token was always released, instead of only releasing it if the client specifically requested it using 'offline_access' scope. Since changing this behavior is a potential breaking change for Relying Parties, in version 2 a config option 'alwaysIssueRefreshToken' is introduced to enable OpenID Providers to keep the behavior from version 1 by setting it to 'true'. If 'alwaysIssueRefreshToken' is set to 'false', refresh token will be released only if it was requested using 'offline_access' scope. If you are to use the spec compliant behavior, make sure to warn existing Relying Parties about the change. Note that in that case the client must have the 'offline_access' scope registered.

Token endpoint was renamed from '.../access_token.php' to '.../token.php'. This is a potential breaking change for clients that do not fetch OP configuration from the /.well-known/openid-configuration URI dynamically, but instead hardcode endpoints in their configuration. You should probably warn existing Relying Parties about this change.