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Notes on the Hercules IBM MVS mainframe (System/370, System/390, and zSeries/System z) emulator, using the ready to use MVS 3.8j Tur(n)key 4- ("TK4-") preconfigured system, which can be found here. It is available for both Linux and Windows, these notes are based on an Ubuntu 17.04 setup. TK4- is an extension by Jürgen Winkelmann of TK3 by Volker Bandke. Since TK4- does not claim to be an official new release of TK3, it uses the TK4- (with the dash) moniker.

I come at this from the perspective of having extremely limited mainframe experience (JCL and COBOL classes back in the mid 1980s), with most of my experience being in the Windows/Mac/Linux/Unix world, with a few years of VMS work experience in the late 80s early 90s. But I have always had an interest in knowing what it was like to work in a mainframe environment, this emulation software allows me to get a flavor of that (from the software/OS side anyway, not so much the hardware side, other than virtual hardware)


Main MVS 3.8j Tur(n)key 4- ("TK4-") site

TK3 and TK4 References

Overviews of S/370 Systems

  • IBM Mainframe Tutorial - very good and broad overview. It mentions up to the early z/OS systems but the focus is on 370 era systems

YouTube Videos

Videos by moshix

z/OS videos, but much is still applicable to earlier systems

Videos by

Hercules References

IBM Documents

Frequently Used since these most closely correspond to MVS 3.8 used here:

Less Frequently Used

Most of these docs will be for Z/OS, but many things still apply for earlier OSes

z/OS videos

Jay Moseley

Additional Notes References

Concept References

Languages and Compilers

c3270 Emulator References

TODO Grab notes/code from these



Role of Hercules vs TK4-

  • Hercules is the emulator of the IBM mainframe Environment, which includes the machine level instruction set and the devices for System/370, System/390, and zSeries/System z, which are all one the hardware side of things. It is not the operating system, but provides the environment for the operating system to run on. It provides an environment to run public domain operating systems such as OS/360, DOS/360, DOS/VS, MVS (see all the variations below), VM/370, and TSS/370. It can also run OS/390, z/OS, VSE/ESA, z/VSE, VM/ESA, z/VM, TPF/ESA, and z/TPF are licensed products and cannot be legally run.
  • TK4- (OS/VS2 MVS 3.8j) - Is the MVS operating system itself, in this case OS/VS2 MVS 3.8j which ran on the System/370. Apart from the operating system itself it also provides additional functionality such as scripting automatic IPL, integration with the host OS (Ubuntu in my case), etc.

MVS Concepts

  • MVS - Multiple Virtual Storage was the most commonly used operating system on the System/370 and System/390 IBM mainframe computers. It was developed by IBM, but is unrelated to IBM's other mainframe operating systems, e.g., VSE, VM, TPF. MVS has been update over the years, here a some of the extensions in order of release:

    • OS/VS2 Release 2 - the initial release of MVS on System/370 (and thus synonymous with MVS). Has 24-bit addressing, supporting 16MB of main memory.
    • MVS/SE (MVS/System Extensions) on System/370. Has 24-bit addressing, supporting 16MB of main memory.
    • MVS/SP (MVS/System Product) Version 1, on System/370. Has 24-bit addressing, supporting 16MB of main memory. The first to add POSIX Unix Support.
    • MVS/XA - (MVS/extended Architecture) on System/370. Has 31-bit addressing, supporting 2GB of main memory.
    • MVS/ESA - (MVS/Enterprise Systems Architecture) on System/370. Has 31-bit addressing, supporting 2GB of main memory.
    • OS/390 - MVS branded as OS/390 running on System/390
    • z/OS - MVS branded as z/OS
  • Catalogs are used to organize data sets. By default the data sets you create are stored in the SYS1.UCAT.TSO master catalog. To see a list of Catalogs owned by the user type the TSO command LISTCAT.

  • MVS has a record oriented/block oriented file system, not byte oriented like Linux/Windows. When creating Data sets you must specify a lot more detail, such as record and block size, the size in tracks or cylinders as the initial primary size, a secondary size in the same units which will increase the size by that amount if needed, which will create additional extents. If secondary size increases aren't specified it won't grow beyond the initial primary size provided. When creating data sets you often have to factor in individual disk geometries for the volume used in order to get optimal disk space usage.


Note: several of the definitions come from IBM knowledge base and Wikipedia articles that were primarily modified to make them more concise.

  • 3270 Terminal - The IBM 3270 family of terminals that were released in 1971. They are block oriented devices, meaning that they sends entire blocks of text at a time, rather than character by character. This block orientation, along with controllers that sit between the 3270s and the mainframe itself, minimize the interruptions to the mainframe CPU. The 3270 is no longer manufactured today, but is widely used through terminal emulators.
  • ALLOCATE . TSO command to make a connection between a file's logical name (the ddname) and the file's physical name (the data set name).
  • BLOCK - for non-VSAM data sets the storage unit that holds the RECORDS and is itself stored in TRACKS. When a record is request, the entire block that it is in is read into memory. This is done for efficiency because it is assumed you will be requesting other records in that block.
  • BLOCK SIZE - the size of a block specified in different units, i.e. the number of records (most common), words, characters, etc.
  • BSAM - Basic Sequential Access Method
  • CATALOG - A directory of files and libraries, with reference to their locations, including what volume it is on. This volume could be tape or disk. If it is a tape it has the information to request the tape be mounted by its volume name. If it is on disk it has the information on what disk volume it is on, in which the VTOC will have the information on where it is physically located. The catalog itself is actually a VSAM data set filled with meta data about other data sets. A system typically has a MASTER CATALOG and several USER CATALOGS. The MASTER CATALOG doesn't contain info on all the data sets on the system, but it can redirect to the appropriate USER CATALOG, much like a DNS server.
  • CATALOGED DATASET - An indexed data set associated with a Catalog
  • CATALOGED PROCEDURE - JCL statements placed in a library and access by name
  • CHANNEL - manages a single I/O interface between a channel subsystem and a set of control units. Because I/O devices are relatively slow, a CPU could waste time (in computer perspective) waiting for the data from the device. This situation is called 'I/O bound'. Channel architecture avoids this problem by using a separate, independent, low-cost processor. Channel processors are simple, but self-contained, with minimal logic and sufficient on-board scratchpad memory (working storage) to handle I/O tasks.
  • CICS - application servers that provide online transaction management and connectivity for applications on IBM Mainframe systems. CICS is middleware designed to support rapid, high-volume online transaction processing. This processing is usually interactive (screen-oriented), but background transactions are possible. Recent CICS Transaction Server enhancements include support for Web services and Java, Event processing, Atom feeds, and RESTful interfaces.
  • DATASET - the sequential PS data sets are similar to a file in Linux/Windows, although they are composed of a series of records as opposed to a stream of bytes. There is also the PDS (Partition Data Set) in MVS, which is a data set that contains Members that contain the set of records (in the way the entire PS data set does)
  • Directory Block - Each PDS has one or more directory blocks where it stores the 8 byte Member Name, the starting location for the first record in that Member, along with some additional optional information. You define the number of directory blocks when allocating a new PDS. I had a PDS with 2 directory blocks allocate I was able to store 11 Members before filling the directory blocks, so 5.5 Members per directory block.
  • EXTENTS -- the units of space allocated when a data set is created or extended. The size of the extent is measured in Tracks or Cylinders. The space on disk is contiguous, which means it may be hard to find enough contiguous space on disk for a large extent if the disk is highly fragmented. There are two types of extents in which you specify how many tracks/cylinders you want for each type:
    • Primary - The initial extent allocated when the data set is created. So if it is specified to be 20 tracks, those 20 tracks will be allocated when the data set is created
    • Secondary - the additional extents that are allocated when the primary extent is full. So if the secondary extent is given a size of 10 tracks, those tracks will be allocated each time the data set is extended. The number of secondary extents you can receive for a non-VSAM data set is limited, on z/OS it is 250, so it may be less on the earlier versions.
  • IDCAMS - used to define, copy, delete, and rename VSAM Data Sets.
  • IMS - IBM Information Management System (IMS) is a hierarchical database and information management system with extensive transaction processing capabilities.
  • ISAM - Indexed Sequential Access Method
  • IPL - Initial Program Load - the booting process. Different types (cold start, quick start, warm start)
  • ISPF - Interactive System Productivity Facility - includes a screen editor, user interface with panels that contain menus for running TSO commands. Often used as an application programming interface. The TS4- version of MVS uses RFE and RPF as "SPF like productivity tools".
  • ISPF LIBRARY - The ISPF library has a three-level name consisting of a project, group, and type. An optional library member name can also be included. A member consists of programming code, data, or text.
    • Project - The common identifier for all ISPF libraries belonging to the same programming project. This name must be your user ID unless you are using a specific project name that has been predefined in the MVS™ master catalog.
    • Group - The identifier for a particular set of ISPF libraries.
    • Type -The identifier for the type of information in the ISPF library, such as JCLLIB, PL/I, SCRIPT, or COBOL.
  • JCL - Job Control Language. Refer to JclNotes for more information.
  • JES - Job Entry System - responsible for spooling, job queuing, and I/O for jobs
  • JES SPOOL - Used for JES queuing and output (custom indexed data sets). Job output can be sent to the printer from this spool or held to be viewed.
  • JOB - a unit of work for the operating system defined in JCL
  • JOB CLASS - a category of job used to distinguish its characteristics (for example I/O intensive vs processor intensive)
  • LIBRARY - similar to a directory in Linux/Windows
  • LP - logical partition
  • LPAR - Part of IBM's virtualisation architecture. LPAR, is a subset of a computer's hardware resources, vitalized as a separate computer. In effect, a physical machine can be partitioned into multiple logical partitions, each hosting a separate operating system.
  • LRECL - logical record length
  • LU - logical unit
  • MEMBER - A file in a PDS (Partitioned Data Set). Most editing of source files takes place in MEMBERS
  • MVS - Multiple Virtual Storage. Refer to the Concepts section above for more information.
  • MVS/ESA - Multiple Virtual Storage/Enterprise System Architecture. Ran on System/370 as a 31 bit OS (2GB Main Memory)
  • PDS - Partitioned Data Set - It is a data set that can contain partitions called MEMBERS, which are programs, parts of programs, and data. members, each of which can contain a program, part of a program, or data. Synonymous with program library. Contrast with sequential data set. Identified by PO under the ORG heading when listing data sets and in JCL commands
  • PDS/E - just like PDS but more advanced in that unclaimed space is automatically reclaimed and they are more efficient
  • PE - Program Error
  • PU - Physical Unit**
  • READER - A program that reads jobs from an input device or data base file and places them on the job queue.
  • RECORD SET - Data sets with a record-oriented structure that are accessed record by record. This is the most typical data set structure on MVS
  • RJE - Remote Job Entry
  • SMF - System management facilities collects and records system and job-related information. SMF formats the information that it gathers into system-related records (or job-related records). System-related SMF records include information about the configuration, paging activity, and workload. Job-related records include information on the CPU time, SYSOUT activity, and data set activity of each job step, job, APPC/MVS transaction program, and TSO/E session.
    • Users Billing
    • Reliability Reporting
    • Analyzing the configuration
    • Scheduling jobs
    • Summarizing direct access volume activity
    • Evaluating data set activity
    • Profiling system resource use
    • Maintaining system security
  • SNA - Systems Network Architecture. a complete protocol stack for interconnecting computers and their resources. SNA describes formats and protocols and is, in itself, not a piece of software. Refer to VTAM which is one of the key technologies using this specification. SNA is a key architecture use in communication devices such as the 3270 terminal
  • SPOOLING - Reading and writing of input and output streams on auxiliary storage devices, concurrently with job execution,
  • TSO - Time Sharing Option - allows users to interactively share computer time and resources - interact in either line by line mode or full screen menu mode with the results displayed on the terminal screen - refer also to ISPF which is built on top of TSO allowing it to be controlled through menus, the two are often referred to as TSO/ISPF- commonly used by mainframe system admins and programmers because it provides:
  • Entering line commands.
  • Text editor
  • Batch job support and notifications. Line interaction mode commands can also be processed by JCL instead
  • Debuggers
  • Support for applications
  • UNIT TYPE - when creating/accessing data sets it identifies the type of VOLUME, either Tape or Disk
  • *VOLUME - DASD disks, along with tapes and optical units. Identified by a volume label.
  • VSAM - Virtual Storage Access Method - a VSAM data set uses a virtual data set name called a CLUSTER NAME, with the cluster name being associated with one or more physical data set names. With a KSDS CLUSTER you have a physical data set DATA component and a physical data set INDEX component, the ESDS CLUSTER has just the physical DATA component. With the exception of **LDS (Linear Data Sets) VSAM data sets are collections of records grouped into Control Intervals (CI), which are in turn grouped into a continuous storage are called a CONTROL AREA (CA). Linear Data Sets don't have any META data in them. A special system utility called IDCAMS is used to define, copy, delete, and rename VSAM Data Sets.
  • VTAM - Virtual Telecommunications Access Method subsystem that implements Systems Network Architecture (SNA) for mainframe environments. It provides an API for communication applications, and it controls communication equipment such as adapters and controllers.
  • VTOC* - Volume Table of Contents. It includes a list of data sets on the volume, and the amount of free space.

Installation on Ubuntu (should be similar for windows)

  • Download the "Current TK4- System" zip file from here
  • Create a directly and unzip the download file
  • Install a 3270 terminal emulator such as sudo apt install x3270 for an X Window emulator or sudo apt install c3270 for a cursor based console program, which is what I'm currently using.
  • In the directory that the emulator was unzipped in, run the command set_console_mode in the unattended directory. This will allow you to see what's happening on the console by starting the system manually rather than running as a daemon.
  • In the directory that the emulator was unzipped run ./mvs to start the emulated system. You will see a lot of text scroll by as the system boots up. This screen has the Hercules command prompt. You can toggle back and forth between this screen and a monitor screen that shows IO and MIPs statistics, along with showing the attached devices /(printers, readers, punch card, tapes consoles, display units etc/) most of which are virtual and correspond to subdirectories in the emulator directory.
  • When the system finishes booting connect with the 3270 emulator. Press return and logon. Preconfigured logons and passwords include:
    • HERC01 - a fully authorized user with full access to the RAKF users and profiles tables. The password is CUL8TR
    • HERC02 - a fully authorized user without full access to the RAKF users and profiles tables. The password is also CUL8TR
    • HERC03 - a regular user with the password is PASS4U
    • HERC04 - a regular user with the password PASS4U
  • After logging in with HERC01 and pressing return a couple of times a menu of available options is presented, which will be examined in more detail in the rest of these notes.

Keys and Navigation

Note for several of these commands (particular the ones you type in that require a return (not F3, F7, F8, etc)) make sure you are in the input area, otherwise you will replace whatever text is displayed on the screen

  • F3 - move back up a level in the menu
  • arrow keys - move up and down lines, left and right a character
  • + enter, F8, DOWN - page down
  • - enter, F7, UP - page up
  • TOP - Move to the first line of a record (top page)
  • BOTTOM, BOT - Move to the last line of a record (last page)
  • END - end a command
  • CANCEL, CAN - same as end but user profile changes not saved
  • EXIT, END, =x - terminate the whole review session
  • RECALL, RETRIEVE - recall the prior command
  • e - edit/display an entry (make sure you are on the front of the line for that entry)
  • PA - Program attention key which allows you to break out of a running program. Mapped to CTRL-A and then 1 (release control before entering 1). It is also available in the keyboard overly menu in the c3270 emulator
  • RESET - If the keyboard becomes unresponsive while in ISPF like tools this will reset it so you can use it again. Available on the c3270 keyboard overlay menu, not sure the key binding (Esc?)
  • CLEAR - Clear the display screen. Mapped to Ctrl-C and available on the c3270 emulator key map menu.

Directory Structure (the unzip location)

  • conf - the Hercules configuration files
  • dasd - the location of the virtual DASD (direct access storage devices) disk images
  • doc - documentation
  • hercules - the emulator executables
  • jcl - the JCL /(Job Control Language/) files
  • log - log files for job runs and the storage location for punch card image output
  • prt - print directory for printer output
  • rdr - card images to submit to the reader in MVS
  • unattended - contains the set_console_mode script to enable console mode in which you start the system with the ./mvs script rather than having it run as a daemon.

IMON/370 System monitor

From the main menu select 3. IM and enter

This contains several system monitors, to include just a few:

  • Graphic System Monitor (type "g" return) displays a list of processes and device activity that is dynamically updated. It shows the user process /(HERC01 in this case ), the *master* process which is the MVS kernel, JES2 which is the scheduler and spooling system

RFE productivity tool

Provides an editor and productivity tools

From the main menu type 1 enter.


From RFE menu type 3 enter

DSLIST (Data Set List)

From the Utilities type 4 enter


To view and modify the output job queue, typically print jobs with the output results (good or bad) on the execution of the job. Usually a combination of execution information and program output if it was successful.

  • Go to the Utilities menu then 8 OUTLIST if the job is not displayed, type ST to display all jobs

  • Type "S" enter next to the job to select it (open the job)

    Other commands for an individual job

    • Type "P" next to a held job to purge it (delete it)
    • Type "O" next to a held print job to release it to the printer
    • Type "C" next to a non-held job (one waiting to execute) to cancel it. It can not be canceled if it has started
  • Small portion of JES2 Job Log output for a held job

J E S 2   J O B   L O G

08.33.36 JOB    4  $HASP373 PRIMCOB1 STARTED - INIT  1 - CLASS A - SYS TK4-
08.33.36 JOB    4  IEF403I PRIMCOB1 - STARTED - TIME=08.33.36
08.33.36 JOB    4  IEFACTRT - Stepname  Procstep  Program   Retcode
08.33.36 JOB    4  PRIMCOB1   PRIMES    COB       IKFCBL00  RC= 0000
08.33.36 JOB    4  PRIMCOB1   PRIMES    GO        LOADER    RC= 0000
08.33.36 JOB    4  IEF404I PRIMCOB1 - ENDED - TIME=08.33.36
08.33.36 JOB    4  $HASP395 PRIMCOB1 ENDED

One of the most import things to note here is the return codes, both are Rc= 0000 which indicates job success.

Example "SYS2.JCLLIB":

For the "Data set name prefix", enter "SYS2.JCLLIB" which will display the JCL library data set that contain a number of example JCL jobs you can run. Type "e" enter at the beginning of the line for this data set to see the list of JCL jobs available.

Data Sets

** DSLIST (data set list) command (1 RFE/3 UTIL/4 DSLIST)

The listing specifies:

  • Volume - the volume it is on
  • ORG - the data set organization, whether it is a PO partitioned data set
  • FMT - Data set format: F fixed record length with only one record per block; FB fixed block (records are fixed lengths with the bock size being some multiple of the record size); VB variable block (records are variable in size with a byte on the front that has the record length); U undefined with no fixed structure (typical for compiled binary files)
  • LRCL - Logical Record Length
  • BLKSZ - Block size - by default files are read one block at a time, not one record at a time

** Example data sets

  • SYS1.* - the system library data sets. Do not change these unless you know what you are doing, you can prevent the system from booting if you make a mistake
  • SYS2.* - contains data sets provided by TK4-, including the SYS2.JCLLIB data set that can be used and modified

Creating a Data Set

Naming rules

  • The entire data set name cannot be more that 44 characters.
  • The segment portion between the periods cannot be more that 8 characters
  • Allowable characters - you can use several special characters, such as $,#,@,%, etc. as long as they are not the first character

Disk Geometry

There will be some variation between different disk types, here are some typical geometries:

Device Type Track Capacity (Bytes) Tracks Per Cylinder Cylinder Capacity (Bytes)
3330 13,030 19 247,570
3350 19,069 30 572,070
3380 47,476 15 712,140
3390 56,664 15 849,960

Refer to for more examples, along with total disk sizes.

Record Format Types

  • U - Undefined. Up to the application to define. Typically binary.
  • FB - Fixed block - for example a block with a records size of 80, and a block size of 800, creates a block of 10 records
  • VB - Variable block - the record length is fixed, but the block length is variable
  • F - Fixed record length

Data Set Allocation

  • Specify the PRIMARY SPACE QUANTITY - size in tracks or cylinders - this is the required space to be created
  • Specify the SECONDARY SPACE QUANTITY - size in tracks or cylinders - these are the extents that allow the data set to be increased by that size. You can have up to 16 extents per volume. There is no guarantee you will get the extended space.

Data Set Creation Using the RFE Productivity Utilities

From within RFE go to 3 UTILITIES 2 DATASET

  • Type "A" for Command (no enter) and enter the provide the Data Set Name then press enter

  • On the ALLOCATE NEW DATA SET screen specify:


    Important: In order to create a PDS (Partitioned Data Set) you need to specify a non-zero number for the NUMBER OF DIRECTORY BLOCKS. On the other hand, if you want to create a sequential data set then be sure to set it to zero. Each PDS has one or more directory blocks where it stores the 8 byte Member Name, the starting location for the first record in that Member, along with some additional optional information. I found with a PDS with 2 directory blocks allocate I was able to store 11 Members before filling the directory blocks, so 5.5 Members per directory block.

  • Press enter when complete to generate the data set

JCL Jobs

Refer to JclNotes for more details on JCL

Job Statement

Contains information to tell JES2 how to run the job. An Example Job Statement section for submitting a COBOL program looks like this:

//    'Eratosthenes Sieve',
//				CLASS=A,
//				REGION=8M,TIME=1440,
//				MSGLEVEL=(1,1)

Note the CLASS is used to tell JES2 what to do and is defined by a particular computer center/installation. In the case of TK4- the CLASS=A in this case tells JES2 to run it immediately. The MSGCLASS tells JES2 what to do with the output, here MSGCLASS=A indicates a particular printer (on Hercules one that writes the output to the prt folder). To have the system hold the output before printing so it can be reviewed specify MSGCLASS=H

Also note that the identifier on the first line before the JOB, in this case PRIMCOB1 (the name of the program) can be changed to whatever you want. This is helpful in that this identifier can be used to search for the output in Ubuntu's prt directory. Some programmer use their username plus a unique letter for each run to help find the output.

Execution Statement and DD Statement

The Execution Statement is that section of the JCL that tells JES2 what program to execute. It is followed by a series of DD Statements which define the data (both input and output) for the particular EXECUTION. An example from the same COBOL program as above would be:


... the COBOL source code

//GO.SYSIN    DD *

Note the COBUCG is the COBOL compiler and the PARAM.COB= line is the parameters for the compile. The COB.SYSIN DD * line is followed by the actual source code to be processed by the compiler. The COBOL program's input itself comes for a similar SYSIN DD * at the end of the source code (2000 in this case). It also includes output information on how to format the output

Example Jobs in the SYS2.JCLLIB Data Set

From the main menu select 1 RFE/3 Utilities/4 DSLIST and enter SYS2.JCLLIB for the "Data set prefix". Type "e" enter next to the data set name and then "e" enter again next to the JCL job you want to edit/run.

Example: PRIMASM

An assembly language program for generating prime numbers.

  • Edit the PRIMASM JCL job. Enter the username with a tag at the top to make it easy to find the job results in the printer output

  • If desired change the PARAM.GO parameter value to set the range of prime numbers to generate

  • Type SAVE at the command prompt to save the changes

  • Type SUBMIT to submit the JCL job

  • Make note of the Job number which is displayed after SUBMIT. If you tell JES2 in the JCL that MSGCLASS=H it will hold the job output in the queue. In the case when I ran this example I had MSGCLASS=A which told it to send it to the printer (the prt folder in Hercules case). If the job is held, refer to the OUTLIST section for information on viewing, purging, or releasing the job to the printer.

  • Back in Ubuntu look in the prt directory and grep '<theUsernameWithTag' * to find the job results in the printer output


Note: Refer to the JES2 Commands section below for the list of JES2 Commands entered on the Hercules Console.

Default TK4- Printer/Reader/Punch setup

The printers in Hercules TK4- are routed to files in the prt subfolder of the Hercules TK4- installation in Ubuntu. There are 3 printers setup, which map to the files prt00e.txt, prt00f.txt, prt002.txt. They can be selected by the MSGCLASS in JCL and are mapped as follows:

JCL MSGCLASS SYSOUT=? JES2 Printer UNIT Ubuntu File Name
MSGCLASS=A SYSOUT=A Printer1 00E prt/prt00e.txt
MSGCLASS=Z SYSOUT=Z Printer2 00F prt/prt00f.txt
MSGCLASS=X SYSOUT=X Printer3 002 prt/prt002.txt
MSGCLASS=B SYSOUT=B Punch1 00D pch/pch00d.txt
MSGCLASS=? SYSOUT=? Punch2 10D pch/pch10d.txt
N/A N/A Reader1 00C rdr/
N/A N/A Reader1 10C jcl/

Note: You can specify MSGCLASS=A in your JCL and your JCL output will go to Printer1, and have the output of the program being run in the JCL go to Printer2 by specifying SYSOUT=Z.

Transferring Data To and From the Mainframe

Using the 3270 Emulator's File Transfer Feature IND$FILE

This example uses the c3270 emulator on Ubuntu. This method uses the IND$FILE program from within TSO, which is the IBM method for transferring files using the 3270.

  • While logged onto the mainframe in the c3270 emulator, exit the RFE menus all the way back to the TSO prompt.
  • Select File Transfer from the c3270 File menu
  • Follow the prompts (send or receive, filenames, etc).
  • Note that when transferring a member in a data set use the standard 'USERID.XXX.YYY(MEMBER)' notation. Note the inclusion of the single quotes, the fully qualified name is required, so the quotes are necessary.
  • If uploading to the mainframe to a PDS it is not necessary to provide the record formats and disk geometry. But for a PS that is new you should provide this info when prompted

Using FTP

  • To use this method you must start the ftpd daemon on the mainframe. You do this from the Hercules Console by entering the /START FTPD,SRVPORT=2100 (I assume other ports are allowed but this is what I used). You can verify this is now running by entering /D A,L at the console.
  • From Ubuntu command line enter ftp localhost 2100 and logon to your TSO account
  • If you type ls at this point you can see all the data sets on the system, since you are essentially at the root.
  • Change to the PDS you want to upload to or download from, ex cd HERC02.TEST.JCL. Now if you type ls you will only see the members of that PDS
  • Type ASCII to make sure the FTP program is set to ASCII mode.
  • Important: Make sure you are not in the PDS you are uploading to because it will place a lock, and from within ftp you will get a 550 not authorized message. Doesn't seem to be an issue downloading from the mainframe.
  • If you are uploading to the mainframe use the put or mput ftp commands to upload the file (remember the Member Name is limited to 8 characters and does not have a file extension. You can use the lcd (local cd) to change to the appropriate directory on Ubuntu if you were not already in that directory when you started ftp.
  • If you are downloading from the mainframe use get to download the member as an Ubuntu file. Again, if necessary change to the local Ubuntu directory with the lcd ftp command.

Logging off and Shutdown the system

Logging off

  1. Exit any active application and press PF3 from the TSO Applications menu to exit to the READY prompt
  2. Type logoff enter

Shutting down

These steps assume auto start and shutdown are enabled (they are by default). If you want to go through the manual process of bring the system up and take it down refer to the manual.

  1. Logon to TSO user HERC01 or HERC02.
  2. Press PF3 from the TSO Applications menu to exit to the READY prompt
  3. Type shutdown enter
  4. Enter logoff enter
  5. The shutdown process will proceed, with the automated shutdown it will automatically exit Hercules when completed

Hercules Console

The Hercules console is where you started the OS, and it now functions as the systems console where status and error messages will be displayed. It is also the location where MVS System Commands, JES/2 Commands, and commands for Hercules itself can be entered.

Credits: some of the commands here were copied in part from the MVS and JES2 Commands site.

MVS Console Commands

These are entered from Hercules prompt, which requires that a / be entered before the MVS commands with no space following.

Note: Several of the MVS commands are under the JES2 Related MVS Commands section below. Ones not directly related to JES2 are shown here.

Note the commands and their subcommands can optionally have a space between them or no space between them, for example $DA or $D A. In the list below I chose the no space option, just keep in mind the first letter is the command and the subsequent letters before a comma, or other delimiter are secondary commands.

Shortcuts used below:

  • C - CANCEL - cancel a job, TSO user, a mount, etc
  • D - DISPLAY - display system I/O, Job Status, console, and other information
  • F - FORCE - force job, mount, etc. to terminate (use when CANCEL won't terminate)
  • K - CONTROL - used to change display console characteristics
  • L - LOG - make log entries into the system log
  • M - MOUNT - mount a storage device (DASD, tape, etc)
  • MN - MONITOR - continually monitor jobs, users, volumes, data sets, etc. Use STOPMN to stop the display of info.
  • P - STOP - stop job execution (only if the programmer has specified a Stop routine), a writer, GTF, MF/1, TSO/VTAM
  • MR - MSGRT - message route
  • PT - STOPTR - stop or reduce the information displayed by the TRACK command
  • R - REPLY - reply to Action Commands
  • S - START - start a job (in Cataloged Procedure), a reader or writer, GTF (Generalized Trace Facility), MF/1 Recording Facility, TSO/VTAM.
  • SE - SEND - Send a message to another console, user, or broadcast
  • SP - STOPMN - stops the continual display of information that was started with the MONITOR command
  • TR - TRACK - periodically display info on jobs and users (requires a display area to be set)
  • U - UNLOAD - Unload (Dismount) a tape or DASD drive
  • V - VARY - used to configure device, channel, and processors
  • W - WRITELOG - Queue the System Log for printing and control what printer device Class is used for the System log
  • Z - HALT - record statistics prior to shutting down the operating system

Example Commands:

  • C jobname - terminates the job/process
  • C U=userId - cancels (terminates) the specified users, e.g. /C U=HERC02
  • D A,L - list active jobs, tasks, and users
  • D C - display console information
  • D C,K - display detailed Control settings for a console
  • D J,L - list job information
  • D M - display CPU, device, and Main Storage information
  • D PFK - display function key assignments fir the console
  • D R,L - list operator messages waiting for a reply
  • D T - display time
  • D TS,L - List TSO users
  • D TS,username - List detailed info on the user
  • D TS,ALL - list detailed info on all users
  • D U,DASD,ONLINE - display the online DASD devices (2314, 3330, 3340, 3350, 3375, 3380, 3390 devices)
  • D U,GRAPHIC,ONLINE - display the online Graphic devices (3270 family of devices)
  • D U,TAPE,ONLINE - display the online Tape devices (3400 devices)
  • D U,TP,ONLINE - display the online Communication devices (2700 & 3700 families of devices)
  • D U,UR,ONLINE - display the online Unit Record devices (3215 console, 1403 and 3211 printers, 2540 reader/punch)
  • FBSPPILOT,SHUTDOWN - Shut down the FBSPPILOT job which is what is used for automatic ISL (boot/shutdown)
  • K A,10 - set display area 1 to 10 lines (this is the status area)
  • K A,NONE - no display areas, everything in the message area. Note: You must clear the status area before you can remove it
  • K A,5,4 - set display area A to 5 lines, and B to 4 lines, the remainder (10) is the general message area
  • K D,F - scroll forward on Frame in the Status Area of a console
  • K E,D - clear the Status Area of a console
  • K N,PFK=(n,CMD='command text'),CON=N - set function key n to the specified command, with no for Conversation Mode
  • K, Q,L=04 - free up the WTO Buffers on the 04 console. This is needed to free the buffers when receiving a WTO Buffer Shortage message.
  • K V,USE=FC,L=04 - Place console 01 in Full Capability mode (it can both receive and send messages/commands).
  • L text - make a log entry into the system log
  • M 282,VOL=(sl,222222),use=private - specify that volume labeled 222222 is mounted to device 282. Private ensures the OS won't used it for temporary files
  • MN JOBNAMES,T - continually display job information. The T ensures the job number and time are displayed.
  • MN SESS,T - display info on the TSO User whenever they log on or off
  • MN DSNAME - display the first non-temporary DSN on a volume whenever it is mounted
  • MN SPACE - display the space available on the device whenever it is demounted
  • MN STATUS - display the Disposition (KEEP, CATLG, UNCATLG) of a data set whenever it is freed
  • MR D=(U,A),L=Z - change the output location of D U and D A commands to the Z (Message Area)
  • MR D=A - remove the message routing for the D A command
  • MR REF - Show the currently defined Message Routes
  • MR NONE - remove all message routing commands
  • P jobname/procname - stop the executing job
  • R Id MsgText - Reply to an Action Message
  • S procname - start the specified job which must be in a Cataloged Procedure
  • SE 23,CN=03 - send message 23 to console 03 (use SE SAVE operand to create messages with numbers)
  • SE 'Hello',CN=03 - send the message 'Hello' to console 03
  • SE 'Hello',BRDCST - send a broadcast message to anyone receiving broadcast messages
  • SE 'Hello' HERC02 - send the message 'Hello' to user HERC02 (note no comma in this case)
  • SE 'Welcome',SAVE - save the message to the Broadcast LIST (the first will be 001) use this message id to send broadcast messages. These message in the LIST will display whenever someone logs on or to whom it is specifically set.
  • SE LIST - list Broadcast messages saved with the SE msg,SAVE command
  • SE msgno - send the message associated with the number in the message LIST as a broadcast message
  • SE msgno,DELETE - delete the specified message from the message LIST
  • SP monitorcmd - stops the continual display of info set by the MN command (JOBNAME, SESS, DSNAME, SPACE, STATUS)
  • TR A - periodically display info on both jobs and users (requires a console display Area to be set)
  • U unitaddr - dismount the tape or DASD at the specified Unit Address
  • /V 010,CONSOLE,AUTH=ALL - enable a console on Unit 010 with Authority All. Refer to the section Connecting to a Console with the c3270 Emulator below.
  • V 010,OFFLINE - place the console offline
  • V (282,283,287),ONLINE - place the specified devices (by their Unit Number online
  • W class - write the System Log to the queue to be printed for the specified output class.
  • Z EOD - record statistics prior to shutting down the operating system

JES/2 Commands

JES/2 command begin with a $, but as with the MVS System Commands above they are proceeded by a / slash to let Hercules know the command is for the OS Console.

  • $AA - Release all held jobs
  • $A ' jobname' - Release specific job. Quotes required.
  • $CJOBn - Cancel job by Job Number
  • $C 'jobname/user' - Cancel job or user
  • $CPRTn - Cancel job on printer
  • $CRDRn - Cancel the reader activity
  • $DA,ALL - Status of all JES2 functions
  • $D ' jobname' - Display JES status of job or user
  • $DF - display the backlog of work for the output devices
  • $DI - display the initiators, including their class
  • $DN - Display input queues
  • $DQ - Display queues
  • $DU - display JES2 devices such as readers, punches and printers
  • $DU,allPRTS - Display all JES devices. This includes internal Readers, which the $DU alone didn't.
  • $E ' jobname' - Restart job after it completes
  • $HA or /$H ' jobname' - Hold all jobs or hold the specified job
  • $IPRTn - Interrupt printing and return job to queue
  • $LSYS - display the systems connected to the JES2 queuing system. Multiple mainframe systems can connect to the same queue.
  • $P - Stop all JES2 processing, all printers, punches, and System Initiators will stop receiving new work and will become inactive, although new jobs will be accepted through input devices. Do this before shutting down JES with $PJEST2.
  • $P ' jobname' Purge a job (including spooled output)
  • $PI3 - Stop an initiator
  • $PJES2 - shutdown JES2. If you receive a message saying it can't be shut down (typical message says "JES2 is not dormant"), and you can't resolve the reason why, then use the ABEND parameter listed next.
  • $PJES2,ABEND – with reply – XX,END - restart JES/2 if it won't restart with just Pjes2 - NOTE: I need to figure out how to reply from the Hercules terminal. I tried both with and without the / prefix when typing the reply. I tried a couple times but got errors. JES2 can be restarted with the $S command
  • $PJOB # or a range $PJOB #-# - Purge the Jobs that match the Job Number or the range of Job Numbers. Frees resources.
  • $PPRTx - stop printer and prevent the printer from receiving work. Free resources.
  • $PPUNx - stop punch and prevent the punch from receiving work. Free resources.
  • $PRDRx - stop reader and prevent the reader from receiving work. Free resources.
  • $SJES2,PARM=(COLD) – to clear JES2 queue and start it cold. (all job queue entries and job output elements are cleared and formatted.) - Haven't tried this yet to see if it works
  • $SJES2,PARM=(WARM) - do a warm restart of JES2 retaining prior queue and output entries.
  • $SPRTx - start the printer or restart a paused printer, ex $SPRT1
  • $SPUNx - start the punch or restart a paused punch, ex $SPUN1
  • $SRDRx - start a reader or restart a paused reader, ex $SRDR1
  • $SI3 or /$SPRT2 - Start an initiator or printer
  • $TI3,C=AB - Assign job classes for an initiator
  • $TA - display automated jobs (jobs that run at a specific time or schedule)
  • $TA,I=30,'$DU' - Automate the command in quotes, in this case DU, running it every 30 seconds.
  • $TA4,CANCEL - Cancel automated job number 4. Use $TA to see the list of automated jobs.
  • $TJOBx,C=A - Change the class on a queued job. The CLASS in JCL
  • $TJOBx,Q=A - Change the message class on a queued job. The MSGCLASS in JCL
  • $TJOBx,P=priority - Change the priority of a job
  • $TOSC1,D=J - change output of commands such as $DN so they display the Job Number in addition to the Job Name on console 1.
  • $TOSC1,D=T - change output of commands such as $DN so they display both the Job Time and the Job Number in addition to the Job Name on console 1.
  • $TOSC1,D=M - change output of commands such as $DN so they display just the Job Name without the Job Number or Time on console 1.
  • $TPRT3,C=A - Change job execution classes for printer. The CLASS in JCL
  • $TPRT3,Q=A - Change output classes for printer. The MSGCLASS in JCL.
  • $TPUN1,P=N - prevent the punch from pausing between jobs, set to Y to enable tell it to pause between jobs. Paused devices can be restarted again with the $S command, so in this case $SPUN1

JES2 Statuses

  • Active - the device or initiator is actively performing a function
  • Inactive - the device or initiator is available but no jobs are present
  • Draining - the device or initiator is performing a function, but will not receive new work when completed
  • Drained - the device or initiator will not receive work and must be restarted with the $S command
  • Halting - similar to Draining
  • Halted - similar to Drained
  • Paused - the printer or punch has been paused. It can be restarted with the $S command

Hercules commands (no slash as a prefix)

  • attach - attach a device to a specific MVS Unit
  • detach - detach a device from a specific MVS Unit
  • devlist - display a list of devices that you can page up and down
  • devinit 00C jcl/vsizehs3.jcl - instruct Card Reader 00C to run the JCL Job
  • maxrates - display the maximum MIPS and I/O rates for a given period
  • hst - display a history of the commands entered

TSO Commands

To run TSO commands, either F3 out of the menus, or type TSO at an RFE command prompt, or go to the 1 RFE/6 COMMAND option.

Note that when entering TSO commands that include data sets the primary index (the first part of the DSN before the period) will be the UserID and appended on the front of the DSN you entered. To indicate a non-user data set place a fully qualified data set names in single quotes. For example if you are user HERC02 and enter SYS2.JCLLIB it will try to access HERC02.SYS2.JCLLIB, so to get the right reference enter 'SYS2.JCLLIB' in single quotes.

  • DSN - Without parameters it will list data set names in use by the current users. Specify DSN to get the users or jobs that are currently using that data set
  • LISTALC STATUS - list the data sets currently allocated by the user. This will include data sets allocated at TSO logon, such as SYS1.HELP, SYS2.HELP, and the CMDPROC data sets (USERID.CMDPROC, SYS1.CMDPROC, SYS2CMDPROC) that contains CLIST command procedures.
  • LISTCAT - To list the catalog files FOR the current user
  • LISTSPC - list space (size) related statistics for a data set of or data sets. Without any parameters it will prompt for the data set, otherwise specify them as a parameter.
  • PROFILE - shows the current profile settings, for example either MSGID or NOMSGID, PREFIX(thePrefixName) or NOPREFIX
  • PROFILE MSGID - this will set the profile so that Msg IDs are displayed before the TSO message
  • PROFILE NOMSGID - turns off the display of the Msg ID before the message
  • PROFILE NOPREFIX - turns off the default prefix for data sets (your username) so that if you were to type LISTCAT you will see all the systems catalogs, not just your own. If you want to break out of the list select the PA key on the c3270 emulator.
  • PROFILE PREFIX(thePrefixName) - sets the prefix. Now whenever you use LISTCAT it will show the data sets for that prefix. Use this command to change it back to your username.

Important System Executable and Configuration Data Sets and Members

Important System Data Sets

  • SYS1.PARAMLIB - system parameters that are read during startup
  • SYS1.NUCLEUS - contains the system Nucleus itself along with supporting members
  • SYS1.LINKLIB - contains executable programs that are part of the OS or are User provided. Similar to SYS1LPALIB but its programs don't remain in the common Link Pack Area (LPA) of memory that are always resident in memory. They are loaded as needed.
  • SYS1.LPALIB - similar to SYS1.LINKLIB in that it provides OS and User programs, but it is always resident in main memory in the common Link Pack Area (LPA)
  • SYS1.MACLIB - Contains the macro library that is used by the OS and user written programs.
  • SYS1.PROCLIB - Contains useful JCL procedures that can be used within your own JCL scripts.
  • SYS1.CMDLIB - contain program library modules

Important Members

  • SYS1.PARAMLIB(PARMTZ) - time difference from GMT
  • SYS1.PARAMLIB(PARMTZ-1) - time difference from GMT during DST
  • SYS1.PARAMLIB(TSOKEY00) - set RECONLIM (Maximum disconnect minutes for TSO Logons)
  • SYS1.PARAMLIB(IRBMF100) - has INTERVAL in it to change how often the MF1 Report prints to thee console
  • SYS1.PARAMLIB(smfprm00) - has SID where you can change the System ID (hostname equiv). Changing it could potential cause issues with some programs.
  • SYS1.PARAMLIB(VATLST00) - has the list of DASD volumes. If you add any, make sure to end them to the end, so you won't effect a critical volume during ISL
  • SYS1.JES2PARM(JES2PARM) - has all the JES2 parameters, including Printer Definitions
  • SYS1.SYSGEN.CNTL(IOGEN) - has the mappings between different device types and device Ids. When creating a new DASD device check this Member to make sure the Cua device number you are planning to use is valid for that DASD Type.

Connecting to a Console with the c3270 Emulator

The basic procedure here comes from the TK4- User Manual. Refer to this for more details.

You can define additional Consoles (for Entering MVS and JES2 commands) that can be accessed from the c3270 (or any tn3270) emulator. When MVS is IPLed with the ./MVS shell script in unattended mode the config/intcons.cnf config file the main console is defined with the 0009 3215-C entry From MVS you can see what console device are define (but not necessarily active) with the /D U,ALL commands (they are at the top of the list and have type 3215 and 3277).

To bring the 0010 3270 CONS online do the following:

  • Type ATTACH 010 3270 CONS at the Hercules prompt (either from the existing console or the Web Console). Notice this is a Hercules Command and not an MVS or JES2 command.

  • With the c3270 emulator logon to the mainframe with CONS@localhost:3270.

  • Back at the other main console or Web Interface type /VARY 010,CONSOLE,AUTH=ALL. This will activate the Console on the c3270 and should display output similar to the following:

    05.39.23           IEE349I CONSOLES
    010/011         A      ALL    01  Z,A     1-13,15-16

    The CONSOLE/ALT shows the console's UNIT (device) number for the console and its designated alternate), the COND Condition code (TBD: look these up), the AUTH authorization level (in this case the ALL specified in the VARY command above), the ID is important since this is the Console Name that is entered for many MVS commands that ask for a Console Name as a operand, the AREA of the console (A,Z here, these are areas on the console screen) and the ROUTCD showing what message types are being routed to it

    To see this info for all consoles type DISPLAY CONSOLES OR D C. Example output:

    05.50.44           IEE250I 05.50.44 CONSOLE DISPLAY 503
    WTO BUFFERS:    CURR =     1      LIM =  250
      30E/010       H       CMDS   05            ALL
      010/011       A,J     ALL    01 Z,A        1-13,15
      011/01F       N,J     ALL    02 Z,A        1-13,15
      009/010       M,T     ALL    03            1-13,15
      01F/009       N,T     ALL    04            1-13,15
      30E/010       A       NONE   05            ALL

Note this new 3270 console differs from the main Hercules console and the Web Interface console in that it is not necessary to proceed the MVS and JES2 commands with a forward slash. But since it is not a Hercules console you cannot enter Hercules commands here.

Detaching the Console added above

According to the manual, having these extra consoles can cause issues with WTO Buffers during ISL. To detach the console added above enter this command detach 010 from the Hercules or Web Console. Notice this is a Hercules Command and not an MVS or JES2 command.

Specifying a Console and Display Area

  • Message Area - at the top of the console
  • Status Area - below Message area area

Many of the commands will take a L operand that allows you to specify the display area of a particular console to display the messages on. It has the format:

L={a, cc, cca} where a is the AREA of the console display (A for Status Area and Z for the General Message Area for example); cc is the Console Id/Name (L=01 or L=03 for example); and cca is a combination of both (L=01Z for example)

For Example:

  • L=Z - display output to AREA Z of the console (The Message AREA) - Can Page Up and Down
  • L=A - display output to AREA A of the console (The Status Area) - Use K D,F to scroll forward a frame and K E,D to clear the Status Area.

Message Routing Commands

  • MR D=(U,A),L=Z - change the output location of D U and D A commands to the Z (Message Area)
  • MR D=A - remove the message routing for the D A command
  • MR REF - Show the currently defined Message Routes
  • MR NONE - remove all message routing commands

Action vs Non-Action Messages

Action Messages are those messages in the Message Area that require a response from the operator using the REPLY command

D R,L - list operator messages waiting for a reply

Message Job Detail

To set the Message Display so it displays the Job Number enter the following:

  • $TOSC1,D=J - change output of commands such as $DN so they display the JOB Number in addition to the Job Name on Console 1.
  • $TOSC1,D=T - change output of commands such as $DN so they display both the Job Time and the Job Number in addition to the Job Name on Console 1.

Deleting Messages

  • To non-action messages from the Message Area using the cursor on the message line you want to delete and hit return, this message and all messages above will be deleted
  • To delete action message with cursor position cursor on the asterisks or @ and press enter.

Console Keyboard

D PFK - display function key assignments fir the console. These can be defined with custom settings using the K N,PFK=(n,CMD='command text'),CON=N command (set function key n to the specified command with Conversation Mode set to no).

A Few Default Examples:

  • PA2 - Cancel
  • F1 - Remove top line displayed in Message area, shifting others up - K E,1
  • F7 - clear the status area - K E,D
  • F8 - scroll the status area forward one record K D,F


The default install of TK4- has the following devices (not exhaustive)

Type Unit Device
CON 0009 IBM 3215 Console (default Hercules Console)
CON 0010 IBM 3277 Console (default Hercules Console)
DSP 00C0 IBM 3270 Display (1st session's 3270 host)
PCH 000D IBM 3525 Card Punch (mapped to pch/prt00d.txt)
PCH 010D IBM 3525 PCH Card Punch (mapped to pch/prt10d.txt)
PRT 0002 IBM 3211 Printer (mapped to prt/prt002.txt)
PRT 000E IBM 1403 Printer (mapped to prt/prt00e.txt)
PRT 000F IBM 1403 Printer (mapped to prt/prt00f.txt)
PRT 030E IBM 1403 Printer (mapped to log/hardcopy.log)
RDR 000C IBM 3505 Card Reader (rdr directory)
RDR 010C IBM 3505 Card Reader (jcl directory)
TAPE 0480 IBM 3420 Tape Drive (tapes directory)

Card Reader Device

Running a JCL Job from the Card Reader

To run a JCL Job from the 00C Reader enter devinit 00C jcl/vsizehs3.jcl at the Hercules console. This is a Hercules command, not an MVS command. No MVS commands need to be entered unless for some reason the device is not available. In the JCL itself you need to make sure the username and password are specified to run the job, for example //* USER=HERC02,PASSWORD=CUL8TR (note: it is entered as a comment)


SORT Utility

From: Hercules FAQ

Why do I receive the message: IER040A INSUFFICIENT WORK UNITS when I attempt to use the MVT Sort/Merge program under MVS 3.8?

The MVT Sort/Merge utility requires at least three (and may use up to a maximum of 32) intermediate storage data sets. Unlike current Sort/Merge utilities (such as DFSORT or Syncsort), the MVT Sort/Merge is unable to dynamically allocate data sets for use as intermediate storage. You must supply DD statements for the DD Names SORTWK01, SORTWK02, SORTWK03 ... SORTWK32. Also the SORTWK?? data sets must reside on 2311/2314 DASD. Although some efforts have been reported of using tape data sets with the MVT Sort/Merge under Hercules, it is probably a better idea to utilize DASD for the SORTWK?? data sets. If the MVT Sort/Merge is called indirectly (as by a COBOL program that includes the SORT verb), you must also supply SORTWK?? DD cards to the EXEC step.

JES2 Resource Shortage

I received a JES2 Resource Shortage message which froze my 3270 terminal. I was unable to log back on because I could not terminate the users TSO session with the /C U=UserName system console command (it just didn't do anything, it normally works fine). I tried to logon with another user and it would just get stuck indefinitely at the logon screen.

Turns out I could not run any commands that rely on JES2, which is a lot, including a lot of services need to reboot the system (ISL) to the TSO logon. It couldn't get past trying to load the BSPPILOT job which is used for automating a lot off the ISL process. On restart it would show the JES2 Resource Shortage - JOES message, which relates to the output queue.

I finally solved the problems by purging a lot of jobs using the $PJOB #-# command to purge a range of jobs ($PJOB 5-100 for example). I had almost 200 jobs initially, and I purged just about everything other than the most recent runs. I wanted to just shut shutdown the JES2 and restart it again without having to reboot the entire system again, but I had issues with providing the necessary reply to the /$PJES2,ABEND command from the Hercules prompt.

In the future I need to keep an eye on the number of jobs in the output queue (I like to specify they be held so I can look at the output their, rather than having it sent to the printer). I will need to periodically purge these (keep them under 100), or go through the JES2 procedures for increasing the amount of resources available to this queue.

WTO Buffer Shortage

Received a console warning about WTO Buffer Shortage - 80% Full message. This was due to defining a new 3215 Console 01F that was enabled, but not used. The problem was resolved by issuing a K Q,L=04 command from the Master Console (the Web interface). L=04 is the Console name for the Unit 01F 3215 console. I tried initially running this command from my 01 3270 console that I access from 3270 emulator, but it would not accept it (apparently needed to be done from the Master Console). Here is the output, showing the Display Consoles (D C) command before and after freeing the buffers, along with the /K Q,L=04 command in between.

HHC00008I /D C
16.16.32           IEE250I 16.16.32 CONSOLE DISPLAY 164 
 WTO BUFFERS:    CURR =   206      LIM =  250
     30E/010     H      CMDS    05          1 ALL
     010/011     A,J     ALL    01 Z          1-13,15
     011/01F     N,J     ALL    02 Z,A        1-13,15
     009/010     M,T     ALL    03            1-13,15
     01F/009     N,P,T   ALL    04        204 1-13,15
     30E/010     A       NONE   05          1 ALL
HHC00008I /K Q,L=04
HHC00008I /D C
16.18.38           IEE250I 16.18.38 CONSOLE DISPLAY 170 
 WTO BUFFERS:    CURR =     1      LIM =  250
     30E/010     H      CMDS    05            ALL
     010/011     A,J     ALL    01 Z          1-13,15
     011/01F     N,J     ALL    02 Z,A        1-13,15
     009/010     M,T     ALL    03            1-13,15
     01F/009     N,P,T   ALL    04            1-13,15
     30E/010     A       NONE   05            ALL