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Sanity Typesafe Schemas

Utility functions to ease Sanity schema development:

  • schema(typeName, schemaDefinition): used to define schemas that is consumed by createSchema.
  • field(typeName, fieldDefinition): used to define fields for document, object, file and image schemas.
  • arrayOf(typeName, arrayMemberDefinition): used to define of-entries in array schemas.
  • typed<T>(anything): passthrough function to provide inline types in json objects.

API design goals

  • Typesafe Sanity schemas (and with that, autocompletion)
  • Feature discovery of built-in Sanity features (types, options, validations)
  • Breadcrumb-trails to relevant Sanity docs
  • Feature discovery & documentation of extension types & features (custom input-resolver options, reusable schema-types etc.)
  • Decrease time from idea to finished schema for developers, by embracing the above.
  • Opt-in. Ie, this can be sprinkled into an existing codebase to gradually add type safety to schemas.
  • Minimal runtime footprint. Should not mess with the schema provided by the developer.

Type discovery


Feature discovery







npm i @snorreeb/sanity-typesafe-schemas


import { field, schema } from "@snorreeb/sanity-typesafe-schemas";

export const typesafeDocumentSchema = schema("document", {
    name: "some-doc",
    title: "Some document",
    fields: [
        field("string", {
            name: "someField",
            title: "Some title",
            initialValue: "a",
            options: {
                list: [
                    { value: "a", title: "A" },
                    { value: "b", title: "B" },
                layout: "radio",

//@ts-expect-error schema is not correctly defined
const withErrorSchema = schema("string", {});

See code examples.

Extending Sanity schemas

Use TypeScript declaration merging to extend the types under @snorreeb/sanity-typesafe-schemas:

// document-extension.ts
import "@snorreeb/sanity-typesafe-schemas";
declare module "@snorreeb/sanity-typesafe-schemas" {
    interface DocumentSchema {
        options?: {
            custom?: boolean;

// somewhere using typesafe helpers
export const typesafeDocumentSchema = schema("document", {
    /* omitted */
   options: {
       custom: true // custom is now a valid option for all document shemas

Adding reusable schema types

Define your schema type, and use TypeScript declaration merging to extend SchemaDirectory in @snorreeb/sanity-typesafe-schemas:

// special-string-schema.ts
import { StringSchema } from "@snorreeb/sanity-typesafe-schemas";
export type SpecialStringSchema = Omit<StringSchema, "type"> & {
    type: "special-string";
    options: {
        special: string;

// schema-directory-extension.ts
import "@snorreeb/sanity-typesafe-schemas";
declare module "sanity-typesafe-schemas-alpha" {
  interface SchemaDirectory {
    "special-string": SpecialStringSchema;

// somewhere using typesafe helpers
export const specialStringSchema = schema(
    "special-string", // special-string is now a valid, autocompletable type
    {/* omitted */}

Escape hatches

Defining ad-hoc types without extending anything

The 'custom' string is a general escape hatch that still provides some safety. Use alongside the typed generic helper function, to define inline types.

import { schema, typed } from "@snorreeb/sanity-typesafe-schemas";

export const stringSchemaUsedByNameSomewhereElse = schema("custom", {
    type: "string", // when using 'custom', type must be provided here
    name: "this-name-is-used-in-another-schema",
    title: "Custom stringtype for whatever reason",
    inputComponent: () => "Render me softly",
    options: typed<{customOption: boolean}>({
        customOption: true

Force undefined title

Title is optional in Sanity Studio, but will result in console.log warnings if omitted. Therefore, it is required by the schema-helpers.

To set an undefined title anyway, hack-cast it:

const mySchema = schema('object', {
    title: undefined as unknown as string    

Runtime footprint

Compiled to javascript, the helper functions look like this:

function schema(type, schema) {
    return {

function field(type, schema) {
    return {

function arrayOf(type, schema) {
    return {

function typed(anything) {
    return anything

Ie, they are basically an identity functions with no overhead.


Why are Sanity schema types partially reimplemented?

Types in @sanity/types are the compiled definition of schemas, obtained after passing schema-definitions to createSchema.

The schema-definition types are subtly different and may or may not contain internal fields. Terefore, types are reimplemented to resemble the Sanity schema documentation to avoid confusion and/or add jsdocs.

But the types are wrong!

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

We will get there eventually! 🤞

Until then: use the escape hatches & typed helper where necessary.
