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144 lines (111 loc) · 5.08 KB


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A react component that used for use css mediaquery as you know.

This component is created using window.matchMedia that can show the information at a resolution that matches a particular media query. Also, you can receive props the matches status of the mediaquery set by HOC component.

Table of contents


Install with npm:

npm install with-breakpoints

Install with yarn:

yarn add with-breakpoints

Using a UMD:

<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

Notice: You must include react, react-dom, prop-types if you are using a UMD


You can use like other react component or HOC.

Using a react component

Basic usage

import Breakpoint from 'with-breakpoints'

const Component = (props) => (
  <Breakpoint mq='screen and (max-width: 767px)'>
    Hello world!

Render child with function

import Breakpoint from 'with-breakpoints'

const Component = (props) => (
  <Breakpoint mq='screen and (max-width: 767px)'>
    {(matches) => {
      return matches ? 'Hello world!' : 'Not matches'

Server side rendering

import Breakpoint from 'with-breakpoints'

const Component = (props) => (
    mq='screen and (max-width: 767px)'
    Hello world!

Notice: defaultMatches only can used at node. Browser will be ignored.

Using a HOC

Basic usage

import { withBreakpoints } from 'with-breakpoints'

const Component = ({ pc, mobile }) => (
  pc ? 'Hello pc!' : mobile ? 'Hello mobile!' : null

const mqs = [
  { name: 'pc', mq: 'screen and (min-width: 768px)' },
  { name: 'mobile', mq: 'screen and (max-width: 767px)' }

export default withBreakpoints(mqs)(Component)

Server side rendering

import { withBreakpoints } from 'with-breakpoints'

const Component = ({ pc, mobile }) => (
  pc ? 'Hello pc!' : mobile ? 'Hello mobile!' : null

const mqs = [
  { name: 'pc', mq: 'screen and (min-width: 768px)', defaultMatches: true },
  { name: 'mobile', mq: 'screen and (max-width: 767px)', defaultMatches: false }

export default withBreakpoints(mqs)(Component)

Notice: defaultMatches only can used at node. Browser will be ignored.


Below components's mq props is used be json2mq. Therefore, you can pass the mqs as an object or array.


Props Type Default Required Description
mq string,object,array all false CSS mediaqueries
defaultMatches bool true false Default match for server side rendering (Browser will be ignored)
onChange func false onChange event (This function will get 'matches' argument)


Props Type Default Required Description
name true true The name of props
mq string,object,array all false CSS mediaqueries
defaultMatches bool true false Default match for server side rendering (Browser will be ignored)

This component is HOC. Therefore, you can pass the props via function argument like a react-redux's connect.
The argument that mqs must be an array and its elements must be an object.


You can see the example at here


MIT © socker210