Become a sponsor to Pallets
The Pallets organization develops and supports popular Python frameworks and libraries, including Flask, Jinja, Click, and Quart. These libraries power applications of all sizes around the world and are downloaded millions of times each month. Despite their popularity, the projects are primarily maintained by only a few developers. The goal of Pallets is to grow the community around these projects to create a sustainable group of contributors and users. Your donation will help the maintainers and community achieve this goal!
Pallets projects are downloaded over 100 million times per month. You or your company might be using our frameworks directly, but consider that the tools you use may use us behind the scenes as well. Being able to fund the maintainers, and hire additional help such as designers, technical writers, or project managers can help us stay focused and productive. The Pallets teams does what they do because they love the frameworks and they love to code, and we are grateful to the community support that helps that continue. Thank you!
Pallets is a fiscal sponsoree of the Python Software Foundation (PSF) (Federal Tax ID number 04-3594598). The Python Software Foundation is a public charity under 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
Meet the team
David Lord davidismLead Maintainer
Phil Jones pgjonesCore Maintainer
Kara Babcock tachyondecayModerator
Carson Evans carc1n0genModerator
Adrian ThiefMasterCore Maintainer
Joshua Bronson jabCore Maintainer
Grey Li greyliMaintainer
Featured work
The Python micro framework for building web applications.
Python 69,098 -
Python composable command line interface toolkit
Python 16,153 -
A very fast and expressive template engine.
Python 10,674 -
The comprehensive WSGI web application library.
Python 6,721 -
Safely add untrusted strings to HTML/XML markup.
Python 644 -
Safely pass trusted data to untrusted environments and back.
Python 2,985
$5 a month
SelectHobby Support
These libraries are fun to use, and you use them for fun!
$10 a month
You deployed your project and used our libraries to build it!
$100 a month
SelectGET /team
Your team uses Flask and/or Click to run a cool API or dashboard.
$250 a month
SelectSmall Business
Your small business is built on our frameworks. This level of support means our maintainers have more opportunity to focus on fixing issues and releasing new features more often.
$1,000 a month
SelectCompany Wide
Your company runs applications using Flask, Jinja, and Click. Consider the tools you use as well, some probably use our frameworks too. This level of support will help us with special projects such as hiring technical writers or project managers.