Any executable file in the converters
directory (-converter_dir
argument) can be attached to a tag. The filename will be used as an identifier to connect the tags with a selected converter. Converters can be used to postprocess stream data and add the results to streams as an alternative view on the data. The results can be searched like the plain stream content.
The converter program is started once and kept running in the background by pkappa2. The program is expected to accept JSON messages from stdin
and answers on stdout
in a loop using the following protocol:
The protocol is text-based exchanging one JSON object per line over stdin
and stdout
"ClientHost": "",
"ClientPort": 45050,
"ServerHost": "",
"ServerPort": 5005,
"Protocol": "TCP",
Currently only "TCP"
and "UDP"
protocols are supported.
"Direction": "client-to-server",
"Content": "R0VUIC8gSFRUUC8xLjENCkhvc3Q6IDEwLjEuNy4xOjUwMDUNCkNvbm5lY3Rpb246IGtlZXAtYWxpdmUNCg0KCg=="
"Direction": "server-to-client",
"Content": "SFRUUC8xLjEgMjAwIE9LDQpDb250ZW50LUxlbmd0aDogMA0KDQoK"
The stream is split up into chunks sent by the server or the client. Every chunk is sent in individual lines while an empty line signales the end of the list. The content is Base64 encoded.
"Direction": "client-to-server",
"Content": "R0VUIC8gSFRUUC8xLjENCkhvc3Q6IDEwLjEuNy4xOjUwMDUNCkNvbm5lY3Rpb246IGtlZXAtYWxpdmUNCg0KCg=="
"Direction": "server-to-client",
"Content": "SFRUUC8xLjEgMjAwIE9LDQpDb250ZW50LUxlbmd0aDogMA0KDQoK"
The modified chunks are sent in the same format as previously received.
There are no elements supported yet.