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Build from Source in a Docker Container

The source code of SQLFlow is in Go, Java, protobuf, yacc, and Python. To build from source code, we need toolchains of all these languages. In addition to that, we need to install MySQL, Hive, and MaxCompute client for unit tests. To ease the software installation and configuration, we provide a Dockerfile that contains all the requirement software for building and testing.


  1. Git for checking out the source code.
  2. Docker CE >= 18.x for building the Docker image of development tools.

Checkout the Source Code

We can clone the source code to any working directory, say, ~/sqlflow.

cd ~
git clone

Build from Source Code

To standardize the building process, we define the development environment as a Docker image sqfllow:dev in /docker/dev/Dockerfile. To make it easy to deploy SQLFlow, we release the building result as a Docker image sqlflow:ci. Please follow these steps in to bulid sqlflow:dev and then You can also use the prebuilt images on Docker Hub.

Build and Test

Let us start a container running the development Docker image.

docker run --rm -it -v $HOME/sqlflow:/sqlflow -w /sqlflow sqlflow bash

In the Docker container, we need to start a MySQL server for testing.

service mysql start

Then, we can build and run tests.

go generate ./...
PYTHONPATH=/sqlflow/python SQLFLOW_TEST_DB=mysql gotest -v -p 1 ./...

The commandline go generate is necessary to call protoc for translating gRPC interface and to call goyacc for generating the parser.

The environment variable PYTHONPATH=$GOPATH/src/ ensures the python part of SQLFlow in the Docker image is up to date.

The environment variable SQLFLOW_TEST_DB=mysql specify MySQL as the SQL engine during testing. You can also choose hive for Apache Hive and maxcompute for Alibaba MaxCompute.

The command gotest with -p 1 argument is necessary to run all tests, otherwise you will encounter the same problem as this issue. Please feel free to use go test instead of gotest. We use the latter one for colorized output.

Editing on Host

As the above docker run command binds the source code directory on the host computer to the container, we can edit the source code on the host using any editor, VS Code, Emacs, etc.

After the editing and before you can Git commit, please install the pre-commit tool. SQLFlow needs it to run pre-commit checks.

The Command-line Tool

SQLFlow provides a command-line tool sqlflow for evaluating SQL statements. This tool makes it easy to debug. To build it, run the following commands.

cd cmd/sqlflow
go install
docker run -d --rm -P -p 50051 --name sqlflowserver \
    sqlflow/sqlflow bash -c "/ sqlflow-server-with-dataset"
~/go/bin/sqlflow --sqlflow_server="$(docker port sqlflowserver 50051)" \

Please follow the command-line tool tutorial to understand what we can do with the tool.