- Undefined
- https://a21ns1g4ts.com
- @a21ns1g4ts
- atila.s46
The Most Popular JavaScript Calendar as a Filament Widget
A faceless blog content manager with configurable richtext and markdown support for filament admin panel
Add a fancy Plausible statistics widget to your Filament admin dashboard.
Track the memory usage of workers and Laravel queues and display them in Filament Admin Dashboard
A collection of reusable components for Filament.
A collection of beautiful full-stack components for Laravel. The perfect starting point for your next app. Using Livewire, Alpine.js and Tailwind CSS.
A Rich Text Editor plugin for Filament Forms.
A modified version of the Filament Forms Repeater to display it as a table.
This package is a Filament package that allows you to create a multi-select with two sides.
Filament Repeater In Table Layout
A package for adding multiple contexts to the filament admin panel
Block-Based Page Builder Skeleton for your Filament Apps
Easily add Telescope, Horizon and Laravel Pulse to Filament admin panel.
A comprehensive Laravel authentication and authorization system designed for Filament, focusing on multi-tenant company management.
A toggle icon column for Filament
A collection of easy-to-use filters with clause conditions to Filament
Filament Impersonate is a plugin that allows you to authenticate as your users.
Google Maps package for Filament PHP
Using ChatGPT within filament admin panel.
A Filament Form Component for Number Input
This is total different concept on handle role and permission. A RBAC permission control through spatie/laravel-permission.