- San Francisco
- https://github.com/stdlib-js/stdlib
- @kgryte
stdlib - ideas
Positron, a next-generation data science IDE
Displays test results from popular testing frameworks directly in GitHub
automated releases based on conventional commits
A fast selection algorithm in JavaScript.
Linear Assignment Problem — A Javascript implementation of R. Jonker and A. Volgenant’s algorithm (LAPJV)
Create a web based terminal on any website - great for games, animations and real world apps!
A lightweight library for portable low-level GPU computation using WebGPU.
SIMD Library for Evaluating Elementary Functions, vectorized libm and DFT
A community-maintained Python framework for creating mathematical animations.
RustFFT is a high-performance FFT library written in pure Rust.
A lightweight, flexible, and expandable JSON query language
Know when you are trending on GitHub
Establish a 2 way sync between your Github repo and Hashnode blog.
Action for generating build provenance attestations for workflow artifacts
A streaming JSON parser written in pure JavaScript for node.js
A proof of concept demo to transform CSV to Arrow in JS using csvtojson and the new Arrow Builders
🐶 Automated code review tool integrated with any code analysis tools regardless of programming language
GitHub action to automatically merge pull requests that are ready
Github action to enforce Pull Request title conventions
⚡️ Lint pull request name with commit lint. This is useful if you squash merge your pull requests ⚡️
JavaScript library for all kinds of color manipulations
modern color library for image processing and creative coding (oklab, xyz, p3, rec2020 + more)
A comprehensive color library for JavaScript.
A utility library for JavaScript and TypeScript.
General matrix multiplication of f32 and f64 matrices in Rust. Supports matrices with general strides.