- San Francisco
- https://github.com/stdlib-js/stdlib
- @kgryte
Return the minimum value of two single-precision floating-point numbers, ignoring NaN.
Scale a single-precision complex floating-point vector by a single-precision complex floating-point constant.
Apply a modified Givens transformation.
Apply a binary callback to elements in two three-dimensional nested input arrays according to elements in a three-dimensional nested mask array and assign results to elements in a three-dimensional…
Copy values from one complex single-precision floating-point vector to another complex single-precision floating-point vector.
Interchange two complex single-precision floating-point vectors.
Apply a unary callback to elements in a four-dimensional nested input array according to elements in a four-dimensional nested mask array and assign results to elements in a four-dimensional nested…
Apply a ternary callback to elements in three broadcasted input arrays and assign results to elements in a three-dimensional nested output array.
Apply a unary callback to elements in a five-dimensional nested input array according to elements in a five-dimensional nested mask array and assign results to elements in a five-dimensional nested…
Apply a binary callback to elements in two five-dimensional nested input arrays according to elements in a five-dimensional nested mask array and assign results to elements in a five-dimensional ne…
Apply a binary callback to elements in two four-dimensional nested input arrays according to elements in a four-dimensional nested mask array and assign results to elements in a four-dimensional ne…
Apply a ternary callback to elements in three broadcasted input arrays and assign results to elements in a four-dimensional nested output array.
Compute the least common multiple (lcm) of two single-precision floating-point numbers.
Apply a unary function to each element retrieved from a four-dimensional nested input array according to a callback function and assign results to elements in a four-dimensional nested output array.
Apply a unary function to each element retrieved from a three-dimensional nested input array according to a callback function and assign results to elements in a three-dimensional nested output array.
Apply a ternary callback to elements in three broadcasted input arrays and assign results to elements in a five-dimensional nested output array.
Apply a quaternary callback to elements in four broadcasted input arrays and assign results to elements in a three-dimensional nested output array.
Apply a unary function to each element retrieved from a five-dimensional nested input array according to a callback function and assign results to elements in a five-dimensional nested output array.
Apply a quinary callback to elements in five broadcasted input arrays and assign results to elements in a four-dimensional nested output array.
Apply a quaternary callback to elements in four broadcasted input arrays and assign results to elements in a five-dimensional nested output array.
Apply a quaternary callback to elements in four broadcasted input arrays and assign results to elements in a four-dimensional nested output array.
Return a shallow copy of an ndarray containing only those elements which fail a test implemented by a predicate function.
Return a shallow copy of an ndarray containing only those elements which pass a test implemented by a predicate function.
Apply a callback to elements in an input ndarray and assign results to elements in a new output ndarray.
Convert an ndarray to an object supporting fancy indexing.
Compute the nth negaLucas number in single-precision floating-point format.
Compute the principal square root of the product of π and a positive single-precision floating-point number.
Filter and map elements in an input ndarray to elements in a new output ndarray according to a callback function.
Serialize an ndarray as a JSON object.