Symbols are very important and central to LispBM and also perhaps a bit different from identifiers/names used in languages such as C. A short introduction to symbols could be a good place to start.
One way to think about a symbol is as a name. Used as a name, a symbol can identify a value or function in the environment. A symbol can also be used as data in and of itself, more on this later.
Symbols are expressed as strings in your program such as a
, let
, define
, +
or orange
. The "reader", the part of LBM that parses code, translates each symbol into a 28bit value. The string orange
for example is only of interest if you print a symbol and then the runtime system will look up what string corresponds to the 28bit identifier you want to print. So the runtime system is never wasting time comparing strings to see if a symbol is this or that symbol, it's all integer comparisons.
You associate values with symbols using, define, let and you can change the value bound to a "variable" using set, setq or setvar.
Not all symbols are treated the same in LBM. Some symbols are treated as special because of their very fundamental nature. Among these special symbols you find define
, let
and lambda
for example. These are things that you should not be able to redefine and trying to redefine them leads to an error. Symbols that start with ext-
are special and reserved for use together with extensions that are loaded and bound at runtime.
Examples of symbols used as data are nil
and t
. nil
represents "nothing", the empty list or other similar things and t
represents true. But any symbol can be used as data by quoting it '
, see Quotes and Quasiquotation .
A symbol is a string of characters following the rules: 1. The first character is a one of 'a' - 'z' or 'A' - 'Z' or '+-/=<>#!'. 2. The rest of the characters are in 'a' - 'z' or 'A' - 'Z' or '0' - '9' or '+-/=<>!?_'. 3. At most 256 characters long.
Note that lower-case and upper-case alphabetical letters are considered identical so the symbol apa
is the same symbol as APA
examples of valid symbols: apa apa? !apa kurt_russel_is_great
LBM supports signed and unsigned integer types as well as float and double. The numerical types in LBM are
- byte - unsigned 8bit value.
- i - signed 28bit value (56bits on 64bit platforms).
- u - unsigned 28bit value (56bits on 64bit platforms).
- i32 - signed 32bit value.
- u32 - unsigned 32bit value.
- i64 - signed 64bit value.
- u64 - unsigned 64bit value.
- f32 - (float) a 32bit floating point value.
- f64 - (double) a 64bit floating point value.
The byte and the char value have identical representation and type, thus char is an unsigned 8 bit type in LBM.
An integer literal is interpreted to be of type i
, a 28/56bit signed integer value. A literal with decimal point is interpreted to be a type f32
or float value.
To specify literals of the other types, the value must be postfixed with a qualifier string. The qualifiers available in LBM are: b
, i
, u
, i32
, u32
, i64
, u64
, f32
and f63
. The i
and f32
qualifiers are never strictly needed but can be added if one so wishes.
So for example:
- Specifies a byte typed value of 11.0f64
- Specifies a 64bit float with value 1.0.
Note that it is an absolute requirement to include a decimal when writing a floating point literal in LBM.
We are trying to make type conversions feel familiar to people who know a bit of C programming. On a 32bit platform LBM numerical types are ordered according to: byte < i < u < i32 < u32 < i64 < u64 < float < double
. Operations such as (+ a b)
, figures out the largest type according to the ordering above and converts all the values to this largest type.
(+ 1u 3i32)
- Promotes the 1u value type i32 and performs the addition, resulting in 4i32.(+ 1 3.14)
- Here the value 1 is of typei
which is smaller thanf32
, the result 4.14f32.
A potential source of confusion is that f32
is a larger type than i64
and u64
. this means that if you, for example, add 1.0 to an i64
value you will get an f32
back. If you instead wanted the float to be converted into a double before the addition, this has to be done manually.
(+ (to-double 1.0) 5i64)
- Manually convert a value to double.
The type-of
operation can be used to query a value for its type. On the numerical types the type-of
operation answers as follows:
(type-of 1b)
(type-of 1)
(type-of 1u)
(type-of 1i32)
(type-of 1u32)
(type-of 1i64)
(type-of 1u64)
(type-of 1.0)
(type-of 1.0f64)
Operations on fixed bitwidth numerical types can lead to overflow. The ranges representable in 32bit LBMs integer types are the following:
: 0 - 255type-i
: -134217728 - 1342177272type-u
: 0 - 268435455type-i32
: -2147483648 - 2147483647type-u32
: 0- 4294967295type-i64
: -9223372036854775808 - 9223372036854775807type-u64
: 0 - 18446744073709551615
Example | Result |
(+ 255b 1b) |
0b |
(- 0b 1b) |
255b |
(+ 134217727 1) |
-134217728 |
(- -134217728 1) |
134217727 |
(+ 268435455u 1u) |
0u |
(- 0u 1u) |
268435455u |
(+ 2147483647i32 1i32) |
-2147483648i32 |
(- -2147483648i32 1i32) |
2147483647i32 |
(+ 4294967295u32 1) |
0u32 |
(- 0u32 1) |
4294967295u32 |
(+ 9223372036854775807i64 1i64) |
-9223372036854775808i64 |
(- -9223372036854775808i64 1i64) |
9223372036854775807i64 |
(+ 18446744073709551615u64 1u64) |
0u64 |
(- 0u64 1u64) |
18446744073709551615u64 |
All Values in LBM are encoded in one way or another. The encoded value holds additional information about type and garbage collection mark bit. Operations that operate on an LBM value needs to unpack this encoded format and extract the actual numerical information from the representation. This has a cost and operations on numbers are in general a bit slower than what one gets in, for example C.
The chart below shows the time it takes to perform 10 million additions on the x86 architecture (a i7-6820HQ) in 32 and 64 Bit mode.
In 64Bit mode the x86 version of LBM shows negligible differences in cost of additions at different types.
For addition performance on embedded systems, we use the the EDU VESC motorcontroller as the STM32F4 candidate and the VESC EXPRESS for a RISCV data point.
In general, on 32Bit platforms, the cost of operations on numerical types that are 32Bit or less are about equal in cost. The costs presented here was created by timing a large number of 2 argument additions. Do not see these measurements as the "truth carved in stone", LBM performance keeps changing over time as we make improvements, but use them as a rough guiding principle.
Opinions on Lisp syntax varies widely depending on a persons programming experience and preferences. If you look around, or ask around you could find any of the following, and probably more views on lisp syntax:
- Concise and expressive Lisp syntax is quite minimalist, you can do a lot with very little syntax to learn about.
- Uniform and elegant Data and code are represented in the same way. This property is called Homoiconicity.
- Too many parenthesis A common complaint is that it can be easy to get lost in all the parantheses. While it may be easy to write lisp, it can be very hard to read someone elses code.
Lisp programs are written using S-expressions, a notation introduced by McCarthy. An S-expression describes a tree in an unambiguous way. An example of an S-expression is (+ 1 2)
and the tree it represents is shown below:
Another example (+ (* a a) (* b b))
which as a lisp program means
In Lisp, which stands for "LISt Processor", a list is a right leaning tree ending in the symbol "nil". By convention these right leaning expressions are easy to write and requires only a few parentheses. The example below shows how the list created by lisp program (list 1 2 3 4)
is represented as a tree:
A left leaning structure requires full parenthesization and can be expressed in lisp as (cons (cons (cons (cons nil 4) 3) 2) 1)
The conventions strongly favor the right leaning case.
There are no two different trees that correspond to a given S-expression and thus parsing of S-expressions is unambiguous. The unambiguous nature of S-expressions is useful in areas other than lisp programming as well. KiCad uses S-expressions to represent tree data in some of its file formats. Apperantly WebAssembly uses S-expressions as well to describe WebAssembly modules
S-expressions are built from two things, Atoms and Pairs of S-expressions. So an S-expression is either:
- An Atom a
- A Pair a,b of S-expressions
(a . b)
In LispBM the set of atoms consist of:
- Numbers: Such as
- Strings: Such as "hello world", "door" ...
- Byte Arrays: Such as [1 2 3 4 5]
- Symbols: Such as
In LispBM a pair of S-expressions is created by an application of cons
as (cons a b)
which creates the pair (a . b)
. Convention is that (e0 e1 ... eN)
= (e0 . ( e1 . ... ( eN . nil)))
A structure such as (e0 e1 ... eN)
is called a list.
The S-expressions discussed in the previous section are merely tree structures. The Lisp evaluator provides a computational interpretation for these trees. However, not all trees are valid Lisp programs. This section focuses on those trees that do make sense as Lisp programs and their meaning to the Lisp evaluator.
Values and expressions
The LispBM evaluator transforms expressions into values. For instance, the expression (+ 1 2)
is evaluated to the value 3
Example | Result |
(+ 1 2) |
3 |
In LispBM the distinction between expressions and values is often blurred. For example, it is possible to write a function that returns a result that can itself be interpreted as code
Example | Result |
(defun mk-code (x) `(+ ,x 1)) |
(closure (x) (append (quote (+)) (list x) (quote (1))) nil) |
(mk-code 10) |
(+ 10 1) |
The result of evaluating (mk-code 10)
is the list containing a +
, 10
and 1
. This list is the value that (mk-code 10)
evaluates to. Now, the result of (mk-code 10)
, since it is valid lisp, can be evaluated.
Example | Result |
(eval (mk-code 10)) |
11 |
In most cases this is quite natural and our functions will result in, Strings, lists and numbers that are easily and naturally understood as values.
Still, it is worthwhile to remember that values can be expressions and expressions can be values.
Some times evaluation is impossible. This could be because the program is malformed, a type mismatch or a division by zero (among many other possibilities). Errors terminate the evaluation of the expression. To recover from an error the programmer needs to explicitly trap
Example | Result |
(trap (/ 1 0)) |
(exit-error division_by_zero) |
LispBM expressions are evaluated in relation to a global and a local environment. An environment is a key-value store where the key is a lisp symbol and the value is any lisp value.
The rest of this section will now explain the meaning of LBM programs by informally showing expressions, what values they evaluate into and how they change and depend on the environments
Some atoms, such as Numbers, Strings and byte arrays cannot be further evaluated.
Example | Result |
10 |
10 |
"hello world" |
hello world |
[1 2 3 4] |
[1 2 3 4] |
Symbols evaluate by a lookup in the environment. First, the local environment is searched for a binding of the symbol. If unable to find a binding in the local environment, the global environment is searched. If unable to find a binding in the global environment as well, the runtime system attempts to dynamically load a binding using a system provided callback function. If all of the above fails to provide a value a variable_not_bound
error is produced.
Composite forms
A composite form, such as (e1 ... eN)
is evaluated in different ways depending on what e1
is. There are three major categories that e1
can fall into. Either e1
is something that represents a function and (e1 ... eN)
is a function application. Or e1
is a so-called special-form that form the core of the LBM language. Or lastly, e1
is anything else and the composite form is malformed and will ultimately result in an error.
The composite form (e1 ... eN)
is evaluated by first checking if e1
is a special form or not. if e1
is a special form the composite form is passed to a special-form evaluator. if e1
is not a special form, the composite form is evaluated as a function application. These two major branches of composite form evaluation are described below.
Special form evaluation
Below are a selection of basic special-forms in lispBM together with their evaluation process
- quote:
(quote a)
evaluates to a for any a - define:
(define s e)
is evaluated intov
and the global environment is augmented with the pair(s . v)
- lambda:
(lambda params body)
is evaluated into '(closure params body env).
env` is the local environment there the lambda expression is evaluated. - if:
(if e1 e2 e3)
is evaluated by evaluatinge1
is nil,e3
is evaluated otherwisee2
is evaluated. - progn:
(progn e1 e2 ... eN)
is evaluated by evaluatinge1
and so on untileN
. The valuev
evaluats into is the value(progn e1 e2 ... eN)
evaluates to. - and:
(and e1 e2 ... eN)
evaluates theeI
expressions from left to right as long as they result in a non-nil value. - or:
(or e1 e2 ... eN)
evaluates theeI
expressions from left to right until there is a non-nil result.
, or
, progn
and if
evaluates expressions in sequence. if
evaluates first the condition expression and then either the true or false branch. progn
evaluates all of the expressions in sequence. In the case of and
, or
, progn
and if
, the constituent expressions are all evaluated in the same local environment. Any extensions to the local environment performed by an expresison in the sequence is only visible within that expression itself.
- let:
(let ((s1 e1) (s2 e2) ... (sN eN) e)
eI are evaluated in order intovI
. The local environment is extended with(sI . vI)
is visible ineJ
forJ >= I
is then evaluated in the extended local environment. - setq:
(setq s e)
is evaluated by first evaluatinge
. The environments are then scanned for a bining ofs
. local environment is searched first followed by global. If a binding ofs
is found it is modified into(s . v)
If no binding of s
is found when evaluating (setq s e)
a variable_not_bound
error is triggered.
Function application evaluation
The evaluation strategies explained here are applied to composite expressions of the (e1 ... eN)
form where e1
does not fall into the category of "special forms".
In LispBM an (e1 ... eN)
is evaluated by first evaluating e1
. This is because depending on what kind of function object e1
evaluates into, the application if evaluated in different ways.
sould evaluate into a closure
, a "fundamental operation" or an "extension". fundamental operations and extensions take their arguments passed on the stack while a closure is applied in an environment extended with the argument value bindings.
Depending on the value of e1
the arguments are either evaluated left to right and the results are pushed onto the stack, or they are evaluated left to right and used to extend the environment.
The quote and the quasiquote
The LBM parser (Reader) expands usages of the character sequences: '
, `
, ,
and ,@
. The '
as in 'a
is expanded into (quote a)
for any a. The remaining `
, ,
and ,@
are expanded into applications of quote
, append
and cons
using the algorithms described by Bawden in quasiquotation in lisp.
TODO: Finish section.
To differentiate from Imperative and Functional, think of imperative programs as sequences of operations that update a state and functional programs as transformations of values through application of compositions of functions. Functional programming languages often let functions be values, which means that functions can be stored in lists, returned from other functions and so on
LispBM is a multiparadigm programming language. Most languages are a mix of functional and imperative and differ in what style it makes most convenient. At one end of this spectrum we find C which makes imperative easy and functional hard, and in the other end Haskell with the opposite favouritism. In LispBM we try to not unfairly favour any particular style over the other.
Picking a functional or an imperative style does have consequences though. Functional LispBM programs have properties such as persistance of data, that can be broken using the imperative part of the language.
With the imperative features of the language it is also in some places possible to peek under the hood of the runtime system. you can detect when and how environments are shared or copied for example. Please avoid exploiting the power of destructive updates for evil purposes.
The list below shows imperative operations from the core of LispBM. In the extension libraries there are many more of the kind.
- set - Destructively update a binding. Similar to C's =
- setq - Destructively update a binding. Similar to C's =
- setix - Destructive update of element in list.
- setcar - Destructive update of car field in cons cell.
- sercdr - Destructive update of cdr field in cons cell.
- setassoc - Destructive update of field in association list
- bufset - The bufset family of functions destructively updates ByteArrays.
- bufclear - Destructive clear of ByteArray.
- progn - Sequence operations.
- define - In LispBM, variables can be defined more than once. A second define of a variable is a destructive update.
Adds up an aribtrary number of values. The form of a +
expression is (+ expr1 ... exprN)
Example | Result |
(+ 1 2) |
3 |
(+ 1 2 3 4) |
10 |
(+ 1 1u) |
2u |
(+ 2i 3.14) |
5.140000f32 |
Subtract an arbitrary number of values from a value. The form of a -
expression is (- expr1 ... exprN)
Example | Result |
(- 5 3) |
2 |
(- 10 5 5) |
0 |
(- 10 2u) |
8u |
(- 10 3.14) |
6.860000f32 |
Multiplying an arbitrary number of values. The form of a *
expression is (* expr1 ... exprN)
Example | Result |
(* 2 2) |
4 |
(* 2 3 4 5) |
120 |
(* 10 2u) |
20u |
(* 4 3.14) |
12.560000f32 |
Division. The form of a /
expression is (/ expr1 ... exprN)
. The resulting type is the same as the inputs (after their types have been promoted of course).
Example | Result |
(/ 128 2) |
64 |
(/ 6.28 2) |
3.140000f32 |
(/ 256 2 2 2 2 2 2 2) |
2 |
(/ 5 2) |
2 |
Modulo operation. The form of a mod
expression is (mod expr1 exp2)
. The modulo operation is not generalised to n arguments.
Example | Result |
(mod 5 3) |
2 |
(mod 1024 100) |
24 |
(mod -7 5) |
-2 |
Integer division operation. Like normal division except if the result is a floating point value it is cast to an integer, which floors the result. The form of a //
expression is (// expr1 ... exprN)
. Can be used as a elegant complement to mod
, with //
returning the quotient and mod
returning the remainder of a division.
Example | Result |
(// 5.000000f32 2) |
2 |
(var total-seconds 62.500000f32)
(var minutes (// total-seconds 60))
(var seconds (mod total-seconds 60))
(str-join (list (str-from-n minutes) "m " (str-from-n seconds) "s") [0])) |
1m 2.5s |
Compare values for equality. The eq
operation implements structural equiality. The form of an 'eqexpression is
(eq expr1 ... exprN)`.
Structural equality means that the values must have the identical in memory representations to be considered equal.
Example | Result |
(eq (+ 1 2) 3) |
t |
(eq 1 1 1 1) |
t |
(eq 1 1 2 1) |
nil |
(eq (+ 3 4) (+ 2 5) (+ 1 6)) |
t |
(eq (list 1 2 3 4) (list 1 2 3 4)) |
t |
(eq (list 1 2 4 5) (list 1 2 3 4)) |
nil |
implements the negation of eq. In other words, (not-eq a b c)
evaluates to the same result as (not (eq a b c))
Example | Result |
(not-eq (+ 1 2) 3) |
nil |
(not-eq 1 1 1 1) |
nil |
(not-eq 1 1 2 1) |
t |
(not-eq (+ 3 4) (+ 2 5) (+ 1 6)) |
nil |
(not-eq (list 1 2 3 4) (list 1 2 3 4)) |
nil |
(not-eq (list 1 2 4 5) (list 1 2 3 4)) |
t |
The =
operation can only be used on numerical arguments. If you know you are comparing numbers, it will be more efficient to use =
An important difference between eq
and =
is that =
compare the numerical values of the arguments. A 3 is a 3 independent of them being different types. eq
on the other hand compares the representations of the arguments exactly and they must match in structure, type and value to be considered equal.
Example | Result |
(= 1 1) |
t |
(= 1 2) |
nil |
(= (+ 2 3) (+ 1 4)) |
t |
(= (+ 1 2) (+ 2 3)) |
nil |
Greater than comparison. A greater than comparison has the form (> expr1 ... exprN)
and evaluates to t
if expr1 is greater than all of expr2 ... exprN.
Example | Result |
(> 5 2) |
t |
(> 2 5) |
nil |
(> 3.140000f32 1) |
t |
(> 1 3.140000f32) |
nil |
Less than comparison. A less than comparison has the form (> expr1 ... exprN)
and evaluates to t
if expr1 is less than all of expr2 ... exprN.
Example | Result |
(< 5 2) |
nil |
(< 5 2) |
nil |
(< 3.14 1) |
nil |
(< 1 3.14) |
t |
Greater than or equal comparison. A greater than comparison has the form (>= expr1 ... exprN)
and evaluates to t
if expr1 is greater than or equal to all of expr2 ... exprN.
Example | Result |
(>= 1 1) |
t |
(>= 5 2) |
t |
(>= 2 5) |
nil |
(>= 3.14 1) |
t |
(>= 1 3.14) |
nil |
Less than or equal comparison. A less than or equal comparison has the form (<= expr1 ... exprN)
and evaluates to t
if expr1 is less than or equal to all of expr2 ... exprN.
Example | Result |
(<= 1 1) |
t |
(<= 5 2) |
nil |
(<= 2 5) |
t |
(<= 3.14 1) |
nil |
(<= 1 3.14) |
t |
Boolean and
operation between n arguments. The form of an and
expression is (and expr1 ... exprN)
. This operation treats all non-nil values as true. Boolean and
is "shirt-circuiting" and only evaluates until a false is encountered.
Example | Result |
(and t t) |
t |
(and t t (+ 1 2)) |
3 |
(and t (< 5 3)) |
nil |
Boolean or
operation between n arguments. The form of an or
expression is (or expr1 ... exprN)
. This operation treats all non-nil values as true. Boolean or
is "short-circuiting" and only evaluates until a true is encountered.
Example | Result |
(or nil nil) |
nil |
(or nil t) |
t |
(or t nil) |
t |
(or t t) |
t |
(or nil (+ 1 2)) |
3 |
Boolean not
takes one argument. The form of a not
expression is (not expr)
. All non-nil values are considered true.
Example | Result |
(not t) |
nil |
(not nil) |
t |
(not 42) |
nil |
the list?
predicate is true for all lists, empty (nil) or not.
Example | Result |
(list? nil) |
t |
(list? 'nil) |
t |
(list? (list 1 2 3)) |
t |
(list? '(1 2 3)) |
t |
(list? 2) |
nil |
(list? 'kurt-russel) |
nil |
the number?
predicate is true for all numbers.
Example | Result |
(number? nil) |
nil |
(number? 1) |
t |
(number? 2u) |
t |
(number? 3.140000f32) |
t |
(number? 'michael-shanks) |
nil |
(number? 'james-spader) |
nil |
The shift left operation takes two arguments. The first argument is a value to shift and the second argument is the number of bit positions to shift the value.
Example | Result |
(shl 1 2) |
4 |
(shl 1u32 2) |
4u32 |
(shl 1u64 2) |
4u64 |
The shift right operation takes two arguments. The first argument is a value to shift and the second argument in the number of bit positions to shift the value.
Example | Result |
(shr 4 2) |
1 |
(shr 4u32 2) |
1u32 |
(shr 4u64 2) |
1u64 |
Performs the bitwise and operation between two values. The type of the result is the same type as the first of the arguments.
Example | Result |
(bitwise-and 1048831u32 65535) |
255u32 |
Performs the bitwise or operation between two values. The type of the result is the same type as the first of the arguments.
Example | Result |
(bitwise-or 1048816 15) |
1048831 |
Performs the bitwise exclusive or operation between two values. The type of the result is the same type as the first of the arguments.
Example | Result |
(bitwise-xor 1048816 255) |
1048591 |
Performs the bitwise negation operations on a value. The result is of same type as the argument.
Example | Result |
(bitwise-not 4096u32) |
4294963199u32 |
Represents the empty list. The nil value is also considered to be false by conditionals. nil
is a symbol but it cannot be redefined and will always evaluate to itself.
Example | Result |
(cons 1 nil) |
(1) |
(if nil 3 100) |
100 |
nil |
nil |
All non nil values are considered true in conditionals. t
should be used in cases where an explicit true makes sense. t
is a symbol but it cannot be redefined and will always evaluate to itself.
Example | Result |
(cons 1 t) |
(1 . t) |
(if t 3 100) |
3 |
t |
t |
is an alias for nil
Example | Result |
(cons 1 false) |
(1) |
(if false 3 100) |
100 |
false |
nil |
is an alias for t
Example | Result |
(cons 1 true) |
(1 . t) |
(if true 3 100) |
3 |
true |
t |
Code and data share the same representation, it is only a matter of how you look at it. The tools for changing view, or interpretation, are the quotation and quasiquotation operations.
Usages of the '
quote symbol in input code is replaced with the symbol quote by the reader. Evaluating a quoted expression, (quote a), results in a unevaluated.
Example | Result |
'(+ 1 2) |
(+ 1 2) |
(eval '(+ 1 2)) |
3 |
'kurt |
kurt |
'(+ 1 2) |
(+ 1 2) |
(eval '(+ 1 2)) |
3 |
'kurt |
kurt |
The backwards tick `
is called the quasiquote. It is similar to the '
but allows splicing in results of computations using the , and the ,@ operators.
The result of '(+ 1 2)
and `(+ 1 2)
are similar in effect. Both result in the result value of (+ 1 2)
, that is a list containing +, 1 and 2. When `(+ 1 2)
is read into the heap it is expanded into the expression (append (quote (+)) (append (quote (1)) (append (quote (2)) (quote nil))))
which evaluates to the list (+ 1 2)
Example | Result |
`(+ 1 2) |
(+ 1 2) |
`(+ 1 ,(+ 1 1)) |
(+ 1 2) |
(append '(+ 1) (list (+ 1 1))) |
(+ 1 2) |
The comma is used to splice the result of a computation into a quasiquotation.
The expression `(+ 1 ,(+ 1 1))
is expanded by the reader into (append (quote (+)) (append (quote (1)) (append (list (+ 1 1)) (quote nil))))
. Evaluating the expression above results in the list (+ 1 2)
Example | Result |
`(+ 1 ,(+ 1 1)) |
(+ 1 2) |
The comma-at operation is used to splice in the result of a computation (that returns a list) into a list when quasiquoting.
Example | Result |
`(1 2 3 ,@(range 4 10)) |
(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9) |
The identity function takes one argument which it directly returns. The form of an identity
expression is (identity expr)
, where expr is an arbitrary lisp expression. (identity expr)
is a function application so all normal function application rules apply. The most important property of function applications in this case is that the argument is evaluated which differentiates identity
from quote
which returns the argument unevaluated.
Example | Result |
(identity 1) |
1 |
(identity (+ 1 2)) |
3 |
(identity 'apa) |
apa |
(identity 'kurt-russel) |
kurt-russel |
(identity '(+ 1 2)) |
(+ 1 2) |
are related to user defined functions. As such rest-args
is also given a brief explanation in the section about the lambda.
is a mechanism for handling optional arguments in functions. Say you want to define a function with 2 arguments and an optional 3rd argument. You can do this by creating a 3 argument function and check if argument 3 is valid or not in the body of the function
Example | Result |
(defun my-fun (x y opt) (if opt (+ x y opt) (+ x y))) |
(closure (x y opt) (if opt (+ x y opt) (+ x y)) nil) |
(my-fun 1 2 nil) |
3 |
(my-fun 1 2 100) |
103 |
This approach works well if your function has 1,2 or some other small number of optional arguments. However, functions with many optional arguments will look messy at the application site, (my-fun 1 2 nil nil nil nil 32 nil kurt-russel)
for examples
Functions you create, using lambda or defun, do actually take an arbitrary number of arguments. In other words, it is no error to pass in 5 arguments to a 2 argument defun or lambda function. The extra arguments will by default just be ignored.
Example | Result |
(defun my-fun (x y) (+ x y)) |
(closure (x y) (+ x y) nil) |
(my-fun 1 2) |
3 |
(my-fun 1 2 100 200 300 400 500) |
3 |
all of those extra arguments, 100 200 300 400 500
passed into my-fun are ignored. But if we want to, we can access these extra arguments through the rest-args
Example | Result |
(defun my-fun (x y) (apply + (cons x (cons y (rest-args))))) |
(closure (x y) (apply + (cons x (cons y (rest-args)))) nil) |
(my-fun 1 2 100) |
103 |
(my-fun 1 2 100 1000 10000) |
11103 |
gives a clean looking interface to functions taking arbitrary optional arguments. Functions that make use of rest-args
must, however, be written specifically to do so and are themself responsible for the figuring out the positional semantics of extra arguments.
One was to explicitly carry the semantics of an optional argument into the function body is to add optional arguments as key-value pairs where the key states the meaning. Then rest-args
becomes essentially an association list that you query using assoc
. For example:
Example | Result |
(defun my-fun (x) (assoc (rest-args) x)) |
(closure (x) (assoc (rest-args) x) nil) |
(my-fun 'kurt-russel '(apa . 10) '(bepa . 20) '(kurt-russel . is-great)) |
is-great |
(my-fun 'apa '(apa . 10) '(bepa . 20) '(kurt-russel . is-great)) |
10 |
(my-fun 'bepa '(apa . 10) '(bepa . 20) '(kurt-russel . is-great)) |
20 |
The rest-args
operation also, itself, takes an optional numerical argument that acts as an index into the list of rest arguments.
Example | Result |
(defun my-fun (i) (rest-args i)) |
(closure (i) (rest-args i) nil) |
(my-fun 0 1 2 3) |
1 |
(my-fun 1 1 2 3) |
2 |
(my-fun 2 1 2 3) |
3 |
Evaluate data as an expression. The data must represent a valid expression. The form of an eval
expression is (eval expr)
. An optional environment can be passed in as the first argument: (eval env-expr expr)
Example | Result |
(eval (list + 1 2)) |
3 |
(eval '(+ 1 2)) |
3 |
(eval '((a . 100)) '(+ a 1)) |
101 |
(eval `(+ 1 ,@(range 2 5))) |
10 |
Evaluate a list of data where each element represents an expression. The form of an eval-program
expression is (eval-program program-expr)
. A program-expr
is a list of expressions where each element in the list can be evaluated by eval
An optional environment can be passed in as the first arguement: (eval-program env-expr program-expr)
Example | Result |
(eval-program (list (list + 1 2) (list + 3 4))) |
7 |
(eval-program '((+ 1 2) (+ 3 4))) |
7 |
(eval-program (list (list define 'a 10) (list + 'a 1))) |
11 |
(eval-program '( (define a 10) (+ a 1))) |
11 |
The type-of
function returns a symbol that indicates what type the argument is. The form of a type-of
expression is (type-of expr)
Example | Result |
(type-of 1) |
type-i |
(type-of 1u) |
type-u |
(type-of 1i32) |
type-i32 |
(type-of 1u32) |
type-u32 |
(type-of 1i64) |
type-i64 |
(type-of 1u64) |
type-u64 |
(type-of 3.140000f32) |
type-float |
(type-of 3.140000f64) |
type-double |
(type-of 'apa) |
type-symbol |
(type-of (list 1 2 3)) |
type-list |
The sym2str
function converts a symbol to its string representation. The resulting string is a copy of the original so you cannot destroy built in symbols using this function.
Example | Result |
(sym2str 'lambda) |
lambda |
(sym2str 'lambda) |
lambda |
The str2sym
function converts a string to a symbol.
Example | Result |
(str2sym "hello") |
hello |
The sym2u
function returns the numerical value used by the runtime system for a symbol.
Example | Result |
(sym2u 'lambda) |
259u |
(sym2u 'lambda) |
259u |
The u2sym
function returns the symbol associated with the numerical value provided. This symbol may be undefined in which case you get as result a unnamed symbol.
Example | Result |
(u2sym 259u) |
lambda |
(u2sym 66334u) |
The gc
function runs the garbage collector so that it can reclaim values from the heap and LBM memory that are nolonger needed.
Note that one should not need to run this function. GC is run automatically when needed.
Example | Result |
(gc) |
t |
Special forms looks a lot like functions but they are allowed to break the norms when it comes to evaluation order of arguments. a special form may choose to evaluate or not, freely, from its list of arguments.
Conditionals are written as (if cond-expr then-expr else-exp)
. If the cond-expr evaluates to nil the else-expr will be evaluated. for any other value of cond-expr the then-expr will be evaluated.
Example | Result |
(if t 1 2) |
1 |
(if nil 1 2) |
2 |
is a generalization of if
to discern between n different cases based on boolean expressions. The form of a cond
expression is: (cond ( cond-expr1 expr1) (cond-expr2 expr2) ... (cond-exprN exprN))
. The conditions are checked from first to last and for the first cond-exprN
that evaluates to true, the corresponding exprN
is evaluated.
If no cond-exprN
evaluates to true, the result of the entire conditional is nil
Example | Result |
(define a 0)
(cond ((< a 0) 'abrakadabra)
((> a 0) 'llama)
((= a 0) 'hello-world)) |
hello-world |
(define a 5)
(cond ((= a 1) 'doughnut)
((= a 7) 'apple-strudel)
((= a 10) 'baklava)) |
nil |
You create an anonymous function with lambda. The function can be given a name by binding the lambda expression using define or let. A lambda expression has the form (lambda param-list body-expr)
Example | Result |
(lambda (x) (+ x 1)) |
(closure (x) (+ x 1) nil) |
((lambda (x) (+ x 1)) 1) |
2 |
You can give more arguments to a function created using lambda. The extra arguments can be accessed in the lambda body by calling the rest-args
function which gives back auxiliary arguments as a list.
Example | Result |
((lambda (x) (cons x (rest-args))) 1 2 3 4 5 6) |
(1 2 3 4 5 6) |
((lambda (x) (cons x (rest-args))) 1) |
(1) |
takes an optional numerical argument that is used to index into the list containing the rest of the arguments.
Example | Result |
((lambda (x) (rest-args 0)) 1 2 3 4 5) |
2 |
((lambda (x) (rest-args 1)) 1 2 3 4 5) |
3 |
((lambda (x) (rest-args 2)) 1 2 3 4 5) |
4 |
((lambda (x) (rest-args 3)) 1 2 3 4 5) |
5 |
A lambda expression evaluates into a closure which is very similar to a lambda but extended with a captured environment for any names unbound in the param-list appearing in the body-expr. The form of a closure is (closure param-list body-exp environment)
Example | Result |
(lambda (x) (+ x 1)) |
(closure (x) (+ x 1) nil) |
(let ((a 1))
(lambda (x) (+ a x))) |
(closure (x) (+ a x) ((a . 1))) |
(let ((a 1)
(b 2))
(lambda (x) (+ a b x))) |
(closure (x) (+ a b x) ((b . 2) (a . 1))) |
Local environments are created using let. The let binding in lispbm allows for mutually recursive bindings. The form of a let is (let list-of-bindings body-expr)
and evaluating this expression means that body-expr is evaluted in an environment extended with the list-of-bindings.
Example | Result |
(let ((a 1)
(b 2))
(+ a b)) |
3 |
(let ((f (lambda (x) (if (= x 0) 0 (g (- x 1)))))
(g (lambda (x) (if (= x 0) 1 (f (- x 1))))))
(f 11)) |
1 |
You can deconstruct composite values while let binding.
Example | Result |
(let (((a b) (list 1 2)))
(+ a b)) |
3 |
(let (((a . as) (list 1 2 3 4 5 6)))
(cons a (reverse as))) |
(1 6 5 4 3 2) |
loop allows to repeatedly evaluate an expression for as long as a condition holds. The form of a loop is (loop list-of-local-bindings condition-exp body-exp)
The list-of-local-bindings
are very similar to how let
works, just that here the body-exp
is repeated.
Example | Result |
(define sum 0)
(loop ((a 0))
(<= a 10)
(setq sum (+ sum a))
(setq a (+ a 1))))
sum |
55 |
You can give names to values in a global scope by using define. The form of define is (define name expr)
. The expr is evaluated and it is the result of the evaluated expr that is stored in the environment. In lispbm you can redefine already defined values.
Example | Result |
(define apa 10) |
10 |
A definition in the global can be removed using undefine. The form of an undefine expression is (undefine name-expr)
where name-expr should evaluate to a symbol (for example 'apa
Example | Result |
(undefine 'apa) |
t |
It is also possible to undefine several bindings at the same time by providing a list of names.
Example | Result |
(undefine '(apa bepa cepa)) |
t |
The set
form is used to change the value of some variable in an environment. You can use set
to change the value of a global definition or a local definition. An application of the set
form looks like (set var-expr val-expr)
where var-expr
should evaluate to a symbol. The val-expr
is evaluated before rebinding the variable. set
returns the value that val-expr
evaluates to.
Example | Result |
(define a 10)
(set 'a 20)
a |
20 |
works in local environments too such as in the body of a let
or in a progn
-local variable created using var
Example | Result |
(var a 10)
(set 'a 20)
a) |
20 |
The setq
special-form is similar to set
and to setvar
but expects the first argument to be a symbol. The first argument to setq
is NOT evaluated.
Example | Result |
(define a 10)
(setq a 20)
a |
20 |
Just like set
and setvar
, setq
can be used on variables that are bound locally such as in the body of a let
or a progn
-local variable created using var
Example | Result |
(var a 10)
(setq a 20)
a) |
20 |
is the exact same thing as set
The progn special form allows you to sequence a number of expressions. The form of a progn expression is (progn expr1 ... exprN)
The evaluation result of a progn sequence is the value that the last exprN
evaluated to. This is useful for sequencing of side-effecting operations.
Example | Result |
3) |
3 |
(define a 10)
(define b 20)
(+ a b)) |
30 |
The curlybrace {
syntax is a short-form (syntactic sugar) for (progn
. The parser replaces occurrences of {
with (progn
. The {
should be closed with an }
These two programs are thus equivalent:
(define a 10)
(define b 20)
(+ a b))
(define a 10)
(define b 20)
(+ a b)
The closing curlybrace }
should be used to close an opening {
but purely for esthetical reasons. The }
is treated identically to a regular closing parenthesis )
The opening {
and closing }
curlybraces are used as a short-form for progn
-blocks of sequences expressions.
The var special form allows local bindings in a progn expression. A var expression is of the form (var symbol expr) and the symbol symbol
is bound to the value that expr
evaluates to withing the rest of the progn expression.
Example | Result |
(var a 10)
(var b 20)
(+ a b)) |
30 |
(var a 10)
(var b (+ a 10))
(+ a b)) |
30 |
You can deconstruct composite value while var binding.
Example | Result |
(var (a b) (list 1 2))
(+ a b)) |
3 |
(var (a . as) (list 1 2 3 4 5 6))
(cons a (reverse as))) |
(1 6 5 4 3 2) |
Parses a string resulting in either an expression or the read_error in case the string can not be parsed into an expression. The form of a read expression is (read string)
Example | Result |
(read "1") |
1 |
(read "(+ 1 2)") |
(+ 1 2) |
(read "(lambda (x) (+ x 1))") |
(lambda (x) (+ x 1)) |
Parses a string containing multiple sequenced expressions. The resulting list of expressions can be evaluated as a program using eval-program. The form of a read-program expression is (read-program string)
Example | Result |
(read-program "(define apa 1) (+ 2 apa)") |
((define apa 1) (+ 2 apa)) |
Parses and evaluates a program incrementally. read-eval-program
reads a top-level expression then evaluates it before reading the next.
Example | Result |
(read-eval-program "(define a 10) (+ a 10)") |
20 |
supports the @const-start
and @const-end
annotations which move all global definitions created in the program to constant memory (flash).
Example | Result |
(read-eval-program "@const-start (define a 10) (+ a 10) @const-end") |
20 |
lets you catch an error rather than have the evaluation context terminate. The form of a trap expression is (trap expr)
. If expr crashes with an error e
then (trap expr)
evaluates to (exit-error e)
. If expr successfully runs and returns r
, then (trap expr)
evaluates to (exit-ok r).
Example | Result |
(trap (/ 1 0)) |
(exit-error division_by_zero) |
(trap (+ 1 2)) |
(exit-ok 3) |
catches any error except for fatal errors. A fatal error will still lead to the context being terminated.
Lists are built using cons cells. A cons cell is represented by the lbm_cons_t struct in the implementation and consists of two fields named the car
and the cdr
. There is no special meaning associated with the car
and the cdr
each can hold a lbm_value. See cons and list for two ways to create structures of cons cells on the heap.
A cons cell can be used to store a pair of values. You create a pair by sticking a value in both the car and cdr field of a cons cell using either '(1 . 2)
or (cons 1 2)
A list is a number of cons cells linked together where the car fields hold values and the cdr fields hold pointers (the last cdr field is nil). The list below can be created either as '(1 2 3)
or as (list 1 2 3)
Use car
to access the car
field of a cons cell. A car
expression has the form (car expr)
Taking the car
of a number of symbol type is in general a type_error.
Example | Result |
(car (cons 1 2)) |
1 |
(car (list 9 8 7)) |
9 |
is an alternative name for the car
operation. Use first
to access the first element of a list or pair. A first
expression has the form (first expr)
Example | Result |
(car (cons 1 2)) |
1 |
(car (list 9 8 7)) |
9 |
Use cdr
to access the cdr
field of a cons cell. A cdr
expression has the form (cdr expr)
Example | Result |
(cdr (cons 1 2)) |
2 |
(cdr (list 9 8 7)) |
(8 7) |
is an alternative name for the cdr
operation. Use rest
to access all elements except the first one of a list, or to access the second element in a pair. A rest
expression has the form (rest expr)
Example | Result |
(cdr (cons 1 2)) |
2 |
(cdr (list 9 8 7)) |
(8 7) |
The cons
operation allocates a cons cell from the heap and populates the car
and the cdr
fields of this cell with its two arguments. The form of a cons
expression is (cons expr1 expr2)
. To build well formed lists the innermost cons cell should have nil in the cdr field.
Example | Result |
(cons 1 (cons 2 (cons 3 nil))) |
(1 2 3) |
(cons 1 2) |
(1 . 2) |
(cons + 1) |
(+ . 1) |
(cons (cons 1 2) (cons 3 4)) |
((1 . 2) 3 . 4) |
The dot, .
, operation creates a pair. The form of a dot expression is (expr1 . expr2)
. By default the evaluator will attempt to evaluate the result of (expr1 . expr2)
unless it is prefixed with '
Example | Result |
'(1 . 2) |
(1 . 2) |
'((1 . 2) . 3) |
((1 . 2) . 3) |
The list
function is used to create proper lists. The function takes n arguments and is of the form (list expr1 ... exprN)
Example | Result |
(list 1 2 3 4) |
(1 2 3 4) |
Computes the length of a list. The length
function takes one argument and is of the form (length expr)
Example | Result |
(length (list 1 2 3 4)) |
4 |
The range
function computes a list with integer values from a range specified by its endpoints. The form of a range expression is (range start-expr end-expr)
. The end point in the range is excluded.
Example | Result |
(range 4 8) |
(4 5 6 7) |
(range 0 10) |
(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9) |
(range -4 4) |
(-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3) |
The append
function combines two lists into a longer list. An append
expression is of the form (append expr1 expr2)
Example | Result |
(append (list 1 2 3 4) (list 5 6 7 8)) |
(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8) |
Index into a list using the ix
function. The form of an ix
expression is (ix list-expr index-expr)
. Indexing starts from 0 and if you index out of bounds the result is nil. A negative index accesses values starting from the end of the list.
Example | Result |
(ix (list 1 2 3 4) 1) |
2 |
(ix (list 1 2 3 4) -1) |
4 |
Destructively update an element in a list. The form of a setix
expression is (setix list-expr index-extr value-expr)
. Indexing starts from 0 and if you index out of bounds the result is nil. A negative value -n will update the nth value from the end of the list.
Example | Result |
(setix (list 1 2 3 4 5) 2 77) |
(1 2 77 4 5) |
(setix (list 1 2 3 4 5) -2 66) |
(1 2 3 66 5) |
The setcar
is a destructive update of the car field of a cons-cell.
Example | Result |
(define apa '(1 . 2))
(setcar apa 42)
apa |
(42 . 2) |
(define apa (list 1 2 3 4))
(setcar apa 42)
apa |
(42 2 3 4) |
The setcdr
is a destructive update of the cdr field of a cons-cell.
Example | Result |
(define apa '(1 . 2))
(setcdr apa 42)
apa |
(1 . 42) |
(define apa (list 1 2 3 4))
(setcdr apa (list 99 100))
apa |
(1 99 100) |
creates a list containing the n
first elements of another list. The form of a take
expression is (take list-exp n-exp)
Example | Result |
(define apa (list 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10))
(take apa 5) |
(1 2 3 4 5) |
creates a list from another list by dropping the n
first elements of that list. The form of a drop
expression is (drop list-exp n-exp)
Example | Result |
(define apa (list 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10))
(drop apa 5) |
(6 7 8 9 10) |
creates a list containing the same elements as an existing list but in reverse order. The form of a reverse
expression is (reverse list-exp)
Example | Result |
(define apa (list 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10))
(reverse apa) |
(10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1) |
creates a list containing the same elements as an existing list but rotated some number of step along a direction. The form of a rotate
expression is (rotate list-exp dist-expr)
. The sign of the value dist-expr evaluates to, decides direction of rotation.
Example | Result |
(define apa (list 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10)) |
(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10) |
(rotate apa 1) |
(10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9) |
(rotate apa -1) |
(2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1) |
(rotate apa 3) |
(8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7) |
(rotate apa -3) |
(4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3) |
Rotating a list in the negative direction is slightly faster than rotating in the positive direction. The chart below shows the time 1 Million 3 step rotations take in each direction at varying list lengths. The data is collected on x86.
merges two lists that are ordered according to a comparator into a single ordered list. The form of a merge
expression is (merge comparator-exp list-exp1 list-exp2)
Example | Result |
(define a (list 2 4 6 8 10 12))
(define b (list 1 3 5))
(merge < a b) |
(1 2 3 4 5 6 8 10 12) |
orders a list of values according to a comparator. The sorting algorithm used is an in-place merge-sort. A copy of the input list is created at the beginning of the sort to provide a functional interface from the user's point of view. The form of a sort expression is (sort comparator-exp list-exp)
Example | Result |
(define a (list 1 9 2 5 1 8 3))
(sort < a) |
(1 1 2 3 5 8 9) |
Association lists (alists) are, just like regular lists, built out of cons-cells. The difference is that an alist is a list of pairs where the first element in each par can be thought of as a key and the second element can be thought of as the value. So alists implement a key-value lookup structure.
(list '(1 . horse) '(2 . donkey) '(3 . shark))
is an example of an alist with integer keys and symbol values.
The acons
form is similar to cons
, it attaches one more element onto an alist. The element that is added consists of a key and a value so acons
takes one more argument than cons
. The form of an acons
expression is (acons key-expr val-expr alist-expr)
. The alist-expr
should evaluate to an alist but there are no checks to ensure this.
Example that adds the key 4
and associated value lemur
to an existing alist.
Example | Result |
(acons 4 'lemur (list '(1 . horse) '(2 . donkey) '(3 . shark))) |
((4 . lemur) (1 . horse) (2 . donkey) (3 . shark)) |
The assoc
function looks up the first value in an alist matching a given a key. The form of an assoc
expression is (assoc alist-expr key-expr)
Example | Result |
(assoc (list '(1 . horse) '(2 . donkey) '(3 . shark)) 2) |
donkey |
The cossa
function looks up the first key in an alist that matches a given value. The form of an cossa
expression is (cossa alist-expr value-expr)
Example | Result |
(cossa (list '(1 . horse) '(2 . donkey) '(3 . shark)) 'donkey) |
2 |
The setassoc
function destructively updates a key-value mapping in an alist. The form of a setassoc
expression is (setassoc alist-expr key-expr value-expr)
Example | Result |
(define apa (list '(1 . horse) '(2 . donkey) '(3 . shark)))
(setassoc apa 2 'llama) |
((1 . horse) (2 . llama) (3 . shark)) |
Create an array of bytes. The form of a bufcreate
expression is (bufcreate size-expr)
Example | Result |
(define data (bufcreate 10)) |
[0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0] |
(define empty-array (bufcreate 0)) |
[] |
Alternatively a buffer can be allocated from a compactible memory region (defrag mem).
Example | Result |
(define dm (dm-create 1000)) |
DM |
(define data-in-dm (bufcreate dm 10)) |
[0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0] |
For more information about defragmentable memory see Defragmentable memory.
Returns the size of a buffer in number of bytes. The form of an buflen
expression is (buflen buf-expr)
where buf-expr has to evaluate into a buffer.
Example | Result |
(buflen data) |
10 |
Read a value from a buffer. The contents of a buffer can be read as a sized integer or unsigned value using as many bytes from the buffer as the X portion of the function name implies. The form of a bufget expression is (bufget-[X] buf-expr ix-expr)
where ix-expr
evaluates to a number indicating the byte position to start reading from.
Example | Result |
(define data [255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255]) |
[255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255] |
(bufget-i8 data 0) |
-1 |
(bufget-i16 data 0) |
-1 |
(bufget-i32 data 0) |
-1 |
(bufget-u8 data 0) |
255 |
(bufget-u16 data 0) |
65535 |
(bufget-u32 data 0) |
4294967295u32 |
The bufset
functions performs a destructive updates to a buffer. The form of a bufset
expression is (bufset-[X] buf-expr ix-expr val-expr)
where ix-expr
evaluates to a number indicating where in the buffer to start writing and val-expr
is the value to write.
Example | Result |
(define data [255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255]) |
[255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255] |
(bufset-i8 data 0 10) |
t |
data |
[10 255 255 255 255 255 255 255] |
(bufset-i16 data 0 20) |
t |
data |
[0 20 255 255 255 255 255 255] |
(bufset-i32 data 0 -1) |
t |
data |
[255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255] |
(bufset-u8 data 0 10) |
t |
data |
[10 255 255 255 255 255 255 255] |
(bufset-u16 data 0 20) |
t |
data |
[0 20 255 255 255 255 255 255] |
(bufset-u32 data 0 4294967295u32) |
t |
data |
[255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255] |
To clear a byte array the function bufclear can be used (bufclear arr optByte optStart optLen)
Where arr is the byte array to clear, optByte is the optional argument of what to clear with (default 0), optStart is the optional argument of which position to start clearing (default 0) and optLen is the optional argument of how many bytes to clear after start (default the entire array). Example:
Example | Result |
(define data [255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255]) |
[255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255] |
(bufclear data) |
t |
data |
[0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0] |
(bufclear data 255) |
t |
data |
[255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255] |
(bufclear data 1 5) |
t |
data |
[255 255 255 255 255 1 1 1] |
(bufclear data 1 5 8) |
t |
data |
[255 255 255 255 255 1 1 1] |
(bufclear data 170 1 5) |
t |
data |
[255 170 170 170 170 170 1 1] |
Byte buffer literals can be created using the [
and ]
syntax to enclose values to initialize the array with. The [
and ]
syntax is complete resolved in the parser and thus cannot contain arbitrary lisp terms. the values listed between the [
and the ]
must be literals!
The form of the [
and ]
syntax is [ val1 ... valN ]
Example | Result |
[1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10] |
[1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10] |
LispBM supports arrays of arbitrary lisp values (including other arrays).
An array literal are specified as a sequence of lisp values between [|
and |]
. Values in a literal array are not evaluated.
Example | Result |
(define my-arr [|1 2 3|]) |
[|1 2 3|] |
(define my-arr [|daniel jackson|]) |
[|daniel jackson|] |
(define my-arr [|(apa . bepa) (1 . 2)|]) |
[|(apa . bepa) (1 . 2)|] |
(define my-arr [|(+ 1 2) (+ 3 4)|]) |
[|(+ 1 2) (+ 3 4)|] |
(define my-arr [|[|1 2 3|] [|4 5 6|]|]) |
[|[|1 2 3|] [|4 5 6|]|] |
(ix my-arr 0) |
[|1 2 3|] |
(ix my-arr 1) |
[|4 5 6|] |
(ix (ix my-arr 0) 1) |
2 |
(ix (ix my-arr 1) 2) |
6 |
All arrays have an associated heap-cell that acts as a liaison in relation to the garbage collector. When garbage collection frees the liaison, it also frees the array data in buffers and arrays memory (lbm_memory).
takes n arguments and creates an array holding those arguments as values. The form of an array
expression is (array expr1 ... exprN)
Example | Result |
(define my-arr (array 1 2 3)) |
[|1 2 3|] |
(define my-arr (array (+ 1 2) (+ 3 4))) |
[|3 7|] |
Allocate an array with mkarray
. Arrays are allocated in arrays and byte buffer memory. The form an mkarray
expression is (mkarray num-expr)
Note that there is currently no literal syntax for arrays.
The example below allocates an array in "lbm_memory" (arrays and byte-buffer memory).
Example | Result |
(define my-arr (mkarray 10)) |
[|nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil|] |
Index into an array using the ix
function. The form of an ix
expression is (ix array-expr index-expr)
. Indexing starts from 0 and if you index out of bounds the result is nil. A negative index accesses values starting from the end of the array.
Example | Result |
(ix [|1 2 3 4|] 1) |
2 |
(ix [|1 2 3 4|] -1) |
4 |
Destructively update an element in an array. The form of a setix
expression is (setix arr-expr index-extr value-expr)
. Indexing starts from 0 and if you index out of bounds the result is nil. A negative value -n will update the nth value from the end of the list.
Example | Result |
(setix [|1 2 3 4 5|] 2 77) |
[|1 2 77 4 5|] |
(setix [|1 2 3 4 5|] -2 66) |
[|1 2 3 66 5|] |
LBM has two types of memory, the HEAP and the LBM_MEMORY. Lists and pairs are all stored on the heap. Arrays and large values (such as 64bit numbers are stored on LBM_MEMORY. The HEAP has a nice property that all allocations on it are the same size and therefore the HEAP is imune the problems caused by fragmentation. On LBM_MEMORY arbitrarily sized arrays can be allocated and fragmentation can cause an allocation to fail even though there is enough free bytes.
One way to resolve the fragmentation problem is to use a compacting garbage collector. We have opted to not use a compacting garbage collector on the LBM_MEMORY as it is quite complicated. It is extra complicated given how this memory is a shared resource between C extensions and the lisp runtime system.
Our solution is to allow the programmer to create a memory block inside of the LBM_MEMORY in which we will run a defragmentation routine when needed. The defragmentable memory can only be used to allocate non-zero sized byte arrays on the lisp side. The idea is that the programmer calculates the maximum size of simultaneously used arrays (+ the overhead of 3 words per allocation) needed for a small critical set of arrays used in the program and allocates a defragmentable memory of that size.
The LBM (non-compacting) gabage collector frees arrays from a defragmentable memory area automatically. An allocation in the defragmentable memory area that fails triggers garbage collection followed by compaction (if needed).
creates a region of defragmentable memory for bytearrays within LBM memory. The form of a dm-create
expression is (dm-create size-expr)
Example | Result |
(define dm (dm-create 1000)) |
DM |
is used to allocate a byte-array from a region of defragmentable memory. The form of a dm-alloc
expression is (dm-alloc DM-expr size-expr)
. where DM-expr
evaluates to the defragmentable region to allocate from and size-expr
is the number of bytes to allocate. Each allocation uses up 12 extre bytes of header that you do not include in size-expr
Example | Result |
(define arr10 (dm-alloc dm 10)) |
[0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0] |
(define arr100 (dm-alloc dm 100)) |
[0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0] |
Pattern-matching is expressed using match. The form of a match expression is (match expr (pat1 expr1) ... (patN exprN))
. Pattern-matching compares the shape of an expression to each of the pat1
... patN
and evaluates the expression exprM
of the pattern that matches. In a pattern you can use a number of match-binders or wildcards: _
, ?
, ?i
Example | Result |
(match 'orange
(green 1)
(orange 2)
(blue 3)) |
2 |
The no_match
symbol is returned from pattern matching if no case matches the expression.
- Add a catch-all case to your pattern-matching.
The underscore pattern matches anything.
Example | Result |
(match 'fish
(horse 'its-a-horse)
(pig 'its-a-pig)
(_ 'i-dont-know)) |
i-dont-know |
The ?
pattern matches anything and binds that anything to variable. Using the ?
pattern is done as (? var)
and the part of the expression that matches is bound to var
Example | Result |
(match '(orange 17)
((green (? n)) (+ n 1))
((orange (? n)) (+ n 2))
((blue (? n)) (+ n 3))) |
19 |
Patterns used in a match expressions can be augmented with a boolean guard to further discern between cases. A pattern with a guard is of the form (pattern-expr guard-expr expr)
. A pattern with a guard, matches only if the pattern structurally matches and if the guard-expr evaluates to true in the match environment.
Example | Result |
(define x 1) |
1 |
(match x
((? y) (< y 0) 'less-than-zero)
((? y) (> y 0) 'greater-than-zero)
((? y) (= y 0) 'equal-to-zero)) |
greater-than-zero |
The concurrency support in LispBM is provided by the set of functions, spawn
, wait
, yeild
and atomic
described below. Concurrency in LispBM is scheduled by a round-robin scheduler that splits the runtime system evaluator fairly (with caveats, below) between all running processes.
When a process is scheduled to run, made active, it is given a quota of evaluator "steps" to use up. The process then runs until that quota is exhausted or the process itself has signaled it wants to sleep by yielding or blocking (for example by waiting for a message using the message passing system).
A process can also request to not be "pre-empted" while executing a certain expression by invoking atomic
. One should take care to make blocks of atomic code as small as possible as it disrupts the fairness of the scheduler. While executing inside of an atomic block the process has sole ownership of the shared global environment and can perform atomic read-modify-write sequences to global data.
Use spawn
to launch a concurrent process. Spawn takes a closure and arguments to pass to that closure as its arguments. The form of a spawn expression is (spawn opt-name opt-stack-size closure arg1 ... argN)
Each process has a runtime-stack which is used for the evaluation of expressions within that process. The stack size needed by a process depends on 1. How deeply nested expressions evaluated by the process are. 2. Number of recursive calls (Only if a function is NOT tail-recursive). 3. The Number of arguments that functions called by the process take.
Having a stack that is too small will result in a out_of_stack
The default stack size is 256 words (1K Bytes) and should be more than enough for reasonable programs. Many processes will work perfectly fine with a lot less stack. You can find a good size by trial and error.
Use spawn-trap
to spawn a child process and enable trapping of exit conditions for that child. The form of a spawn-trap
expression is (spawn-trap opt-name opt-stack-size closure arg1 .. argN)
. If the child process is terminated because of an error, a message is sent to the parent process of the form (exit-error tid err-val)
. If the child process terminates successfully a message of the form (exit-ok tid value)
is sent to the parent.
Example | Result |
(defun thd nil (+ 1 2))
(spawn-trap thd)
(recv ((exit-error (? tid) (? e)) 'crash)
((exit-ok (? tid) (? v)) 'ok)) |
ok |
(defun thd nil (+ 1 kurt-russel))
(spawn-trap thd)
(recv ((exit-error (? tid) (? e)) 'crash)
((exit-ok (? tid) (? v)) 'ok)) |
crash |
Use self
to obtain the thread-id of the thread in which self
is evaluated. The form of a self
expression is (self)
. The thread id is of an integer type.
Example | Result |
(self) |
3975 |
Use wait
to wait for a spawned process to finish. The argument to wait
should be a process id. The wait
blocks until the process with the given process id finishes. When the process with with the given id finishes, the wait function returns True.
Be careful to only wait for processes that actually exist and do finish. Otherwise you will wait forever.
To put a process to sleep, call yield
. The argument to yield
is number indicating at least how many microseconds the process should sleep.
Example | Result |
(yield 10) |
t |
'sleep' puts a thread to sleep and differs from 'yield' only in the argument. 'sleep' takes a floating point number indicating how long in seconds the thread should sleep at least.
Example | Result |
(sleep 1.000000f32) |
t |
can be used to execute a LispBM one or more expression without allowing the runtime system to switch process during that time. atomic
is similar to progn with the addition of being uninterruptable.
Example | Result |
(atomic (+ 1 2)
(+ 3 4)
(+ 4 5)) |
9 |
The exit-ok
function terminates the thread in a "successful" way and returnes a result specified by the programmer. The form of an exit-ok
expression is (exit-ok value)
. If the process that calls exit-ok
was created using spawn-trap
a message of the form (exit-ok tid value)
is be sent to the parent of this process.
The exit-error
function terminates the thread with an error specified by the programmer. The form of an exit-error
expression is (exit-error err_val)
. If the process that calls exit-error
was created using spawn-trap
a message of the form (exit-error tid err_val)
is sent to the parent of this process.
The kill
function allows you to force terminate another thread. It has the signature (kill thread-id-expr val-expr)
, where thread-id-expr
is the thread that you want to terminate, and val-expr
is the final result the thread dies with.
Example | Result |
(defun f nil (f))
(define id (spawn f))
(kill id nil) |
t |
The val-expr
can be observed if the thread exit status is captured using spawn-trap
Example | Result |
(defun f nil (f))
(define id (spawn-trap f))
(kill id 'kurt-russel)
(recv ((? x) x)) |
(exit-ok 130060 kurt-russel) |
The val-expr
could be used to communicate to a thread monitor that the thread it monitors has been intentionally but externally killed.
Messages can be sent to a process by using send
. The form of a send
expression is (send pid msg)
. The message, msg, can be any LispBM value.
To receive a message use the recv
command. A process will block on a recv
until there is a matching message in the mailbox. The recv
syntax is very similar to match.
Example | Result |
(send (self) 28)
(recv ((? n) (+ n 1))) |
29 |
Like recv, recv-to
is used to receive messages but recv-to
takes an extra timeout argument. It then receives a message containing the symbol timeout
after the timeout period ends.
The form of an recv-to
expression is (recv-to timeout-secs (pattern1 exp1) ... (patternN expN))
Example | Result |
(send (self) 28)
(recv-to 0.100000f32
(timeout 'no-message)
((? n) (+ n 1))) |
29 |
Example | Result |
(send (self) 'not-foo)
(recv-to 0.100000f32
(foo 'got-foo)
(timeout 'no-message)) |
no-message |
Change the size of the mailbox in the current process. Standard mailbox size is 10 elements.
Example | Result |
(set-mailbox-size 100) |
t |
(set-mailbox-size 5000000) |
nil |
Lisp values can be "flattened" into an array representation. The flat representation of a value contains all information needed so that the value can be recreated, "unflattened", in another instance of the runtime system (for example running on another microcontroller).
Not all values can be flattened, custom types for example cannot.
Flat values are designed for recursive encoding and decoding each sub-value contains all information about its size either implicitly or explicitly (as is the case with arrays).
multibyte values are stored in network byte order (big endian).
Cons A cons cell is encoded into a byte 0x1 followed by the encoding of the car and then the cdr field of that cons cell.
cons | car value | cdr value |
0x1 | M bytes | N bytes |
Symbol as value A symbol value can be flattened. Note that symbol values only make sense locally. A flattened symbol value will only make sense in the same runtime system instance that flattened it.
symbol-value | value |
0x2 | 4 bytes on 32bit, 8 bytes on 64bit |
Symbol as string A symbol can be flattened as a string and thus make sense across runtime system instances.
symbol-string | string |
0x3 | zero terminated C style string |
Byte Arrays Byte arrays can be flattened and the length is stored explicitly.
byte array | size in bytes | data |
0xD | 4 bytes | size bytes |
The rest of the atomic types are flattened according to the following:
type | flat-id | value |
byte | 0x4 | 1 Byte |
i28 | 0x5 | 4 Bytes |
u28 | 0x6 | 4 Bytes |
i32 | 0x7 | 4 Bytes |
u32 | 0x8 | 4 Bytes |
float | 0x9 | 4 Bytes |
i64 | 0xA | 8 Bytes |
u64 | 0xB | 8 Bytes |
double | 0xC | 8 Bytes |
i56 | 0xE | 8 Bytes |
u56 | 0xF | 8 Bytes |
Note that some of the types are only present of 32Bit runtime systems and some only on 64 bit. i28 is present on 32 bit and i56 on 64 bit. likewise for u28 and u56.
When LispBM unflattens a i56 or u56 on a 32bit system it creates a i64 or u64 in its place.
Symbols as values, are not possible to transfer between runtime systems in general and is even more pointless between a 32 and 64 bit runtime system.
The flatten
function takes a value as single argument and returns the flat representation if successful. A flatten expression has the form (flatten expr)
. Note that expr
is evaluated before the flattening. A flat value can be turned back into a normal lisp value applying unflatten
Example | Result |
(define a (flatten (+ 1 2 3))) |
[5 0 0 0 6] |
(unflatten a) |
6 |
(define a (flatten '(+ 1 2 3))) |
[1 3 43 0 1 5 0 0 0 1 1 5 0 0 0 2 1 5 0 0 0 3 3 110 105 108 0] |
(unflatten a) |
(+ 1 2 3) |
A flat value is a byte-array containing an encoding of the value.
converts a flat value back into a lisp value. Te form of an unflatten
expression is (unflatten flat-value)
Example | Result |
(define a (flatten (+ 1 2 3))) |
[5 0 0 0 6] |
(unflatten a) |
6 |
(define a (flatten '(+ 1 2 3))) |
[1 3 43 0 1 5 0 0 0 1 1 5 0 0 0 2 1 5 0 0 0 3 3 110 105 108 0] |
(unflatten a) |
(+ 1 2 3) |
lispBM macros are created using the macro
keyword. A macro is quite similar to lambda in lispBM except that arguments are passed in unevaluated. Together with the code-splicing capabilities given by quasiquotation, this provides a powerful code-generation tool.
A macro application is run through the interpreter two times. Once to evaluate the body of the macro on the unevaluated arguments. The result of this first application should be a program. The resulting program then goes through the interpreter again to compute final values.
Given this repeated evaluation, macros are not a performance boost in lispbm. Macros are really a feature that should be used to invent new programming abstractions in cases where it is ok to pay a little for the overhead for benefits in expressivity.
The form of a macro
expression is: (macro args body)
Example | Result |
(define defun (macro (name args body)
`(define ,name (lambda ,args ,body)))) |
(macro (name args body) (append (quote (define)) (list name) (list (append (quote (lambda)) (list args) (list body))))) |
(defun inc (x) (+ x 1)) |
(closure (x) (+ x 1) nil) |
(inc 1) |
2 |
"Call with current continuation" is called call-cc
in LBM. Call with current continuation saves the "current continuation", which encodes what the evaluator will do next, into an object in the language. This encoded continuation object behaves as a function taking one argument.
The call-cc
should be given a function, f
, as the single argument. This function, f
, should also take a single argument, the continuation. At any point in the body of f
the continuation can be applied to a value, in essense replacing the entire call-cc
with that value. All side-effecting operations operations up until the application of the continuation will take effect.
From within a call-cc
application it is possible to bind the continuation to a global variable which will allow some pretty arbitrary control flow.
The example below creates a macro for a progn
facility that allows returning at an arbitrary point.
(define do (macro (body)
`(call-cc (lambda (return) (progn ,@body)))))
The example using do
below makes use of print
which is not a built-in feature of lispBM. There are just to many different ways a programmer may want to implement print
on an microcontroller. Use the lispBM extensions framework to implement your own version of print
(do ((print 10)
(return 't)
(print 20)))
In the example above only "10" will be printed. Below is an example that conditionally returns.
(define f (lambda (x)
(do ((print "hello world")
(if (= x 1)
(return 't)
(print "Gizmo!")))))
The form of a call-cc
expression is (call-cc f)
, where f is a function taking a continuation k. In code most uses of call-cc will have the form (call-cc (lambda (k) expr ))
. When using call-cc
the expr above is allowed to bind k
to a global variable.
is similar to call-cc
in form. (call-cc-unsafe f)
and in code usually as (call-cc-unsafe (lambda (k) expr))
. When using call-cc-unsafe you must NOT let the k
leak out of the scope created by the enclosing call-cc-unsafe
! That is, if k
is used at all, it must be within expr
. Binding k
(directly or indirectly) to a global is a violation of the trust I am putting in you.
If an error occurs while evaluating a program, the process that runs that program is killed. The result of the killed process is set to an error symbol indicating what went wrong.
If the process was created using spawn
(or equivalently, started by a issuing a command in the repl), the process dies and an error message is presented over the registered printing callback (dependent on how LispBM is integrated into your system). The ctx_done_callback
is also called and performs other integration dependent tasks related to the shutting down of a process.
If the process was created using spawn-trap
, in addition to the above, a message is sent to the parent process (the process that executed the spawn-trap) containing information about the process that struck an error. See spawn-trap. The parent process can now choose to restart the process that crashed or to take some other action.
Another way to catch errors is to use trap
which works similar to spawn-trap
but it does not spawn a thread. trap
takes one argument which is an expressions. The expression is evaluated and if it fails (trap expr)
returns an object representing the error. For more information on trap
, see trap.
The read_error
symbol is returned if the reader cannot parse the input code. Read errors are most likely caused by syntactically incorrect input programs.
- Check that all opening parenthesis are properly closed.
The type_error
symbol is returned by built-in functions or extensions if the values passed in are of incompatible types.
The eval_error
symbol is returned if evaluation could not proceed to evaluate the expression. This could be because the expression is malformed.
Evaluation error happens on programs that may be syntactically correct (LispBM has a very low bar for what is considered syntactically correct), but semantically nonsensical.
- Check the program for mistakes.
- Are your parenthesis enclosing the correct subterms?
- Check that you haven't written, for example, (1 + 2) where it should be (+ 1 2).
The out_of_memory
symbol is returned if the heap is full and running the garbage collector was not able to free any memory up.
The program you have written requires more memory.
- Increase the heap size.
- Rewrite the application to use less memory.
The fatal_error
symbol is returned in cases where the LispBM runtime system cannot proceed. Something is corrupt and it is not safe to continue.
- If this happens please send the program and the full error message to [email protected]. It will be much appreciated.
The out_of_stack
symbol is returned if the evaluator runs out of continuation stack (this is its runtime-stack). You are most likely writing a non-tail-recursive function that is exhausting all the resources.
- Check your program for recursive functions that are not tail-recursive Rewrite these in tail-recursive form.
- If you spawned this process in a small stack. For example (spawn 10 prg), try to spawn it with a larger stack.
The division_by_zero
symbol is returned when dividing by zero.
- Check your math.
- Add 0-checks into your code at a strategic position.
The variable_not_bound
symbol is returned when evaluating a variable (symbol) that is neighter bound nor special (built-in function).
Flash memory can be used to store data and functions that are constant. Things can be moved to flash explicitly using the move-to-flash
function or as part of the reading procedure. To move things automatically to flash during reading, there are @
opens a block of code where each global definition is moved to constant memory (flash) automatically. This can be used only together with the incremental reader (such as read-eval-program
A @const-start
opened block should be closed with a @const-end
. Constant blocks cannot be nested.
(defun f (x) (+ x 1))
(+ (f 1) 2)
closes an block opened by @const-start
A value can be moved to flash storage to save space on the normal evaluation heap or lbm memory. A move-to-flash
expression is of the form (move-to-flash sym opt-sym1 ... opt-symN)
. The symbols sym
, opt-sym1 ... opt-symN
should be globally bound to the values you want moved to flash. After the value has been moved, the environment binding is updated to point into flash memory. CAUTION This function should be used carefully. Ideally a value should be moved to flash immediately after it is created so there is no chance that other references to original value exists.
Example | Result |
(define a [1 2 3 4 5 6])
(move-to-flash a)
a |
[1 2 3 4 5 6] |
(define ls '(1 2 3 4 5))
(move-to-flash ls)
ls |
(1 2 3 4 5) |
(defun f (x) (+ x 1))
(move-to-flash f)
(f 10) |
11 |
Convert any numerical value to a byte. If the input is not a number the output of this function will be 0.
Example | Result |
(to-byte 1234) |
210b |
(to-byte 3.14) |
3b |
(to-byte 'apa) |
0b |
Convert a value of any numerical type to an integer. The resulting integer is a 28bit value on 32bit platforms and 56 bits on 64 bit platforms. If the input is not a number the output of this function will be 0.
Example | Result |
(to-i 25b) |
25 |
(to-i 3.14) |
3 |
(to-i 'apa) |
0 |
Convert a value of any numerical type to an unsigned integer. The resulting integer is a 28bit value on 32bit platforms and 56 bits on 64 bit platforms. If the input is not a number the output of this function will be 0.
Example | Result |
(to-u 25b) |
25u |
(to-u 3.14) |
3u |
(to-u 'apa) |
0u |
Convert any numerical value to a 32bit int. If the input is not a number the output of this function will be 0.
Example | Result |
(to-i32 25b) |
25i32 |
(to-i32 3.14) |
3i32 |
(to-i32 'apa) |
0i32 |
Convert any numerical value to a 32bit unsigned int.
Example | Result |
(to-u32 25b) |
25u32 |
(to-u32 3.14) |
3u32 |
(to-u32 'apa) |
0u32 |
Convert any numerical value to a single precision floating point value. If the input is not a number the output of this function will be 0.
Example | Result |
(to-float 25b) |
25.000000f32 |
(to-float 3.14) |
3.140000f32 |
(to-float 'apa) |
0.000000f32 |
Convert any numerical value to a 64bit int. If the input is not a number the output of this function will be 0.
Example | Result |
(to-i64 25b) |
25i64 |
(to-i64 3.14) |
3i64 |
(to-i64 'apa) |
0i64 |
Convert any numerical value to a 64bit unsigned int. If the input is not a number the output of this function will be 0.
Example | Result |
(to-u64 25b) |
25u64 |
(to-u64 3.14) |
3u64 |
(to-u64 'apa) |
0u64 |
Convert any numerical value to a double precision floating point value. If the input is not a number the output of this function will be 0.
Example | Result |
(to-double 25b) |
25.000000f64 |
(to-double 3.14) |
3.140000f64 |
(to-double 'apa) |
0.000000f64 |
This document was generated by LispBM version 0.30.3