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Don't copy the stock fonts if the user has overridden fonts.css.

Force push
ehussforce pushed to fix-copy-fonts-message • 948a83e…0104784 • 
on May 13, 2023

Don't copy the stock fonts if the user has overridden fonts.css.

ehusspushed 1 commit to fix-copy-fonts-message • 75a6d65…948a83e • 
on May 13, 2023

Don't warn on copy-fonts=true (the default) when fonts.css is overrid…

ehusspushed 1 commit to fix-copy-fonts-message • 04016f3…75a6d65 • 
on May 13, 2023

Refactor the warning message related to copy_fonts so that a user sim…

t2ycreated fix-copy-fonts-message • 04016f3 • 
on Apr 28, 2023