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History / Support


  • - [Support](../wiki/Support) - [Contributions]( # Features * Auto generate forms with fields for all Eloquent Models - using a single artisan command. * No need to create any blade views * Laravel Blade components * Laravel Nova like syntax to auto generate TALL-stack forms # Status The package is actively maintained and being used in live projects without issues, but please test thoroughly in your project. # 🙋 Help wanted - If you like this package, please help me with the documentation and tests. Send me a PM. - **Pull Requests** I appreciate any input that improves the functionality and usability of this package. **Please contribute!** # 💬 Questions/Chat - Discord Discuss with other tall-form users on the official Livewire Discord channel. You'll find me in the "partners/tall-forms" channel. 🔗

    @tanthammar tanthammar committed Nov 30, 2020