Stage 3
- Advanced to Stage 1 in TC39 2020-09 meeting.
- Advanced to Stage 2 in TC39 2021-01-25~28 meeting.
- Jan 2021 TC39 meeting approve to move to Stage 2 WITH the condition to drop unitInfo
- 2021-04-08 ECMA402 meeting, we agreed to propose to TC39 for Stage 3.
- Advanced to advance to Stage 3 in TC39 2021-04 meeting.
- Update during Stage 3 in TC39 2021-07 meeting.
- Update during Stage 3 in TC39 2021-10 meeting
- Update during Stage 3 in TC39 2021-12 meeting
- Update during Stage 3 in TC39 2022-11 meeting
- Update during Stage 3 in TC39 2023-01 meeting
- Update during Stage 3 in TC39 2023-07 meeting
- Update during Stage 3 in TC39 2023-09 meeting
- Update during Stage 3 in TC39 2023-11 meeting
- Update during Stage 3 in TC39 2024-07 meeting
- Identified “champion” who will advance the addition: Frank Yung-Fong Tang
- Prose outlining the problem or need and the general shape of a solution: See this document
- Illustrative examples of usage: See this document
- High-level API: See this document
- Discussion of key algorithms, abstractions and semantics
- Identification of potential “cross-cutting” concerns and implementation challenges/complexity
- A publicly available repository for the proposal that captures the above requirements:
- Above
- Initial spec text: DONE
- Acceptance Signifies: The committee expects the feature to be developed and eventually included in the standard
- Above
- Complete spec text
- Designated reviewers have signed off on the current spec text
- All ECMAScript editors have signed off on the current spec text
- Acceptance Signifies: The solution is complete and no further work is possible without implementation experience, significant usage and external feedback.
- Frank Tang @FrankYFTang
- Shane Carr @sffc
- Zibi Braniecki @zbraniecki
- Richard Gibson @gibson042
- V8 (UPDATE 2021-5-6:) : Behind a flag (cl/2570218 is landed into the trunk)
- $ out/x64.release/d8 --harmony_intl_locale_info
- Chrome - TBD
- Edge - ???
- FireFox - Tracking Bug
- Safari - ???
A proposal to expose Locale information, such as week data (first day in a week, weekend start day, weekend end day), and text direction hour cycle used in the locale ,measurement system used in the locale.
- Week Data: (User request: tc39/ecma402#6 )
- Prior Arts:
- weekstart JS Library to get first day of week. getWeekStartByRegion(RegionCode) / getWeekStartByLocale(locale);
- mozIntl.getCalendarInfo( locale )
- "date-fns/is_weekend" an non-i18n weekend javascript library
- 'date-fns/start_of_week' an non-i18n weekend javascript library
- JS code snippet of non-i18n solution on stackoverflow
- ICU4J Calendar.getWeekData() and Calendar.WeekData
- ICU Calendar
- Prior Arts:
Hour CycleDROPPED by Champion- Direction (User request: tc39/ecma402#205 )
Measurement System:Prior Arts:
Locale Information is necessary for many low level operations.
- Direction in textInfo will be needed for layout, and for localization information (bidi boundaries with placeholders etc.)
- WeekInfo will be needed for calendar widgets and applications to display correct monthly and weekly views.
Add methods to Intl to get object to contains group of information:
let he = new Intl.Locale("he")
// {firstDay: 7, weekend: [5, 6]}
let af = new Intl.Locale("af")
// {firstDay: 7, weekend: [6, 7]}
enGB = new Intl.Locale("en-GB")
// {firstDay: 1, weekend: [6, 7]}
let msBN = new Intl.Locale("ms-BN")
// {firstDay: 7, weekend: [5, 7]} // Brunei weekend is Friday and Sunday but not Saturday
Monday is 1 and Sunday is 7, as defined by ISO-8861 and followed by Temporal proposal
l = new Intl.Locale("ar")
let ti = l.getTextInfo();
// { direction: "rtl" }
// rtl
~/v8/v8$ out/x64.release/d8 --harmony_intl_locale_info
V8 version 9.1.0 (candidate)
d8> ar = new Intl.Locale("ar")
d8> ar.getCalendars()
["gregory", "coptic", "islamic", "islamic-civil", "islamic-tbla"]
d8> ar.getCollations()
["compat", "emoji", "eor"]
d8> ar.getHourCycles()
d8> ar.getNumberingSystems()
d8> ar.getTimeZones()
d8> arEG = new Intl.Locale("ar-EG")
d8> arEG.getCalendars()
["gregory", "coptic", "islamic", "islamic-civil", "islamic-tbla"]
d8> arEG.getCollations()
["compat", "emoji", "eor"]
d8> arEG.getHourCycles()
d8> arEG.getNumberingSystems()
d8> arEG.getTimeZones()
d8> arSA = new Intl.Locale("ar-SA")
d8> arSA.getCalendars()
["islamic-umalqura", "gregory", "islamic", "islamic-rgsa"]
d8> arSA.getCollations()
["compat", "emoji", "eor"]
d8> arSA.getHourCycles()
d8> arSA.getNumberingSystems()
d8> arSA.getTimeZones()
timeZones: ["Asia/Riyadh"]
d8> ja = new Intl.Locale("ja")
d8> ja.getCalendars()
["gregory", "japanese"]
d8> ja.getCollations()
["unihan", "emoji", "eor"]
d8> ja.getHourCycles()
d8> ja.getNumberingSystems()
d8> ja.getTimeZones()
d8> jaJP = new Intl.Locale("ja-JP")
d8> jaJP.getCalendars()
["gregory", "japanese"]
d8> jaJP.getCollations()
["unihan", "emoji", "eor"]
d8> jaJP.getHourCycles()
d8> jaJP.getNumberingSystems()
d8> jaJP.getTimeZones()
d8> enUS = new Intl.Locale("en-US")
d8> enUS.getCalendars()
d8> enUS.getCollations()
["emoji", "eor"]
d8> enUS.getHourCycles()
d8> enUS.getNumberingSystems()
d8> enUS.getTimeZones()
["America/Adak", "America/Anchorage", "America/Boise", "America/Chicago", "America/Denver", "America/Detroit", "America/Indiana/Knox", "America/Indiana/Marengo", "America/Indiana/Petersburg", "America/Indiana/Tell_City", "America/Indiana/Vevay", "America/Indiana/Vincennes", "America/Indiana/Winamac", "America/Indianapolis", "America/Juneau", "America/Kentucky/Monticello", "America/Los_Angeles", "America/Louisville", "America/Menominee", "America/Metlakatla", "America/New_York", "America/Nome", "America/North_Dakota/Beulah", "America/North_Dakota/Center", "America/North_Dakota/New_Salem", "America/Phoenix", "America/Sitka", "America/Yakutat", "Pacific/Honolulu"]
d8> enNZ = new Intl.Locale("en-NZ")
d8> enNZ.getCalendars()
d8> enNZ.getCollations()
["emoji", "eor"]
d8> enNZ.getHourCycles()
d8> enNZ.getNumberingSystems()
d8> enNZ.getTimeZones()
["Pacific/Auckland", "Pacific/Chatham"]
d8> zh = new Intl.Locale("zh")
d8> zh.getCalendars()
["gregory", "chinese"]
d8> zh.getCollations()
["pinyin", "big5han", "gb2312han", "stroke", "unihan", "zhuyin", "emoji", "eor"]
d8> zh.getHourCycles()
d8> zh.getNumberingSystems()
d8> zh.getTimeZones()
d8> zhTW = new Intl.Locale("zh-TW")
d8> zhTW.getCalendars()
["gregory", "roc", "chinese"]
d8> zhTW.getCollations()
["stroke", "big5han", "gb2312han", "pinyin", "unihan", "zhuyin", "emoji", "eor"]
d8> zhTW.getHourCycles()
d8> zhTW.getNumberingSystems()
d8> zhTW.getTimeZones()
d8> zhHK = new Intl.Locale("zh-HK")
d8> zhHK.getCalendars()
["gregory", "chinese"]
d8> zhHK.getCollations()
["stroke", "big5han", "gb2312han", "pinyin", "unihan", "zhuyin", "emoji", "eor"]
d8> zhHK.getHourCycles()
d8> zhHK.getNumberingSystems()
d8> zhHK.getTimeZones()
d8> fa = new Intl.Locale("fa")
d8> fa.getCalendars()
["persian", "gregory", "islamic", "islamic-civil", "islamic-tbla"]
d8> fa.getCollations()
["emoji", "eor"]
d8> fa.getHourCycles()
d8> fa.getNumberingSystems()
d8> fa.getTimeZones()
l = new Intl.Locale("ar")
let unitInfo = l.unitInfo;
// {measurementSystem: "metric"}
// metric
l = new Intl.Locale("en-GB")
// {measurementSystem: "uksystem"}
l = new Intl.Locale("en-GB")
// {measurementSystem: "uksystem"}
l = new Intl.Locale("en")
// {measurementSystem: "ussystem"}
Polyfill | Repo |
@bart-krakowski/get-week-info-polyfill | @bart-krakowski/get-week-info-polyfill |